The Swan

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The next two weeks were a mixture of the most challenging and the most amazing time he'd ever had. 

School, as expected, had been chaos. The news about Jungkook and him had exploded like a nuclear bomb all across campus and even off it. He could hear it everywhere, people no longer caring to whisper but loudly spoke as he passed them on the hallway. And when Jungkook was with him, a whole hoard of students followed them, taking pictures and screeching in excitement. There were also some less positive reaction of course. Some shot them disgusted faces and called them names. Fags, disgusting gays, sinners and so on. It hurt, even as he tried to ignore it. He just couldn't understand why some people felt the need to make other's feel down just because of who they loved. What did they care? He wasn't asking them to be interested in his life, so why did they feel the need to voice their disgust when it had absolutely nothing to do with them and their love was in no way threatening their way of life?
But despite it all, he had Jungkook. He had the boys too and they were always by his side, giving him strength and support. He wasn't alone anymore, so why should he care what some jealous, pitiful strangers thought of his sexual orientation or his choices in life? 

And being with Jungkook and the others these past two weeks had been bliss. 
Yes, he still had a lot to do with practice and work, trying to balance it with his friends and boyfriend. Sometimes it worked, sometimes he missed them terrible when he was too busy at the diner or with practicing for the upcoming performance. Okay, well, at least he had Jungkook training with him whenever the younger could make time. Studying three major however, meant he also had a lot of work to do. 

But things had changed drastically for Jimin. 
He made other friends next to the boys. 
He greeted Taemin and Kai with handshakes and wide grins, sometimes met them for lunch or had a quick coffee with them after school. He also got to meet Leonie, Tae's best friend and boy, Jin had been right. He adored her. She was stunningly beautiful as he he'd said but more than that, she was both sweet, funny and utterly ridiculous, just what Jimin loved. She had him wrapped around his finger the moment they were introduced. She had beamed at him, then asked if she could give him a hug because she was so happy he had made such progress and was happy with Jungkook. It was incredibly heartwarming to hear, but the fact that she'd asked before falling around his neck had made him not only respect her but feel completely safe around her. No stuttering, no turning red, nothing. And he had found his new hobby as well, which was teasing her. She was super cute when she was teased. 

He met her boyfriend Baekhyun as well. And even though he still felt terrible for Tae and wanted to help, Baekhyun had to be funniest, most adorable boy he'd ever met. He truly was like his cousin, if not way more childish, if that was even possible. And he saw the way he and Leonie smiled at each other, hugged and held hands. Never more than that, almost as if they knew it would hurt Tae if he saw them kiss or be more intimate. It made it so much harder to hate them for being together. 
One Wednesday evening, when they had thrown a little part, he also met other people, including Baekhyun's childhood friend Chanyeol, the two of them inseparable, even when Leonie was around, but the brunette girl didn't seem to care, smiled even more brightly when she saw them have fun together. She truly was an angel. 

But of course, just because he had finally opened up and made friends, he didn't forget about the people that had been by his side before. He often had Min-Woo sit at the diner table with the others when it wasn't busy and they all got along great. Hell, even he and Jungkook had started talking without threats and insinuation, although they still enacted in some heavy staring contests. For some reason though, he had the weird feeling Min-Woo secretly liked Jungkook. And Jungkook's jealousy over the boy felt more like a little game now. A game he kept up because that was simply enjoying it. 

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