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The consequences have me like:

The consequences have me like:

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Oh, and not to forget: 

Oh, and not to forget: 

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He's always with us guys!

By the way, no, I'm totally not sorry for writing this, you're welcome...


"Jungkook! We're in school!" Jimin let out on a rattling breath but the younger didn't drop his wicked grin. 
"So? If you want me to stop, you have to come up with something more convincing." 

His thumb shot out, tracing over his lower lip and making his next words sound like nothing more but a trembling whisper. 
"What if someone hears?"

Jungkook tilted his head and accompanied with that grin, he looked like a predator, seizing up his prey. And that prey was Jimin.
"I have a solution to that, don't worry."
He never got to finish his sentence. One moment he was standing there, pressed against Jungkook's chest and in the next he stumbled back as the taller walked him backwards, the hand on his cheek having dropped to his neck by which he was pushed. 

He prepared for the impact of the wall of mirrors Jungkook was pushing him towards, but it never came. Inches before, the younger grabbed his shoulder and turned him so fast, he would have lost his footing if not for the steadying hand reaching around his lower waist. 

He stood there breathless, facing the mirror and meeting Jungkook's eyes through it. 
And even though he never crashed into the wall, his breath flew out of him, seeing the taller tower behind him. 
"Wanna know the first consequence of pouting in front of me?" Jungkook ground out, his mouth buried in his hair close to his ear, the hot breath setting his entire body on flame. 

And before Jimin could reply anything, the hand around his waist pressed him back. Back against Jungkook and the hard, demanding pressure poking his lower back. 
Oh seven hells!
Oh mother Jesus in bloody heaven...

Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfiction ※ 18+Where stories live. Discover now