Conquering Mountains

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Prepare for some domestic Jikook!!


He pressed the doorbell again, the shrill sound of it muffled by the shut door on front of him. 

He'd awoken before sunset, way before his alarm would have gone off and then sat in his bed for hours, thinking about what he should do. Misses Yang's words had swirled around in his head for a long, long time. And then suddenly, out of nowhere, a determination had gripped his heart, making him shoot up from his bed and get dressed faster than he ever had, nearly toppling down the stairs in his hurry. 

He'd called Namjoon when he was already on his bike and though the boy had been surprised to pick up his call, he'd done what he'd promised he would do, not asking a single question as he did what Jimin asked for. 

And now here he was, in front of a modern, two story building in Yongsan district at eight in the morning, the weather still cool but already showing signs of turning into yet another sunny, heated day. 
The address Namjoon had given him had been easy to find, even as it proved his suspicion the other night right. Jungkook had to have been crazy to walk all this way to his house in the middle of the night drunk. He could have seriously gotten hurt!

He waited, but nothing happened again. 
He pressed the bell again, then again, and then just kept holding it, the sound of the ringing as persistent as he felt. He knew Jungkook was home. Namjoon told him he'd called Jungkook and was sure the younger was back in lockdown in his flat. 

"Oh, God damn it Namjoon!" came an angry annoyed shout from behind the door, still muffled by he barrier, but undoubtedly Jungkook's. He heard the distinct sound of heavy footsteps drawing closer and then: 
"I told you already, I'm fine! I don't need your-" 
The door swung open with such force, Jimin tumbled a small step back. Jungkook's hair was toussled, wearing baggy, black clothes like he'd just gotten out if bed and yes- he was definitely angry. 

"Advice! I can-" And then his eyes dropped lower, finding him standing there staring up at him. 

His eyes flew wide, the angry words dying on his lips as they formed a big, fat O and his hand dropped from the door handle. 
"Jimin?" he let out on a breath, looking at him like Jimin was a mirage in a desert and he was just seeing things because he wanted to. 

Jimin cleared his throat, not sure where to look and then whispered a small: "Hi."

It was probably the most stupid thing he could have said.

"What- w-what are you doing here?" he stuttered out, still staring at him like he wasn't sure Jimin was really there. 

"I... Namjoon gave me you're address and... I thought- I mean-" 
Oh and how he missed being a stuttering mess!
Balling his hands into fists, he took a deep breath letting Misses Yangs words and his own decision this morning give him the courage he needed for this. 

Slowly  he raised his head and held Jungkook's eyes, straightening himself and holding his ground- no cowering. No running away. 

"I came to apologize for last night. I shouldn't have said those things. I know you only wanted to help and my words hurt you. I'm sorry." 

Jungkook, if possible, looked even more shocked. 
"You came all this way here to apologize?"
Jimin nodded his head. 

Jungkook gaped at him for a second longer before his face changed, lighting up and a smile blossomed. 
"That's so cute." 

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