All Things Go - Chapter Eight

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This has no relevance to this chapter, but I love love love this song! I've been listening to it nonstop the past few days. 


      It was around 6 am when I heard a knock on the door. I groaned and covered my head with the pillow, someone else can answer the damn door. I didn't go to sleep until like 4 am so I honestly did not feel like getting up at all. 

      Derek and I were up all night watching movies. We had a movie marathon, we watched whatever was on TV. We ended up falling asleep watching Life As We Know It, my favorite movie from 2010. 

      I heard a quiet knock on the door and I groaned. Derek rubbed his eyes and got up to open it since it was locked. Johnson was standing on the other side fully dressed, I'm guessing because he had an interview or he was going to the studio.

     "Alyssa, you have a visitor," he stated, looking over at me.

      I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, who would be visiting me? I only have, like, a few friends here and most of them live with me. Derek looked over at me with a confused look on his face and I just shrugged. I have no clue who the hell would be here right now.

     I got out of bed and followed Derek and Johnson down the stairs and into the living room. I saw a dark haired boy standing by the couch but I couldn't see his face because his back was facing us. Who the hell is this? The boy turned when he heard our footsteps and I immediately jumped into his arms. Holy, fuck.

    "Oh my God," I said while still hugging him, "I missed you so much! What are you doing here?"

     I pulled away from the hug and saw he was smiling. In the corner of my eye I saw Derek sigh a sigh of relief when he saw who it was. "Can I not visit my twin sister?" Josh asked with a small chuckle. "I got a week break from school and I decided to come and visit my sister because I missed your dumb ass so much."

     "How long are you staying?" I asked with a wide smile. 

     "6 days," he said with a small smile. "And my bad, I didn't mean to wake y'all up. My flight landed like an hour ago and Swazz gave me the address. He said I could stay here in the guest bedroom."


     We all decided on going to a group dinner tonight, minus Emily and Kelsey because I wanted a drama free night and I told Sam not to invite them. He said he wouldn't invite them and I was thankful for that because lets be real here, I cannot stand either of them and if they came I'd end up telling them off - again.

     The Jacks left the studio early to come to this dinner and so did Nate, Derek, and Swazz. I really appreciated that because I want all of us together tonight to spend time with my brother because they were all close to him as well.

     I already know things between Sam and I would be awkward but it'd be especially awkward between Sam and Josh - you know, considering my brother beat his ass. Swazz and Sam kind of worked out their problems because we'd all be living together but he still doesn't like that Sam broke my heart or whatever.

     We all took a seat in the restaurant that Johnson made reservations at. It was like the other one; not too fancy but not too casual. The waitress came over to us with a small smile on her face. "Good evening, I'm Lexi and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you guys out with something to drink?"

All Things Go ➳  Sam Wilkinson | Derek LuhWhere stories live. Discover now