After the party is over.

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Sorry, but I just have to include one of my favorite drinking memes here, (So, not mine) 

Sorry, but I just have to include one of my favorite drinking memes here, (So, not mine) 

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He woke with the worst headache of his life. 

He twisted in his bed, groaning to himself. 
He needed several minutes only to figure out why he felt like there was an anvil hammering inside his head. 
Then he sat up as if a bolt of lighting hit him. 
He'd been at Jin's last night and he- oh holy son of a gun, he got drunk with the four F-squat!
He hastily rocked to the side, scrambling in search for his phone. When he found it, he let out a relived sigh. Only six. 
He wasn't too late for school. At least one small mercy!

He sat up and then felt like puking, his stomach lurching. He'd never felt so sick before but it wouldn't stop him from turning up at school. Nothing ever would! 

He calmed his breathing and then followed his morning routine of showering, getting dressed, trying to think back to what happened at Jin's. 
He'd been nervous and uncomfortable at the beginning. They'd played video games. They had drinks, and then went to play table tennis and then- nothing. He couldn't remember what happened after.
How did he get home? 
Shit.... what about his bike? No, no, no... no bike would mean being late and he was never late!

He grabbed his jacket and backpack and hurried downstairs. 
"Morning, sunshine!" 
He nearly lost his footing but caught himself at the last second, staring up at Misses Yang in the doorframe of her little apartment, dresses in a dark, purple night-robe and wearing an amused and mysterious expression. 
"Had fun last night?"
"Uh... I think?" he replied, scratching the back of his head. He could definitely remember the feeling of being... happy? Relieved? 

"You think? Ha, I bet you've been pondering about what happened last night all morning, am I right? Such a lovely gift, that hangover..."
"I remember just fine," he lied, feeling like he had to defend himself. Or maybe trying to get back some of his dignity. 

He glanced past Misses Yang and down to the front door, the let out a frustrated groan. 
"Missing something, cupcake?"

He ground his teeth, not ready to admit it yet, but yes, he was missing something and that was his way to get to school. He would be late for the first time in his life. 

The doorbell rang shrill and loud through the hallway. 

Misses Yang didn't look the least bit surprised, only nodded her head towards the door. 
"You should get it. I'm an old Lady who's bones are brittle and ah-" she held her back, suddenly hunching over with a pained expression. "My back!" 
Jimin rolled his eyes. 
"You're absolutely ridiculous."
He took the four steps down and then skipped the last three with a jump, landing on graceful feet. 
He opened the door, his mind already occupied with figuring out the fastest way to make it to school. Maybe if he ran...

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