Missed Chances

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"Tae! I know you're in there. Open up!" 

Tae flinched and shrunk back into the sofa in horror at hearing the female shout behind the door.
"It's her... Oh God,  I can't deal with this."

Obviously. Tae looked a moment away from a mental breakdown, but the banging didn't stop. 
"We need to talk. Please!" Leonie begged from the other side, her voice urgent and pleading.

"Did you just leave her?" Jin asked, scanning Tae for real: the missing shoe, his shirt put on the wrong way- all signs of someone rushing out in hurry. 
Tae nodded. "Actually I ran. I didn't think she'd follow me." 

"I'll take care of it," Yoongi sighed and already walked to the door. 
Jimin had no doubt he wanted to tell her to come back when things had cooled of- but Leonie had very different plans as she used the first chance she had, slipping through the door and out of Yoongi's reach, stumbling into the living room. 

Her eyes landed on the gaping, trembling boy on the sofa. She sopped so suddenly, it looked like she had walked into an invisible wall. 
And they all saw it. 
Saw her eyes widen and the love shimmer in them. Love for Taehyung as he stared back at her the same. And even for the rest of them, it felt like time was standing still. 
Oh sweet, mother of Jesus, how had they not seen it? They were totally in love with each other! 

"Tae," Leo breathed out, his name like a caress on her lips before she seemed to realize what state Taehyung was in. The mix of devastation and shame and still lingering desire.
Her expression turned pained and apologetic. 
"I'm sorry Tae," she quietly said, her shoulders dropping. 
"I didn't mean for it to turn out like this." 

"Leo," Namjoon started, coming over to her to gently turn her towards him. 
"Look. Maybe you should let Tae cool off and then you guys can figure something out."

She considered his words for a moment, but the started shaking her head. 
"No, I have to do this now, Namjoon. I waited way too long already."
She turned back to Tae, but still didn't make a move forward. 
"Please let me explain, Okay?"

"What do you wanna explain?" the boy asked in a quiet, sober voice, his eyes large and helpless. 
"I- we... you're dating my cousin!" he finally managed to croak out. 

Leonie was just about to reply something when for the third time this evening, the knock on the door caught everyone by surprise. 
"Oh, for the love of God, who's it now!" Yoongi, who still stood next to the door, groaned out and ripped the door open almost angrily. 

And everyone- absolutely everyone sucked in a shocked breath as no other than Baekhyun stepped over the threshold. 
Oh boy... this was about to be a shit-show!

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