All Things Go - Chapter Twenty Seven

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  Alyssa || New York, New York - Show #12

I have to admit, when I first found out about Sam joining us for the rest for the Skaterade Tour, I was not happy. I did not want to be on tour with him, he's physco as hell and I do not need to be stressed out because stress is not good when you're pregnant.

I wanted to tell Derek to, like, make him leave but I couldn't do that because this is not my tour, it's Nate's and him and Sam are still really close. 

I want him to leave and go back to Los Angeles because I don't feel safe, to be honest. Like I said, he's physco and I'm scared he's going to harm me or something when I'm sleeping on the bus. He wasn't too happy to find out that I was pregnant and I don't know what this boy is capable of anymore.

Although, him being on tour with us the past few days hasn't been that bad. Thankfully, he keeps his distance from me and Derek because I don't want to have any petty arguments with this child. 

I also found out that him and Lucy are talking which is weird because she lives all the way in Omaha and he lives in LA. It's pretty rare for him to go back to Omaha so I don't know how they'll see each other because there's no way her dad will let her come all the way out to LA to be with a fuckboy like Samuel.

"Alright, baby, good luck!" I kissed Derek on the lips and he smiled widely at me as he walked onto the stage. 

I smiled as I heard all the fans in the crowd go absolutely insane as Derek started to rap his verse in 'Pay For Things.'

"They're doing great," Lucy stated as she walked up next to me with a smile on her face. "Our boys are doing amazing things with their lives! KDL and Derek are going to do great in life, I can already tell."

I nodded and continued to watch Derek and Nate rap on the stage. "Yeah, I know. I'm so proud of all the guys, they've done so much in their lives already. I can't wait to see what's in store for them."

"So, how is the pregnancy going for you?" she asked as she took a sip from her water bottle. "Do you think that Derek will seriously change when the baby comes along? You know, like do you think he'll stop the drinking, smoking, and stuff like that?"

I let out a little sigh. "I'm not really sure, to be honest. He's been doing really good lately with keeping everything at a minimum but I don't know if he'll completely give up his lifestyle for the baby. I know he said he's taking a year off once the baby's born but I don't know if that includes the parties. I just hope he doesn't ditch me once the baby's born because I know he was freaked out when I told him the news so I don't know how he's going to react when he's actually face to face with his child."

"Don't think like that!" She exclaimed. "Derek loves you, trust me, he does. Kevin's always telling me about how Derek's so excited for the baby to come and that he constantly talks about you. Don't even worry about that because that boy is seriously head-over-heels in love with you. He's willing to do so much for you and your child and it's not even here yet. You've got a keeper."

I was about to respond to her comment when I heard my name being called from the stage. "I'd like to bring out a very special girl for this next song. I want you all to meet my down chick, Alyssa."

A few seconds later, one of the security guards walked over to me and escorted me on the stage. I awkwardly stood next to Derek as I looked out in the crowd of hundreds of people. 

One of the guards brought out a stool and Derek sat me down on it. What is even happening? He has never done anything like this before. Ever. 

The beat to 'Down Chick' started to play and I kind of got what he was doing. Every show, Derek brings up a girl from the crowd and she's like his down chick or whatever and he sings the song to them. I guess tonight he brought out me, his actual down chick.

[ um, i cannot find the lyrics to this song ANYWHERE so im not going to have him singing it  bc i dont want to put the wrong lyrics ( id be going based off what i hear in the song ) so just pretend he sang down chick to her ]

Once he finished singing the song, he smiled widely at me and held my hands in his. "I love you, Alyssa," he began to say as he got down on one knee which caused my heart rate to immediately speed up, "and I seriously want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"I love you so much and I cannot wait until our baby girl or baby boy comes into the world. I have to admit, at first I wasn't on board with the whole baby thing because, I don't even know. Then, my boy Swazz over there, knocked some sense into me and now I can't wait to be the father of your child."

"When I first met you, I immediately knew that I liked you. It was just something about you, I don't know. You're amazing, you're beautiful, and I just love everything about you. I'm not good with the whole speech things, as you can tell, but what I'm trying to say is...."

He let go of my left hand and reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black box, which caused tears to brim in my eyes. He opened it and revealed a diamond ring which caused the audience to gasp.

"Alyssa Tores, will you marry me?"

Author's note


I'm really bad at the whole speech thing like that so if it's bad, ha ha, sorry. 

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