Brother's Fates

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Chung-Ho was still holding his eyes shut like they hurt while Jimin descended the last staircase His brother took a long, steading breath and looked up.
And then choked in utter surprise as he found Jimin a few feet away from him, his eyes huge and vulnerable.
But not again. He would not fall for it again.
Only the farthest part of his mind registered the purple-black bruises around his left eyes and the split lip.

"Jimin," he breathed and he sounded just as authentic as he had back then. So loving. So caring. Such a perfect older brother.

"Gods... you really are here."

Ha, as if he didn't know! He really thought Jimin would buy that? This act?

Chung-Ho took half a stop forward before stopping himself, a pained expression crossing his face. He was an even better actor than Seong-min, if that was even possible.
"Are out all right?"

"All right?" he found himself whispering, echoing him. All right? How in all seven, bloody hells could he be all right? What a stupid question! What a pitiful game!

Had Seong-min asked him here? To dangle yet more painful memories in front of his face? That would just fit both of them!

"Look, Jimmy... I know.. God's, I don't even know what to say. Just that I'm so glad I found you."

Jimin laughed.
He laughed loud and clear and with his whole body.
"Oh- oh, this is brilliant. This is... hilarious, Chung-Ho."

"Jimin?" his worried question came and Jimin managed to stop laughing hysterically.

"Are you here to gloat, brother?" he hissed, his voice cold and cruel. Finally. After all this time, he finally managed the anger in his voice, in his veins, everywhere in him.

"Is this what you wanted? It wasn't enough to have me out of your life? You had to ruin everything else too? Every possibility of me being happy?"

Chung-Ho flinched, taking a step back as Jimin took one forward, his steps led by rage and fury he though he was no longer capable of- thought he was too broken to summon.

"What's next, hmm? Are you going to hold me down while he rapes me? Is that why you're here? You want to see me cry and trash and beg for help and then laugh at my face again? What was it that you said that night? That I liked to get fucked like a whore by men? Are you planning to watch it next?"

Horror flashed over his face as he shook his head, tears running down his face. It only made Jimin angrier. How dare he cry! How dare his act!
"No, Jimin, it's not like that. I didn't mean to say those things. I'-I'm sorry. I'll n-never be able to tell you how much...Gods," he sobbed, not moving even as Jimin took another step closer.

He didn't buy it. Lies. All lies coming out of his mouth and it was like his brother could see his thoughts on his face.
"Please, Jimin. Please... let me explain."

"Explain? Explain what? How you and Seong-Min live only to make my life miserable? Well con-fucking-gratulation, you did brilliantly. I've lost Okay?" his voice broke but he forced the rest out too.
"I already lost everything, what else do you want from me? What else can I give you to make you stop hurting me! Tell me."
He tasted something salty on his lips.
He hadn't even realized he was crying.
The anger and hate was replaced by his hopelessness. Like the rage had been nothing but a fleeting, last resort of his heart and now there was truly nothing left.
"What do you want? Tell me and I give it to you. Just please stop hurting me. Please!"

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