The Boy Who Never Knew

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Things changed.
But not like gradually over a long time so he could slowly get used to it.
More like he came to school on Monday and heard his name everywhere.
People were staring at him, whispering hastily as they passed him. Several of them came up to him and started talking to him, making conversation like they knew him, spoke his name like they had been long time friends. Some even threw an arm around him and one girl in his dance class had hugged him the second he'd stepped into the room.

He knew why people were suddenly so interested in him. How could he not when his name was always shortly followed by one of the golden group's names. That was their unofficial name in school. Jimin found it a little unimaginative, but fitting none the least. Jungkook and the other's really were the golden students, outshining everyone. Jimin didn't blame them for being so famous, even as he wished they weren't. All those staring eyes, all that attention and approaching him was just too much. 
So it was no surprise that by lunch break, he had locked himself inside his usual practice room and was having a mental breakdown.

Even with opening up to the boys and becoming their friend, even with telling Jungkook about his past and confessing to him that he knew he loved him....
Having so many people stare at him, talk to him, touch him....
He'd been a mess again stuttering and blushing and just wanting to disappear into the floor.

He sat in the corner, his back leaning against the wall while he had his knees drawn up, hugging them close to his body, his head buried between them. Finally some silence and nothing but dark quiet. He couldn't even bring himself to dance and that was saying something. 

A knock came. 

He groaned on the inside, not wanting to give away that he was inside.
Great! Couldn't he get five freaking minutes of peace? 
He ignored it, hoping whoever was in front of that locked door would go away again. 

The knock came again, soft but persistent and then: 
"Jimin? You in there? It's me." 

His head shot up from his knees.

He was up before he even knew what he was doing, running to the door to unlock it, nearly stumbling over his own feet. 
And then there he was.
He was back in dark clothes, his camera, for a change, in a little camera bag slung around his chest and hanging to the side at his hips. 

He didn't wait for him to say anything. He didn't give him the chance to as he threw himself forward and into his arm. His musky, lavender scent wrapped around him as he pressed his head against his broad chest and felt his arms come around his back, holding him close. 

"Hey, you okay Baby?" he heard his worried question against his ear, but Jimin couldn't speak. He felt more relaxed and safer than he had being alone in that room with his head between his knees. This was all he needed. For Jungkook to hold him and make him feel like everything was going to be okay. 

"I thought you might be hiding in here," the younger continued to softly say to him, a hand playing with the hair at his nape, comforting and calming while the other managed the same by rubbing up and down along the curve of his spine.

"I heard about the way people are talking. I'm sorry I didn't come earlier." 

How could he? Jungkook had classes too and he couldn't just drop everything just because Jimin was loosing it because of some people talking about and to him. 

"And...don't freak out, but I thought you might want to get some moral support so... I brought the boys." 

Jimin pushed against his chest, stepping away to look behind him. 

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