Little Devil Inside

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Ohhh, how we missed him! 

It's been a long time...

But he's finally back!!!

And it's getting really unholy again

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And it's getting really unholy again....


"Do it a little tighter." 

"Jesus Christ Jimin! If I do it any tighter you will loose your fingers from blood deficiency!"
Jungkook growled. 
"It has to be believable!" Jimin argued. 

He didn't care about the pain. Didn't care the way his sensitive skin was already reddening around the tightly bound cable ties or how his fingers itched with the loss of blood. 
"We only have tonight and it has to look like he had me bound for longer than that."

Jimin puffed out a frustrated sigh, then grabbed his hands and pulled the restrains a little tighter. 
Jimin winced. 
Jungkook's face flashed with worry, so Jimin did the only thing he could think of, smirking up at him. 
"Come on, JK. You can't tell me this is not turning you on a little bit?"
Jungkook's eyes shot up and widened. 

They were alone in the little upstairs room-the one with the sky ceiling. 

Namjoon and Hoseok had gone to buy camera's. Tae had gone with his brother to tail Seong-Min and the school and update them on any of his movement, lest he decided now of all days to come earlier. 
Yoongi and Hoseok were going back to Jungkook's flat where they would hide any evidence of being aware where Jimin might be, unless the police decided to investigate the flat as well. There could be no loose ends. 

"You're pain is not turning me on, Jimin. It's abhorring."
"You left bruises on me before and didn't seem to mind?" he fired back with pursed lips and raised eyebrows. Jungkook looked down at him in both surprise and confusion. 
"Since when are you such a tease, hmm? And I left those bruises under very different circumstances and you enjoyed them." 
"I did," he replied, not afraid to admit it. No longer afraid at all as he blinked up at Jungkook and took half a step closer, his scent engulfing him and just like that, no more pain. 
His bound wrist landed on his strong chest, his finger's playing with the fabric of his shirt as he held the taller's gaze, his eyes wide and caught off guard by Jimin's behavior. 

Jimin was sick of waiting. He had missed him. He'd longed for him. Jesus... he thought he lost him for good and yet here he was. His midnight prince, saving him again. Loving him still.

"Want to make the pain go away, Jungkook-ie?"
Jungkook tensed at his low spoken words- at the way Jimin was blinking up at him and what he saw shimmering in his eyes.
"You saved me, Jungkook. You saved me in more ways you could ever know. You mended my broken heart twice and the second time it took nothing more than an embrace and a smile and you healed all my broken pieces."
The taller shuddered and let a hand travel up his back, seeming unconscious of his movements, like it was nothing he could stop or he was even aware of as he pulled Jimin a little closer. 

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