Bananamilk and Unicorns

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"W-what... are you doing h-here?" he breathed, shock and embarrassment clogging his throat again. 
This couldn't be happening. What in the figgedy-nuggets was this? 
Coincidence? He doubted it. 
He'd been working in this diner for over a year now and no one from his school had ever shown up. And today of all days, it was Jungkook and his friends who decided drive all the way out of town to eat in a shit diner?

"We're here to eat. This is a diner, right?"
He only kept gaping at him. At all of them. This was his worst nightmare come to life: the six of them dressed stylishly and sitting there with easy grins while he wore a catastrophe of colors and burning red cheeks, mute yet again. 

"JK, stop it. It's okay, Jimin," Taehyung offered and Jimin nearly choked. So apparently they all knew his name now. Taehyung's smile was friendly and cute, but Jimin could not see beyond the horror of this nightmare come alive and sitting in front of him. 
"We're just here to eat something."
Eat? In a diner like this? When every single one of them had enough money to afford a three meal course in a four-star restaurant? He doubted it. Food sucked. The chairs were uncomfortable and HE was the waiter, so no good service either!

"Hey, you okay?" Namjoon asked, his brows drawn together in slight worry. 
Only now Jimin realized his lips had started to tremble- or maybe his entire body was. 
He couldn't get a word out, his throat dry and closed off as he lowered his head, trying to fight his rising panic by looking anywhere else but their faces. 
He stumbled back and smacked into a chest. He was almost as tall as Jungkook, if not a lot skinnier. 
Turning around, he saw it was Min-Woo, studying him with a frown, both hands protectively at his shoulder, steading him. His eyes skipped from him: his red cheeks, trembling body and sweaty skin to the six boys on the table. 
His eyes narrowed, his expression turning darker than a moonless night. 
Oh... double shit. 

"Those the boys who caused you trouble, Chimchim?"

There was a choking sound and his head snapped back to the table. All of them had tensed, but it was Jungkook and the expression on his face that made everything in him go still. He looked murderous. He'd never seen him like this. 
His gaze was fixed on the hands holding his shoulders. 
He spoke quietly, but the anger was unchallenged, his jaw clenched and his hands grabbing the table hard.  

Jimin quickly turned back to Min-woo. 
"No, it's nothing like that, Min-Woo. I was just surprised to see them. No trouble at all here."
"You sure?"
He nodded a little too enthusiastically. 
Min-Woo didn't look convinced. 
"If you say so. But since this is my table anyway, why don't you take a breather. I'll handle this."

He could have kissed him, he was that relieved. 
"Shouldn't we get to pick who serves us? We're the customers after all." 
"JK!" Jin Namjoon hissed with a warning look but Jungkook barely seemed to hear him, his eyes still glued to Min-Woo. If looks could kill, Min-Woo would drop dead this very second. 

But he had to give it to the other boy, standing his ground and simply shrugging his shoulders. 
"Don't really care what you want. If you won't place your order with me you can leave."
"Min-Woo!" Jimin exclaimed while sucking in his breath. 
This was not something worth being fired over. 
"It's fine. I-I can handle them. Just finish your meal. I'll be right back with their order."

He finally lifted his gaze from Jungkook to look back down at Jimin, the concern in his eyes nearly taking away his breath. He was not used to people to look at him like that. 

"You sure?
He wasn't but he still nodded. 
With a last warning glance at the six boys, he finally let go of his shoulders and took a step back, but not before adding: "Call me if you need me," and then disappeared in the service door to the kitchen again. 

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