Being Brave

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Seriously, I will never not make sure you have at least a shot of redemption 😂

So here's your daily dose of Namjesus to keep you pure.

So here's your daily dose of Namjesus to keep you pure

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The bathroom was massive, the furniture modern and a shiny white while the tiles were black, offering a nice contrast. 
And Jungkook hadn't been lying when he said the bathtub was massive. 
It was raised on a little platform in the corner, the tub itself cut into a triangle and was at least big enough for four people. 

"This isn't a bathtub, Jungkook, this is a whirlpool!"
"And it's hella comfortable," the younger only said, then stepped father into the room, still carrying him as if he weight nothing. 

Gently and with so much care, he sat him down on a little stool next to the tub and only drew away after placing a soft kiss on his forehead. 

Jimin's heart swelled with all the love he felt for him, and he barely took notice of the flash of fear which always immediately followed. 

He watched the way Jungkook skillfully prepared the bath, making sure the temperature was alright and then added some scented soap which filled the room immediately. 
He rose to his full height and reached behind his head, easily slipping off his shirt and Jimin's mouth turned dry. Jungkook's beauty was astonishing and breath-taking and beyond imagination all at once, his broad shoulders, the tones abs which ended in a narrow waist... Perfection. 

"Jimin? You wanna make it into that tub? Because if you do, you'll have to stop looking at me like that."

His head snapped up to find Jungkook staring down at him with a one-sided grin. 
He blushed but didn't look away. Jungkook's jaw ticked and he took a large step which had him stand directly in front of him. 
"Raise you're arms." 
He did. He always did what he asked when he spoke like that. 
Jungkook smiled wider and reached down to pull up his shirt, messing up his hair as he slipped it over his head. 

Jungkook's mouth parted as he let the shirt drop to the floor, his eyes glued to Jimin and he saw that wonder shine out again. Like every time he saw Jimin, it took his breath away too. 

Slowly her reached out to touch his chin, traced his jaw before his thumb landed on his lips again, stroking over them with a slight tremble to his finger. 

"So beautiful," he murmured like he was caught in a dream. His eyes lingered on his lips, his eyes darkening as he seemed to ring for control. 
Jimin sat there, unable to move or look away, until a small, cheeky smile wandered onto the taller's face once more including a teasing raise of his eyebrows.
"So, are you ready to show me some more of that bravery?"

Jimin swallowed hard but managed to look into his eyes with a small nod and the let out on a shaky breath:" What do you want me to do?"
"Well, I'm not sure, but I think taking a bath with my pants on will be a bit strange, don't you think?"
Heat short through him. Was he...?
His eyes shot down to the rim of his pants, his mouth parting in surprise. 

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