I Promised

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Suuurprise! We get another JK POV chapter!! (even if it's short) 


Jungkook POV

He scratched another place off his list, then sank back into the sofa with a groan, rubbing his aching head. Actually, everything ached, his heart most of all. It hadn't stopped. Not when he was awake or asleep, with friends or alone, outside or in his flat. 

Another dead end.

"Look, maybe we should go see Misses Yang one more time?"

Jungkook let out a sigh as he shook his head at Yoongi's suggestion.
They had all come, just as they had for the past three weeks, sitting in his messy flat. There were opened cans and ramen cups littered everywhere, his clothes carelessly thrown on the floor and paper covered every inch of the modern glass table. He used to like having his flat clean. Now he couldn't even be bothered to bring out the trash. 

"She told us everything she knows," he let out, not able to keep the defeat out of his voice. He wouldn't give up. Never. But the hopelessness and frustration grew with every day- no every hour without him. 
"He's been gone three weeks. We've searched every possible place she'd come up with and found nothing."
He threw the pen he'd been holding onto the floor, not caring where it landed, then buried his head into his hands. 

"Hey," Namjoon sighed, then came to his side, rubbing his shoulders. "We'll find him Okay? We're not giving up. None of us." 

Jungkook breathed in and out, trying to fight the pain. The crushing ache of his heart. 
"I promised," he mumbled into his hands, his eyes dampening against his best tries. 
"I promised I wouldn't let him run away." 

"We know," Tae offered, having come to his side too and squeezing his leg in comfort. He knew they were hurting too. Both about Jimin 's disappearance and because of him. But they didn't understand. They hadn't seen him that night. 

The room was completely silent for a long time, something that had never happened before this. There was always someone cracking a joke or fooling around, laughter never far around the corner. 

"Jungkook," came Jin's silent whisper and when Jungkook looked up, he wished he hadn't. They wanted to find Jimin too, but he also saw their doubt. Their worry and fear. That Jimin had meant what he'd said that night. Jungkook, through many tears and sobs, had been able to tell them- told them everything he'd said, everything that happened. And after the initial shock and the disbelieve, there had been doubt too. He saw it now. In Jin's eyes and in everyone else's, even Namjoon's. 

"No. Jimin would have never left me like that. There had to be another reason, I know it. I know he loves me, Okay? And I need to find him so I can ask him what the real reason was. And I need to tell him I'm sorry. I-" he choked on his tears, but he had to say it. "Sorry that I didn't stop him that day the way I promised I would."

Hoseok shook his had with a sad, worried frown, his usual smiley nature nowhere to be seen. 
"He didn't give you much choice, JK."
"I should have fought harder!"
Namjoon patted his shoulder again as if trying to make the anger at himself go away. 
"We'll keep looking Jungkook. I promise we will, but...we also want you to be prepared for what we might find."

Jungkook pressed his fingers to his eyes, trying to make the blurring in them go away. 
"Jimin. It's Jimin we'll find."

"JK... oh, JK," Tae murmured. "We- we all noticed he was acting weird before that day- during Chuseok and even the week leading up to it. I'm not saying that it's the truth, only a possibility but what he said- his reasons for leaving you, it-"
"Don't tell me it makes sense, Tae, because it fucking doesn't!" 
Tae jerked away from him, the hand falling from his leg as he stared at him first in shock, then with worry. 
He didn't mean to get so angry, but they just didn't understand. 
"It wasn't Jimin, that night. It wasn't him! I don't know why, Okay? I have no fucking clue why he did it, but he didn't mean it. None of it. I know it!"

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