All Things Go - Chapter Thirty

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 Song : Exchange by Bryson Tiller

Alyssa || A Month Later

I greeted everyone as they walked into the house with a wide smile on my face. Today was the gender reveal party and I was pretty nervous. I really want a girl but then again, I also want a boy. No matter what gender my child is, I know I'm going to love it unconditionally.

It's kind of a baby shower and reveal party in one because due to the tour, it kind of set us back so we're doing it all at once.

"Thank you for coming!" I greeted Lucy and Kevin with a hug. "I'm glad you guys could make it."

Lucy smiled and placed the present on the gift table that was right beside us. It's seriously taking everything in me right now to not look in one of the bags to see what my baby is. "Are you excited? You get to know if you're having a boy or girl! I'm so happy for you, Alyssa! Ugh, you and Derek are too cute together."

"I'm really excited!" I exclaimed. "I've been waiting for this day since I first found out I was pregnant. And thanks girl, you and Kevin are cute too! I love you two together, you two fit each other just right!"

We talked for another few miutes before I had to go and entertain my other guests. All my brothers flew out from Omaha and New York to come see me, which I am so happy for. I actually had no clue they were coming, it was a surprise.

Of course, my mother didn't show which is cool because I don't need her trying to take my spotlight like she always does. My dad couldn't come today because he was busy working but he said that as soon as he got a few days off, he was going to fly out and see me.

We had Swazz plan this whole party - with the help of Lucy, of course - and I must say, it turned out really nice. I thought he was going to have a bunch of alcohol and weed but it turns out, he bought cokes, chips, and stuff to barbeque. 

 Everyone gets to cast their vote on what they think the gender is, which is cool to me. Then they have all the regular baby shower games like the pin one and the one where you see who can change a baby's diaper the fastest.

They got these blue and pink cups, blue and pink decorations, and just so much more things. I actually really love what they did and how amazing it turned out to be.

"Okay, for the reveal, there's going to be this box," Swazz explained to Derek and I. "On the front, it's going to have two colors: blue or pink. It's going to say 'Footballs or Pompoms?' The box is going to be taped shut, all you have to do is cut it open and balloons that are shaped like footballs or pompoms are going to pop out revealing whether or not it's a boy or girl."

I smiled at how we were going to find out our child's gender. "Alright, when are we going to do it?" Derek asked.

"Right after everyone finishes eating. We'll do the reveal, eat cake, and then open presents."


About an hour later, everyone was finished eating and we were finally going to see what our baby was going to be. Derek and I stood by the big box while everyone around us was recording on their phones.

"Are you ready?" Derek asked with a wide smile as he looked over to me.

I nodded my head and he cut the tape by sliding the knife down the opening of the box. The flaps were still down and I looked over at Derek. "Are you ready?"

He nodded and we both took in a deep breath before we picked up the flaps which caused a whole bunch of football balloons to come flying out. I smiled widely and Derek pulled me in for a hug. "It's a boy!"


this was cute. but when kylie releases her new makeup but you broke :)))))) it's laced with real gold, bro. it's not that expensive for the bundle - only $100 something for a lot of stuff - but i AM SO BROKE

my mom won't buy me it cause she hate the kardashians so mmm.

also, im kind of sick and just chillin in bed so there might be an update party tonight! that means, the story MIGHT end tonight bc not that many chapters left :(

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