All Things Go - Chapter Eighteen

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"Alyssa!" Josh exclaimed as he pulled me in for a tight hug. "Holy fuck, I missed you so much! How's my baby sister doing?"

I rolled my eyes at his words and smiled lightly. "Again, you're barely older than me by a few minutes and I'm doing good, what about you?"

Josh was picking up Derek and I from the airport and I'm honestly so excited to see all my friends and family. I missed everyone so much and I cannot wait to see my little brothers because lets be real here, even though they annoy the life out of my soul, I love them to death.

"I've been good, Kathy is at the house so you can meet her later," He said with a small smile. Derek walked over to us with our luggage and they did their little bro-hug thing that guys do. "What's up, Derek? How's the music coming along?"

He set down the two duffle bags he was carrying and shrugged. "It's going along great, I'm excited to release the new album. I actually have my own radio show now, 'Til The Wheels Fall Off. It's been great and your sister over here is very supportive of me and my work so it's great. How's school going, though? You fucking some bitches or nah?"

"It's been good, I guess. My classes are getting harder and harder as I go, but that's college for you," Josh said with a small laugh. "And nah, man, Kathy has got me tied down, I'm loyal and I sure hope you are too. If you hurt my sister, we are going to have some problems."

Derek shook his head with a small smile. "I'm loyal, I don't plan on hurting your sister. I don't think I'd live with myself if I hurt her in any way possible. You don't have to worry about me breaking her heart, I'm not Samuel."

"Alright, well lets go!" I stated, tired from this long ass plane ride. I went to grab my duffle bag but Derek quickly picked up off the floor and I groaned. "Baby, let me carry my own bag! I am perfectly capable of carrying my own stuff, it's not even that heavy."

"I don't care," he shrugged as we started walking out of the airport and torwards my brother's car. "I am going to carry your bag and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it."

I rolled my eyes as I got in the back seat of the car with my arms crossed over my chest. I honestly hated when Derek wouldn't let me handle my own stuff, it makes me seem lazy and I hate it because I'm not.

"Don't be mad at me," Derek pouted as he climbed in the back seat with me. He held my hand in his and placed a kiss on the back of my hand. "You know I only do it because I love you."

I smiled lightly. "Wait, why aren't you sitting in the front with Joshua? I'll be fine in the back on my own."

"No, I'm sitting with my girlfriend," he said with that adorable smile plastered on his face. "Josh can be our uber or something."


"Isn't Swazz coming to the wedding too?" Josh asked as he pulled into our driveway - or should I say, our old driveway considering neither of us live in this house anymore. 

I nodded my head and got out of the car once it came to a complete stop. "Yeah, he said he's going to fly out tomorrow because he still needed to pack. You know, he's stupid and always does things last minute."

He laughed at my words and opened the trunk to grab my bag and I groaned. "I can take my own bag inside, thank you very much!" I went to grab the bag from Josh's hands but Derek swooped in and took it from his hands with a small smirk on his face.

"Remember, I got your bag," he smiled in a teasing way as he made his way to the front door with Josh and I following right behind him. "I think one of you should be in front, you know, so your mom or whoever opens the door isn't greeted by a total stranger. Instead, they're greeted by their family that they haven't seen in forever."

Josh laughed at his words and stood in front of him while ringing the door bell to the house. It feels so weird being back here, it seems like it's been years since I've been here but in reality, it's only been nine months. 

The door swung open and we're all greeted by my mother's smiling face. "Oh my God, I missed you two so much!" She exclaimed as she pulled Josh and I in for a hug. "You know you could've just opened the door, right?"

"Yeah, but I would feel weird about it," Josh shrugged with a small smile.

"Oh, you must be Derek!" My mom smiled at Derek as she greeted him. "It is so nice to finally meet you. Come in, come in. Alyssa, you can take your bags to the game room. I'm sure you remember where that's at."

I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. "Why would I take my bags into the game room? Don't you have a guest bedroom or I could sleep in Max or Cameron's room?"

"No, sweetie, I'm sorry," she said with a sad smile. "Your grandparents are sleeping in the guest room and Jeff's parents are sleeping in the other one. And Josh and Kathy are sleeping in Max's room so Max and Cam are sharing a room for right now. But don't worry, there's a pull-out couch in the game room!"

I shot her a fake smile and signalled for Derek to follow me upstairs. "I'll be back in a few minutes, I'm going to get my stuff settled in the game room."

We walked up the stairs and into the game room. I shut the door behind me as Derek set our bags on one of the many bean bag chairs in the room. "Woah, this is awesome, man! It looks like you guys have every XBOX game there is."

I'm not going to lie, it is a cool ass room. It's got a big 85 inch TV, a PS4, and XBOX One, a whole shelf full of games, bean bag chairs, snacks, a mini fridge, and surround sound speakers.

You know, I'd rather sleep in the movie room because it actually has this bed type thing in there and it's way more comfortable than this pull out couch. I'm pretty sure that room has someone occupying it considering the whole family is coming out for this stupid wedding so I'll just stick with this.

"Yeah, it is pretty cool, I don't know if I want to sleep in it, but yeah, it's cool."

Derek wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Baby, do you want me to get us a different room? I want you to be as comfortable as possible and if you don't feel like sleeping in here, I can see if there's any way we can switch around rooms."

"It's fine, Derek," I said with a small smile. "I will survive, it's not my first time sleeping on a pull out bed. I'm good as long as I'm with you."

Author's note

Next chapter will probably be looooong. I was going to make this one, like, super super long but it's already long enough. There might be another update after this because the idea is FRESH in my mind.

All Things Go ➳  Sam Wilkinson | Derek LuhWhere stories live. Discover now