All Things Go - Chapter Two

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 Alyssa's P.O.V.

   [ Josh 👦🏽 ] : Mom's wedding date changed, it's now July 17th. Are you flying down?

   [ Alyssa ] : Yes, but not for mom.

   [ Josh 👦🏽 ] : Mom said you have to bring a date, like it's not optional. 

   I sighed and locked my phone. I did not want to attend this stupid ass wedding and be a stupid ass maid of honor. Couldn't she get one of her new daughters to do it? Why'd she have to choose me out of everyone? "Baby girl, what's wrong?" Derek asked me as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

    It was 10 am and we were just chilling in bed for a little bit until one of us decided we should get up. "My mom changed her wedding date to the 17th of July instead of in August and I have to bring a date. I honestly don't want to go but I know that I have to. Oh, and baby, can you please be my date to this overly-fancy wedding that'll bore me to death?"

   "Of course I'll be your date mami," he laughed and shook his head. "And come on! Get up, we're going to go do something today! Lets go to Schlitterbahn!"

   I smiled widely and nodded. This is what I loved about Derek, he always knew how to make me feel better and he always knew how to take the stress off of me. Ugh, he's just the greatest boyfriend ever. "Just us, though. I don't want any drama with anyone today so can it be just us?"

  "Of course, baby," he smiled and nodded his head. I got off the bed and went to my dresser to get a bikini. "I'll be back, I'm going to my room to get my swimming shorts."

  I nodded and watched as he left the room. I don't get why we don't just share a room because he's always sleeping in here and when he's not in here, I'm in his room. I opened the top drawer and grabbed my two piece bikini from Pink. 

  I put my bathing suit on and Derek came back in the room with his swim shorts on and he a pair of regular shorts in his hand

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  I put my bathing suit on and Derek came back in the room with his swim shorts on and he a pair of regular shorts in his hand. I slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He handed me a beach bag I got from Pink and I put my sunscreen and our towels in there. He put his shorts in and I smiled happily at him. "Ready to go?"

  || @ the water park ||

  Leaving the house was harder than I thought. I thought we'd just be able to leave with no questions asked, but nope. Everyone was curious as to where we were going and when Derek told them we were going to Schlitterbahn, they wanted to go.

   Thankfully, Derek told them that this was for us and that we could all go together as a group another time. We've been here for two hours and we've almost been on all the rides. "Babe, lets go on that one!" Derek said pointing at a big white waterslide.

  ( Ik this isn't in Cali *I think it isn't* but this is in Galveston, Texas

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  ( Ik this isn't in Cali *I think it isn't* but this is in Galveston, Texas. It's fuuuuuun! ) 

   I widened my eyes at his statement. He's insane, I'd go on the two twisty ones under it but not the white one. It's so far up and I am afraid of heights.

  I remember we went on this pink slide called Rohr! by the wave pool and I was so scared because I didn't know it went straight down. I was in for a surprise when I was sliding out of the tunnel and I went straight down. It scared the hell out of me because I didn't know that's how it was. ( True story ) 

  I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest. "No Derek, you know I don't do good with shit like that. I'm scared."

  "Please, baby girl," he whined and grabbed a hold of my hands. "I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you! I'll take care of you up there, please! It'll be fun."

  I sighed and eventually gave in. He smiled widely and we walked up the long spiral stairs hand-in-hand. When we got to the top, I made the mistake of looking down.

  Oh my God, we're so high up. I started to get really nervous when it was our turn to go down the slide. I couldn't go down with Derek but he went down the slide that was next to me. "Alright, cross your arms over your chest and cross your feet over each other," the worker said as I approached the big ass slide.

  Surprisingly, this slide didn't have nearly as long of a wait as others did. I crossed my arms across my chest, making an 'x' and I did the same with my feet. I looked over at Derek and he had a wide smile on his face. When the guy blew the horn for us to go, I laid on my back and carefully pushed myself off. 

   I started screaming loudly as I went straight down. I was so scared I was going to fly off the ride at any given moment. I opened my eyes slightly and saw I was going straight down. I wasn't near the ground yet.

  I'm going to die, holy shit. This is where I die. When I reached closer to the ground, I relaxed a little bit because I didn't fly off the death machine. Soon, I was at the bottom of the ride and I breathed a breath of relief.

  I got off and saw Derek with a wide ass smile on his face. I wiped the water off my face and gave him a glare. "That was not fun," I whined and he pulled me in for a hug. "I almost died."

  "But you didn't," he laughed. "And I thought it was fun."

  I rolled my eyes at him and we began walking towards another ride. "Lets go on the Fast & Furious!" I exclaimed with a wide smile on my face. "I love that ride, oh my God! Come on, pick up your pace motherfucker!"

  "Babe, that's on the way other side of the water park," he groaned. "Lets do something over here first and then we can go to Fast & Furious."

  I huffed and shook my head. "No, I went on that death machine for you and now you can come with me to Fast & Furious. If you don't want to, that's cool I'll go by myself."

  He sighed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Fine, lead the way."

  I smiled in satisfaction and led us to the two big blue waterslides. I smiled wider when I noticed the wait wasn't long at all; only a few people were in line. I walked up the stairs while holding Derek's hand. 

  We reached the ride and I smiled as I saw it was our turn. "Come on Derek, it'll be fun," I mocked and he shook his head with a small chuckle.

  We both sat at the top of the slides and I looked at him as the guy was about to blow the horn. "Race you to the bottom!" I exclaimed as the horn blew and I pushed myself off the edge and down the slide.

  I screamed as I couldn't see anything and the fast pace of this ride; I hate when the rides are dark because I don't know where I'm going. A few seconds later I saw light and I soon came to the very bottom.

  Hmm, that's why it's called 'Fast & Furious.' I looked to my side and saw Derek barely coming to the bottom. I smiled widely as I stepped off the slide. He followed soon after. "I beat you," I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him. "You suck and you're slow!"

  He laughed and pulled me in for a kiss. "I love you Alyssa," he sighed as he pulled away. "Like, I really do."

  I smiled at his words; this is the first time he's told me he loves me. "I love you too, Derek."

  author's note ; lol idk if any of these ride are in schlitterbahn california ( if there even is one in cali, idk) but these are the rides that are in Galveston's schlitterbahn. omg i remember when i went like two years ago maybe on a school trip for choir and jaheiflg.

  it was so fun. we got to the school around 8 then we went at like 10 to the museum across from it ( forgot what its called) and sang. then at like 11 we went to the water park and stayed there til like 9.  it was so fun! i went w all my friends and had a mf blast.

  i thought i wasn't going to be able to go bc my behavior but i went and i was so so so happy! then when my dad picked me up from the school, i was so happy and i was telling him about the rides and it was just a great time. what wasn't great was that i got a major sunburn but oh well.


All Things Go ➳  Sam Wilkinson | Derek LuhWhere stories live. Discover now