When the Dust Settles

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Jungkook did not let him out of his sight for the next two days. He swarmed around him like a mother hen, applying ointments to his wrist every ten minutes, didn't let him carry anything heavier than a pillow and cooked him so much food, Jimin's stomach felt like bursting. 

Jimin complained and whined, even as he loved his fuzzing around him. 

The last two days had been overwhelming to say the least and so he gladly let Jungkook take care of him, happy about every calm moment he could find. 

First there was the trip to the hospital to make sure his injury and mental state were noted on paper- proof and evidence they would need for Seong-Min's trial. 

And his body was a masterpiece of bruises and scraped knees from his midnight tumbles in his drunken state, bumping into stuff or tripping over his own feet to the floor. Not to mentioned the angry, red wilts at his wrist. And voilà: evidence of physical abuse. 
A psychologist was called as well and Jimin put on the act of his life. Jungkook appearing midway only made it more believable. The boy came running into the hospital room and upon seeing him, let out a choking sound and then fell around his neck in earth-shattering relieve. Jimin wasn't sure that was an act. Jimin then continued playing the broken, captive boy until the doctor nodded and left, seeming convinced. 

The younger took him back to his place and Jimin slept. Slept soundly and deep for the first time in weeks, buried in Jungkook's embrace, safe and comforted.
But the serenity didn't last long. First thing in the morning, the police knocked on his front door, asking if Jimin was ready to give his testimony. And then it was acting again, while Jungkook held his trembling hand, making up lie after lie, creating the picture of a monster. And he felt not the least bit guilty. Seong-min was a monster, even without doing the things Jimin was making up. He deserved every last bit of what he had coming. 

After they left, Jimin went to see Misses Yang. 
And for the first time since meeting her, the woman cried as she fell around his neck and clung to him like she was never prepared to let him go again. 

Jungkook- perfect, sensible Jungkook- sensed they needed some time alone and left for half an hour, while he told Misses Yang everything. The truth. To her, he would never tell anything but the truth. 
And once he was done, the old lady simply got up and disappeared into the kitchen. Jimin sat at her diner table in confusion until she returned. But not empty handed.
Jimin's eyes widened on the sharp, long kitchen knife in her hand, the woman holding it up like a serial-killer and smiling like one too.  
"So... where are they holding that little fucker?" she asked in a casual voice, like she making conversation about the weather. 
"And do you think I'll make it back in time for my soap opera at eight? I really can't miss it." 

Jimin gaped for several seconds, blinking rashly, then broken out into hilarious laughter which had him fall from the chair.  
God's she was ridiculous! He told her so and finally the woman was smiling again, her wrinkled face transforming into a very special kind of beauty.

When Jungkook came back, he held bags of JJajangmyeon in his hands and the three of them ate lunch at her mini-table while joking and laughing- and making Jimin blush like a bright red tomato. Misses Yang loved to embarrass him, and his boyfriend made no move to stop her- hell, he even made it worse with some of the comments he let loose!

When they finished eating, Jimin stood to clean the table, but Jungkook only shot him a dark gaze and silent shook his head, then stood up himself, making Jimin sit again with pressure to his shoulders and started clearing the table. 
Jimin complained- then smiled as the boy disappeared into the kitchen. He was such a cute, worried, caring teddy bear!

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