All Things Go - Chapter Six

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    I was sitting on the couch, scrolling through my Twitter feed and watching tonight's Astros game against the Angels. I cannot wait to go to the game tomorrow, I am so excited! Derek's going to go with me and I'm just really looking forward to it.

   I was in the living room all by myself because Derek was at the studio with Nate and Swazz, the Jacks were also in their studio, and Sam was upstairs somewhere. 

   I watched as Marwin Gonzalez ran to home plate and made the score 7-1. It's the top of the 8th inning and so far, we are crushing the Angels. 

   "Oh hey Alyssa," I heard Sammy say as he came down the stairs and took a seat next to me on the couch. "I didn't think you'd be here but I actually wanted to talk to you, so can you talk right now?"

    I nodded and turned down the volume on the TV a little bit. "Yeah, of course, what's up?"

   "Look I am sorry about Kelsey," he sighed and shook his head. "I do realize that she does start a lot of shit with you so I do not blame you one bit for going off on her all of the time. I don't know why she says a lot of the shit she says but I'm sorry. And I'm sorry about Emily too, she can be a real bitch sometimes."

    I shrugged and laughed a little bit. "Don't apologize for them, Sam. It's okay, honestly. Both of those bitches are fucking irrelevant to me, so I don't care. I do not give a fuck about what they say to and about me. Like, I don't lose sleep over their words. It's fine, don't apologize for other people's behavior."

    I glanced at the TV and watched as Springer was up at bat. "Yeah, I know you don't care but I do. I don't like that they're bitches to you, I really don't Alyssa. No matter what you did to me, I will always love you and I can't stand that they say that shit to you."

    I stayed silent for a few seconds; honestly, I have no clue how to respond to that. "I am thinking about breaking things off with Kelsey to give us another shot," he continued after I didn't answer. "I love you and I am willing to do anything for us to be together, even if you're with Derek."

   "I can't cheat on him," I shook my head rapidly and looked at him. "No, I can't do that to him. I love him Sam and I am so happy with him. I don't want to jeopardize that by getting with you, I just can't. I'm sorry but I will not do that."

   He scoffed. "Oh, but you could cheat on me so easily? What the hell, Alyssa? So what you're telling me is that you had absolutely no fucking problem with cheating on me, but you can't cheat on him? Okay, that's cool."

    "I'm not even saying that," I huffed. "What I'm saying is, I already hurt someone I loved to cheating and I don't want to do it again. Okay, I just don't want to hurt Derek the way I hurt you. I love him and I don't want to hurt him."

    He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "But you had no problem hurting me? Do you realize how fucked up you sound? I am so fucking done, man."

    "Sam just shut the fuck up!" I yelled, clearly frustrated. "I do not want to deal with this bullshit right now, okay? I am in a happy relationship and I do not need you to fucking ruin it for me! I am trying to enjoy my night and just chill while watching the game until Derek, my boyfriend that I love, comes home. Just shut the fuck up already!"

    The front door opened and in came Derek, Nate and John. "Hey baby, are you okay?" Derek asked with a look of worry on his face. "I heard you yelling from outside."

    I was debating on whether or not to tell him about what just happened with Sam moments ago. I sighed and shook my head out of frustration. "No, I am pissed the fuck off. Samuel over here was suggesting I cheat on you. With him. And I was telling him no and he kept going and going on about how I was totally fine with cheating on him. So no, I'm not okay."

    I watched as Derek's jaw clenched and his eyes travelled to Sammy who was now standing from the couch. "What the fuck man? Why the hell would you even suggest that shit? And ever she flat out told you no, why would you keep going? Then you bring up the past? Hell nah, nobody's going to disrespect my girl and expect me not to do anything about it."

   "I didn't mean any disrepect towards 'your girl'," Sammy said, putting his hands up in defense. Pussy. "I don't even see how I disrespected her man. I would never disrespect her in anyway, I swear."

   Derek scoffed and laughed a bit. "Nah don't give me that shit. You may not get how you disrespected her, but you did. You tried to get her to cheat on me and when she disagreed, you kept going. It was disrespectful because you didn't respect her decision."

   "Whatever man," Sammy shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm going upstairs, continue watching your game or whatever."

    He walked up the stairs and Derek came over to me. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug and attached his lips to mine. "Baby girl, I missed you. And I swear, if anyone does some stupid shit like that again, tell me. I love you and nobody is going to disrespect my girl like that."


     I sighed and plopped down on my bed. I never meant to come off as 'disrespectful' or whatever to Alyssa. I don't even get how I disrespected her, Derek was just being stupid and was trying to start a fight over nothing. 

     But what I said about breaking things off with Kelsey was one hundred percent true. I am willing to break things off with her for Alyssa. I don't know why I've been having these thoughts but I just have. I will always have love for her, no matter how much she hurt me. 

   I'm not scared of Derek or anything, I just went upstairs because I wasn't looking for a fight. Especially not over something this fucking stupid.

   I heard the door knob turn and I jumped a bit, thinking it was Derek coming up here to beat my ass. Okay, I lied. I am a little bit scared of Derek. I sighed a sigh of relief ass Nate walked into my room. Thank God. Looks like I won't be dying tonight.

   "Dude, what the fuck is your problem!" He yelled and shook his head. "Why would you suggest for her to cheat on Derek? That's fucking stupid as hell. She fucking loves him man, we all know this. And she is not going to do anything to fuck that up! You have a girlfriend for fucks sake!"

    I sighed. She loves Derek, she really does. I always thought it was just a little act to make me jealous or some shit but she is in love with Derek fucking Luh. "Yeah, I know. But I fucking love Alyssa man, like you don't even understand. I-"

   "But she loves Derek, man!" He yelled, cutting me off completely. "You need to fucking understand that! All y'all my friends, don't get me wrong, but Sam you can't fucking go around and try to sabotage people's relationships! You're a fucking dumbass! Just because she ruined y'alls relationship doesn't mean she's willing to ruin her and Derek's. You need to get this through your head right now; She. Is. In. Love. With. Derek. And. He. Is. In. Love. With. Her. There's nothing that's going to come in between that relationship."

    Author's note ; smh samuel, smh. anyways, yall saw kourtney's sc of sam and stassie were she called them a hot ass couple? Idgaf what you say, theyre so cute!

   and it's currently 12:15 am and im chilling watching the astros game - which they won!!!!!!!!!!!! 7-1 , that's wassup man! lol i might update the next chapter in a little bit. idk yet.

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