All Things Go - Chapter Twenty Three

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I watched as Lucy ran her hand up and down Sam's thigh. Okay but, like, why the hell is he even here right now? I completely understand that my mom and his dad are close friends that work at the same place but Samuel does not need to be here.

I cannot believe my mom invited him when she knows I have strong hatred towards him and she knows about everything that went down between us. I didn't tell her, of course, but Sammy's dad did. She was so pissed off at me for about two weeks straight.

She said, and I quote, "You're seriously acting like your father right now! You think cheating is okay and shit when in reality, it is not fucking okay! It hurts the people you love deeply, you're a fucking mess! I honestly hope you get your shit together. You're not in high school anymore, it's time to grow the fuck up."

I wasn't mad or anything, I could care less. She did have a point, though. I wasn't in high school anymore and I did need to grow the fuck up. Which, I did. I think.

I walked into the living room with Derek right behind me. I made slight eye contact with Sam and I rolled my eyes at the blonde headed boy. I honestly cannot stand his stupid ass. I seriously regret going to the carnival with him that day.

"Okay, guys, the dinner is in an hour!" My mom exclaimed as she came in the living room with a wide smile on her face. "Everyone needs to be dressed and ready in twenty minutes! Chop, chop, chop!"


Every dinner, every single fucking dinner, I am seated with two bitches and a fuck boy. Every damn dinner that I've attended with a group, there's always two people I don't like there and a fuckboy that I can't stand. 

Since Sam was Lucy's date, he was seated at our table which consisted of me, Derek, Josh, Kathy, Lucy, Briana, Swazz, Cameron, and Max. Basically, the siblings/ step-siblings and their dates. 

I needed to get over all this bullshit for tonight for the sake of my mom and her stupid ass wedding. I seriously hate the fact that she just volunteered me as her maid of honor without my consent, it's so exhausting. I have to do practically everything and I hate it because it's not even my wedding.

I had to book the restaurant, work on the decorations with the wedding planner, send out the invitations, make sure the caterers were still able to work the wedding, just everything. 

Couldn't she have just gotten somebody else to do it? Don't get me wrong, I love my mom and whatever, but I do not want to be her maid of honor. I wouldn't have a problem being a bridesmaid but being the maid of honor is so much work.

My brother's lucky, he doesn't have to do shit for this wedding besides show up. Must be nice, shit.

Also, I'm expected to give a speech at the reception and I am so not looking forward to that. I hate talking in front of big groups of people. My mom wrote out my speech and literally half of it was lies, but whatever floats her boat.

I just want to get this stupid dinner and wedding over with so I can get back to LA as soon as possible. I do not want to be in Omaha another moment, I want to go to LA and be with my friends like the Jacks, Lucy, and Nate.

"Can you pass the salt?" Sam asked me and I just looked at him like he had lost his damn mind. "Um, Alyssa, can you please pass me the salt?"

"Boy, the fuck I look like?" I scoffed

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"Boy, the fuck I look like?" I scoffed. "I'm not giving you shit, get your own shit. I don't even understand why the hell you are talking to me right now."

Okay, I might be overreacting just a little bit but I can't help it. I'm pregnant and my hormones are running wild. I didn't mean to come off so rude but who does he think he is? He can't just try and ruin my life constantly and expect me to do him favors. The fuck you thought was?

"Woah, woah, woah, calm the fuck down!" Sam said as he put his hand up in defense. "I just asked you to pass the salt because I can't reach it. There is no need to be a bitch about it, shit."

My eyes widened at his words. "I'm a bitch? Oh really? Please explain to me how I am a bitch. Enlighten me."

"Do you, like, not think you're a bitch?" he asked with his eyebrows raised. "There's a full list on why you are a bitch. I can go on and on and on for days if you wanted me to list every single reason. Not only are you a bitch, but you're a lying, cheating, whore. Not only did you cheat on me but you're cheating on Mr. Luh over there. Am I right or am I right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion. "What the fuck are you even talking about right now? I have never cheated on Derek once. I am loyal to him and I love him, why would I ever cheat on him? If I cheated on Derek, please tell me who I cheated on him with because I would like to know."

"You know damn well you've been fucking with Nate on the low," he scoffed and shook his head. "It's fucking obvious as hell, Alyssa. Will you ever stop hoeing? I mean, damn-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Derek reached across the table and punched him in the mouth causing everyone around us to gasp.  I quickly pulled Derek off of Sam and grabbed a hold of his arm so he wouldn't be able to hit him again.

"What is going on over here?" My mom yelled as she tried to make her way through the crowd. Once she saw what was happening she glared and pointed a finger at me. "Get out. I don't want you to attend this wedding, you can't even keep it together for a few hours! And get out of my house."

I shrugged my shoulders and laughed. "Bye, bitch. Come on Derek, we're going back to LA."

Author's note

There's this movie on Netflix called 'A Girl Like Her' and it is so so good, you guys should seriously watch it! But I'm telling you this right now, you will need tissues because it is sad as fuck and I cried like a lil baby. 

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