Road to Hell

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Talking about going to hell... I'll get a VIP pass I think... this time, however, not for the smutty stuff, but because I created a friggin psycho! 


He sat in the car on his personal way to hell. 

He'd managed to convince Jungkook to go, only after begging and assuring him he would be fine and he would love to spent some time with his friends and boyfriend over the holidays. Jungkook had still not seemed convinced, but eventually agreed. 
And voilà, here he was: in a car filled with beaming, happy people exited to go to the sea while he was drowning in fear and panic for what was to come. 

He hadn't changed his mind about wanting to fight for Jungkook. He was still determined. Only he had not a single clue as to the how. How could he make Seong-Min stop? How could he stop any of this from escalating? 
He felt like he was betraying them all, sending them into the lion's den. 

Not even the atmosphere in the car could lift his spirits. They had taken Hoseok's family car, spacey and comfortable for the seven of them, the windows rolled down to let in the warm, summer wind and the music turned up to max. They were singing along, Jin driving with one leg popped up since it was an automatic while the other's moved to the beat in their seats. 

Jimin had his head popped up on Jungkook's shoulders, trying to keep that damn smile on his face and sing along, even as he felt like crying and hiding under a blanket until these three days were over. 

Leonie, Chanyeol and Baekhyun had already arrived at the house and bombarded their phones with pictures of how beautiful it was. 
Jimin had taken one glance at them and felt like puking. 

Seong-Min's parents vacation house. 
He'd been there before. 

Seong-Min had taken him the last summer they had been together. It was probably the happiest memory he ever had of him. For a whole weekend, he thought himself to be the luckiest guy, getting to spend so much time with the boy he loved. And Seong-Min... he'd been perfect. Caring, sweet, gentle and yes- also rough and indecent, because that was what Jimin liked and Seong-Min knew that too. He called up his face now- the way it had looked in the summer heat, swimming in the sea, his jet-black hair wet and his chest naked, laughing brightly at him. He didn't want to, but it hurt. It still hurt so damn much knowing it had all been a lie. Jimin didn't understand how he'd done it: looked so happy and in love with him.

And now he was returning to that place with a boy he did not only love, but who truly loved him back. 
They even looked alike, both tall and raven-haired and a face of undying beauty. 
He hated it. Hated that he would even compare the two of them. They were nothing alike. Seong-min was a monster while Jungkook was his savior- his black, beautiful angel who had pulled him out of the darkness Seong-Min had placed there. 

"Ya! Jimin, you're not even singing along. You love this song!" Hoseok suddenly called and Jimin had been so lost in the past, he jumped in surprise as he was brought back to the here and now. He glanced to the side at Jungkook. 
Shit! He had to do better, because the worry and suspicion in his eyes were blazing and prominent. He quickly put on a wide, fake smile and said: "Sorry, JK was just too comfortable." 
They all laughed. Safe for Jungkook- and Namjoon, their expression dark and doubtful. 

Jimin groaned on the inside. 
This was about to be such a hell-trip!


His heart was hammering out of his chest as they pulled into the familiar drive-way, the other's letting out hoots and whistles as the massive mansion came into view. 
And even though he'd been here before, he felt the same. It was beautiful. build in white Victorian style with columns reaching up and creating the front entrance, large, decorated windows and a neat lawn around it. But the boys would be even more speechless if they would see the way it opens up to the sea with a massive terrace, high pillars to create a roof and then a beautifully kept garden until a private sand-beach led directly into the sea. 

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