Repetition of the Past

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Sooo.... like I promised. You're reaaaaly gonna hate this one... 


Seong-Min had not taken one step into the house before he turned to him, clasped his wrist in a painful grip and pulled Jimin after him so fast, he stumbled and nearly fell. Song-Min didn't care, only pulled him more forcefully, tears of pain shooting into his eyes as he was dragged up the stairs, then left and Seong-Min banged open a door, shoving him inside.
He stumbled in and the force was too strong, unable to regain his balance and he landed on all fours on a dark-blue carpet.

The door banged shut with a boom and Jimin jerked in fear, his lips trembling as he turned, then gasped in shock, Seong-Min directly in front of his face, his eyes cruel and dark as he grabbed Jimin by the neck and pulled him up, then walked him back until he crashed into the wall, a gasp of pain shooting out of him by the force of the impact, his head exploding in pain as it connected with the wall.

Seong-Min towered over him, his body pressing him harder against the wall and he hated the way his body remembered him. Once upon a time, under very different circumstances, he might have liked this. But now, there was nothing but fear as Seong-Min tilted his head closer, a snarl on his face as he hissed: "So, darling, how are you enjoying this holiday so far?"

"Seong-Min... please. You're.. you're hurting me," he croaked out, his body trembling with the fear and pain.
Seong-Min only chuckled darkly.
"Oh, come one, my little Jimmy. We both know you like it rough. You loved it when I used to do this."

He had. Not anymore. And Seong-Min saw that in his eyes, his expression darkening.
"I suppose you only like it when Jungkook does it now, am I right? Does he give it to you good? Does he make you scream his name while he fucks you, the way you once screamed mine?"

Anger and hate made his voice tremble and next to his fear, the confusion seethed into him.
"Why?" he mumbled out, tears streaming down his face. "Why do you care? You never wanted me, you said it yourself. You were only with me because Chung-Ho asked you to. You said I wasn't even that pretty and laughed in my face for thinking I could ever have someone like you. So why are you doing this?"

The anger blazing in Seong-Min's eyes only confused him more as the boy snarled, the grip around his throat tightening, cutting of his air for a moment before lessening slightly, making him snap for the lost oxygen like a fish on dry land.

"I was fucking drunk, Jimin! And I didn't know back then. I really thought it was just a game of mine. But then you were gone. I never thought you had the balls to leave like that. And when I realized you weren't coming back-" he let out an angry growl, his face coming even closer so Jimin could feel his breath on his cheeks, his black hair tickling his forehead.
"I went nuts. I looked for you. I wanted you back, because you were mine. You will always be mine. You gave me all your firsts. First love, first kiss, first fuck. First everything! I realized that the thought of someone else having your heart, your body- it drove me fucking insane. There can only be me."

Jimin's mouth parted in surprise and through the chokehold he managed to croak out: "You're insane! You fucking crazy! You broke my heart. You had me, all of me and you broke me for fun! For some twisted game you played with my brother! How could you think you would ever get my love again?"

Seong-Min's body trembled, his eyes heated and blazing as he brought his other hand up to his face. Jimin stood there rigid as Seong-Min let a thumb stroke over his lips, the touch making Jimin shudder in disgust.
His voice was lower, his anger replaced by- no... no it couldn't be what he thought it was.

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