All Things Go - Chapter Twelve

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Okay, clearly nothing is going to break up Derek and Alyssa so it looks like I'm going to need to find someone else to turn against her. I was doing a lot of thinking about this, I couldn't do just anybody. I had to turn her best friend against her, Swazz.

I know she loves him like a brother and I know he loves her like a sister, so why not turn him against her? I know she will be absolutely heartbroken, she's told me so herself. She said that if she ever lost Swazz, she'd be broken. 

"Hey Swazz," I said with a small smile and sat by him on the couch. "How are you doing this fine evening?"

He looked over at me with scrunched eyebrows. "Listen, man, I don't want you thinking that we're friends or something, because we're not. I only act civil for Alyssa's sake so don't think we're best friends or whatever because I still hate you and I always will."

"Ah speaking of Alyssa, that is the person I wanted to talk to you about," I grinned widely. "Don't interrupt me, just let me speak, alright? Well, your little best friend is a h-o-e. Nobody seems to get it, but she is. You guys all think she's some angel but she's not! She's the biggest whore I have ever met in my life."

He glared at me and his jaw instantly clenched. "Hell nah, don't talk about her like that. I'll beat your ass again, I don't care. Do not ever disrespect her again - or anyone other woman. You have disrespected her way too times."

"Okay, but nah man you need to understand this," I continued with a loud sigh, "that girl doesn't deserve to be happy. She doesn't deserve the love or support you guys give her, she's a bitch. Just a total bitch who doesn't even deserve life. Now-"

I was cut off by a sharp pain in my jaw. I held it and looked up at John who was now standing. "Man, what the fuck was that for? I was stating the truth!"

He continued punching me in the face and I continued to try and block them.

Why the fuck is everyone trying to fight me? I've done nothing but stating the truth and trying to help them out! 


Fuck, fuck, fuck. 

I looked at the stick in my hands and just stared at the positive sign for what seemed like hours.

I cannot really be pregnant right now, this is some type of sick joke! I am too young to be a mother, I'm only eighteen years old! How am I going to raise a child? I can't even take care of myself.

How is Derek going to react? Shit, I need to tell him. Now. I'm not going to be like those bitches in the movies and books where they don't tell them for months and shit, I'm going to tell him.

I don't know if he's going to take it well or not but he deserves to know. I walked out of the restroom with the stick in my hand and went over to Derek's bedroom.

"Oh hey baby," he said with a wide smile. "I was just about to go downstairs and meet up with you. What's wrong? You look like you've been crying."

I let out a big sigh as I threw the positive pregnancy test on his bed. "We have a problem, Derek."

His eyes widened as he realized what it was. "No, no, no," he paniced. "This was not supposed to happen. No, no, no. You're fucking with me right now, ha ha so funny! Where's the cameras at? You're hilarious."

"It's not a joke Derek," I sighed and felt my eyes water. "I'm pregnant, for real. This isn't some sort of prank or whatever, this is real life. I'm pregnant and I'm going to have a baby."

I could see the panic clear in his eyes, he was terrified. Shit, I can't blame him because I was too. I was not expecting to be a mother anytime soon. 

"I can't," he whispered and shook his head. "I'm sorry, baby. I love you, God I love you so fucking much, but I can't. I'm not ready to be a dad, my career is just getting big and a baby will fuck it all up. I love you Alyssa, okay, I love you but I can't be a father. Not now, but when I'm ready."

I furrowed my eyebrows at his words. "Woah, woah, woah. You cannot be serious right now, what the hell? You're not ready to be a parent? Oh, so you think I am? Derek, I am the one who is going to be carrying this child inside of me for 9 months straight, I am the one who is going to have to go through labor. It's not like I can just postpone all that until I'm ready! The fuck you thought this was? It takes two to make a baby, Derek."

"I know that," he sighed. "Look, I love you and I don't want to lose you, but I can't be a father right now. But I promise you that I will be in his or her life but just not right now. I hope you understand, I'm sorry."

I scoffed at his words. "Nah, don't even fucking bother! Fuck you Derek James Luh, have a nice life."

Author's note

Damn Sam, how many times u gon try and fail? you a bigger flop than madison beer smh. and happy 4th of july mfs !

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