How to have Fun

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Just gonna leave that here and let you guys figure out why... 


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Wednesday came way too quickly and he was freaking out. 

He nearly got hid by two cars on his way home because he couldn't focus on the road and then almost forgot to buy Jjajangmyeon. 
He only remembered the last second and then had to turn around after already getting off his bike in front of the door. 

"You're late," was Misses Yang's way of greeting as she let him in. 
"Sorry, practice took a bit longer today."
That and the fact he had sat in the practice room for almost an hour in silence thinking of a thousand excuses not to show up at Jin's. 
"Well, get a move on, I'm starving!" the old woman said ushering him to the table. 

He barely managed to take a single bite before he felt sick, dropping the chopsticks. 
"You're quiet again." 
He took a long breath, rather getting it over right now. She would find out anyways when he left again. That woman had a hearing like an owl. 
"I'm meeting some people later tonight."
Her eyebrows shot up and she dropped her chopsticks too. 
"Are you... saying you are meeting friends? God forbid, have some fun?"

"Maybe?" he mumbled under his breath, not meeting her eyes. But he did see the wicked smirk forming on her lips. He rolled his eyes. Here we go...

"Does it have anything to do with a certain tall, dark-haired prince?"

He groaned, loud and frustrated. 
"He's so not a prince! And I'm just meeting him so he'll leave me alone afterwards." 

"Sure," she mused.
He gripped the table hard. 
Damn Jungkook!
After an exhausting weekend of covering more table for their sick co-worker, Jimin had entered the school on Monday only to find out Jungkook had indeed managed the impossible and got cast in the upcoming performance. The entire university had been talking about him. Jungkook this, Jungkook that. Jungkook was so talented. Jungkook was so good at everything. Jungkook was so damn perfect. Damn him! He couldn't even enjoy the fact he was cast as main lead. 

Luckily he hadn't run into him in the hallway or outside, but Hoseok had come up to him in practice yesterday and handed him Jin's address, smiling brightly and telling him he was looking forward to them hanging out.
He was about to make such a fool out of himself. 

"I have no idea what to do," he quietly admitted into the silence that had stretched. 
Misses Yang sighed, leaning back in her chair. 
"Just be yourself."
"Yeah, right," he snorted, burying his head in his hands. 
"How about you go in my place? I'm sure they'll have much more fun with you around than a mute like me." 
She laughed, bright a clear. "Of course. Just hand me the address."
He glanced at her through his hands. 
"You think I would decline an offer to spent a few hours with- how did you call them? Fabulous, famous, fun and friggin handsome? I'd be in heaven!"

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