A Taste of Happiness

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"You don't have to drink, if you don't want to."

Jimin, for a change, did not look away from Jungkook as he set the glass to his lips and took a generous sip. It was sweet and delicious but the warmth spreading in his stomach was a strange, new feeling. 

He'd made the decision without thinking about it too much. 
Maybe he wanted to have fun. Maybe this was what he had secretly dreamed of in the little bunk bed in his little attic room at night. 
Jungkook smiled and nodded his head, raising his own glass. 
"Well, I'll drink to that then," he announced and drowned his glass. Jimin tried- and failed, not to watch his throat work as he swallowed. 
Thankfully he managed to look away before Jungkook finished and pretended to be absolutely fascinated with the intricate vase on a little shelf. 

Jungkook chuckled but kept quiet. 
Jimin took another sip, finding the warmth spreading in his stomach to be a quite pleasant feeling. 

"So, whose up for table tennis?" Jin proposed and immediately got a very strong, vocal agreement from all. 
Yet again, he found himself dragged along to another room. Jungkook and Taehyung immediately went to set up the table and Jimin got the feeling they felt at home here- almost like-

"Wait- you all live here?"

The question was out before he could stop himself. 

Yoongi, beer in hand, smiled at him, and for once he did not have to look up at someone . It was nice for a change. "Not officially. We all have our own apartments. But we spend most of our time at Jin's so you could almost say we unofficially moved in."

"You're really close." 
He didn't know himself whether it was a question or a statement. 

"We are. They are my brothers in every sense that matters."

Jimin found that beautiful and he looked at them all. Would he ever have something like that?

"I wasn't going to mention this today, but..."Yoongi bit his lip, looking slightly uncertain. 
"I know the other day when we came to the diner, you felt uncomfortable. I get why, you know." 
"You do?" He nodded, leaning back against the wall. A shadow flickered over his features. 

"I was poor once. I lived off ramen noodles and cold soup, working for a delivery service to make some money on the sides next to school."
Jimin gaped at him. Yoongi? Poor? 
"Surprising, isn't it? Well, my parents never had much money and I had to help out very early. You could say my parents were not exactly thrilled when they learned I wanted to become a music producers. It comes with a lot of uncertainty. An office job would have at least guaranteed a steady income. But I had a dream. And I knew I was good at making music. So I worked my ass off to get where I am today. And you know what I realized?"

Jimin had no words so he only shook his head. 
Yoongi smiled to himself. 
"What makes me happy isn't  the flat screen in my house or the king-sized water bed, though it's comfortable as hell. The thing making me wake up with a smile each day is the realization that I came from nothing and still made it this far with nothing but my persistence, my ambition and a dream. And I think you are the same. That's why I'm really happy you came today. Don't ever let anyone tell you what you're supposed to do. You find your own way."

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