All Things Go - Chapter One

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   Alyssa's P.O.V. 

   I was insane to think that coming to LA would be better for me. You know, I thought that there'd be no drama, I'd be living out the dream, and I wouldn't have to worry about a thing. But turns out, I'm in more drama here than I was back in Omaha. 

   After my little incident with Kelsey, there has been nothing but non-stop drama for me. My name always seems to be brought into something and it's driving me insane. This isn't high school anymore, these people need to grow up and move on with life.

  I've stated this a thousand times before, I will not apologize to her because I wouldn't mean it. I'm not going to sit around and be fake to her because that's just not who I am. I will let you know straight up how I feel and I don't care if you don't like it. It seems to me as if that's what she wants; an apology. She's not getting it anytime soon, I promise you that.

  As for Emily, she's being really annoying and she will never stop bringing up everything that happened with Sam. She needs to let go of the past - especially considering that none of it had anything to do with her - and just let it be. Yes, I get it, I broke her brother's heart but he's moved past it.

  I honestly don't care though because I came to LA for a better life not for a repeat of Omaha. I want a fresh start but I don't think that's going to happen with Emily telling everyone about me and what I'm like. But it's cool, I don't need people to like me. I like myself.

  Recently, Lucy and I have grown closer. And no, not my stepsister Lucy, but Kevin's girlfriend, Lucy. Over the past few weeks, we have made a strong bond considering we're always in the studio with our boyfriends - yes you heard that correctly, Derek and I started dating and I've never been happier.

   He's always there for me and he supports me throughout everything. And of course, I support him through his music and everything he does too. I am so proud of him and Nate and how far they have come. They're both working on releasing an album together called 'The Fortunate Few.' I've heard a few tracks myself and I'm pretty impressed.

   The Jacks have made a lot of success the past few weeks, they wasted absolutely no time getting in the studio and releasing some new songs. They have gained a major fan base and I am so proud of them. They've released many singles and an EP titled 'Calibraska.' They're working on a debut album which should be releasing some time next month. They even befriended Shawn Mendes, which I am so jealous of.

  Sam and Kelsey are now dating and I guess I'm happy for him because he's happy. I don't like the bitch he's with but oh well. He's apart of a record label - Freshlee Records - along with Dillon (DJ Rupp) and Nate. He's released a few singles and he just released his album 'Ready for War.' 

  My mom and Jeff's wedding is in two months and I have to be the maid of honor. I honestly don't want to attend her wedding because she's only contacted me once and that was to tell me that I was her maid of honor and when/where the wedding was. 

  Josh has went off to college in New York but we still talk on a daily basis, which I'm thankful for because I would never want to lose touch with my twin brother. He has a girlfriend - which I was shocked when he told me that because Josh does not settle down to one girl - and she's just the sweetest thing ever. 

  So far, LA has been great to everyone but me. I sure hope things get better for me soon because that is why I came to LA in the first place - for a better life.

  Author's note : First official chapter and I'm sorry it was short and boring but this was a filler. It just tells you guys about how everyone's doing in LA so far and whatnot. Also, I threw in her family bc I didnt want her to just forget about them. And they will be in this story in upcoming chapters.

  I hope you like it so far and the next chapter should be uploaded tomorrow! 


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