All Things Go - Chapter Twenty One

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"Hey, babe, can I talk to you real quick?" Derek asked as I set my bags down by the couch. I just got back from dress shopping with my mom, I needed to buy me Maid of Honor dress and we spent two hours searching for the perfect one. "It's really important."

I nodded my head and plopped down on one of the bean bag chairs. "Yeah, of course, what's up?"

"Okay, just hear me out first, though," he sighed as he rubbed his hands over his face. Uh-oh, he's starting to worry me a little bit. I nodded my head for him continue with what he was going to tell me, hoping it wasn't anything bad. "Well, Nate is going on this tour, called Skaterade, and well, he asked me if I could join him because we have a lot of songs together. I want to say yes but I want to know what you think first. It'll be a month long."

I felt my heart drop at his words. A whole month without Derek? I don't know if I can handle that but this is not about me, it's about Derek and his career. "Baby, that's great," I choked out with a slight smile. I'm happy for him, I really am, I just don't know how I'm going to handle the distance. "I'm happy for you and I want you to do this! It'll be hard for me to be on my own for a month but it's okay, I'm proud of you, baby! Say yes!"

"Woah, what do you mean?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "You won't be without me for a month, you can come with me, baby. If you don't want to come along, that's fine, I totally understand. That means I won't go either because I'm not leaving my girl for a month. Hell no, I can't do that to you."

"I don't want to be in your way, though," I said with a small sigh. "It's okay, baby, go on the tour without me. I will be okay, I promise. I don't want you to feel like I'm holding you back or whatever."

He shook his head rapidly as he grabbed a hold of my hands. "Mami, you're insane. You wouldn't be holding me back, you never do. You would not be in my way, I want to look out for you and our baby when I'm gone. That means I want you there with me. If you're not going, I'm not going. Simple. Like I said, you and our baby are way more important to me than this. This won't last forever, but us, our little family, will. So what do you say? Do you want to go on tour with me?"

"Of course I'll go on tour with you," I smiled. "I don't want you to miss out on an amazing opportunity because of me, so yes, I will go on this tour with you. I told you that I'd support you throughout everything and I am going to stick to my word."

He smiled widely and pulled me in for a hug. "This is great, baby! Not only will I be performing every night with one of my good friends but I will have my amazing girlfriend with me every step of the way. Holy fuck, I can't wait! I love you, I love you, I love you."

"I love you too."

I sat down on the couch bed thing and Derek pulled me in for a tight hug. "I honestly cannot wait for us to be a family, I'm excited as fuck! Our baby will be so cute, it'll have my smile, your eyes, your cute little ears. Our baby will be the cutest in the pre-k class, I swear. I'm so ready, fuck, can we skip ahead seven months so I can hold my baby in my arms already?"

I smiled widely at his comment, "I'm excited too."

"We need to pick out baby names!" He exlaimed with wide eyes. "Okay, so if it's a boy, his name can be Derek James Luh Jr. If it's a girl, her name can be, well, I don't know honestly. Maybe, Addison Luna Luh? I have no fucking clue. Oh shit, I'm going to have to stop cussing. I don't want my kid to be a little bad ass that runs around everywhere spitting out every bad word in the english language."

I laughed at his last statement. "Babe, chill, we still have seven months to go! We can always plan the names later, and no, if we have a boy we are not naming him Derek James Luh Jr. It's not going to happen, no way! I want our kid to have an original name, maybe his middle name can be Derek or James!"

"Yes, I know that, but it's never too early to pick out names!" He said with a wide smile. "And aw, but hey, it's okay. At least his middle name will either be Derek or James so I'm okay. Anyways, how about Abel Derek Luh for a boy and Abigail Luh? I don't know any good girl middle names but I love the name Abigail for a girl."

I smiled at his suggestion for a girl name. "Abigail. I like that name too. I don't really think Abel and Luh go together but I like the name, Abel."

"I don't care what we name our child," he stated as he pressed his lips against mine. "I don't care whether it's a boy or girl, I mean, I want a boy, but that's beside the point. I don't care about any of that, I just care about us being a family. As long as we are together, none of that matters."

I was about to respond to his statement when I heard the doorbell ring. We both got off the bed and walked down the stairs to see who was here at this time of night. I opened the door slightly to see Swazz standing there with a small smile on his face. "Hey Alyssa, sorry I'm here so late. I went to visit my parents."

"It's fine," I laughed as I pulled him in for a hug. "Uh, I think that everybody is in the backyard. They're doing some type of bonfire or some shit, I don't know. But come on in."

I stepped aside for him to walk inside the house. Him and Derek did their bro hug thing and I led them both to the huge backyard. I slid open the glass door which got everyone's attention. Lucy, Briana, Max, Josh, my mom, Jeff, his parents, and my grandparents were all sitting around a fire. 

"Why, hello Jonathan!" My mom exclaimed as she got up from her spot in the circle. "It is so nice to see you again, you have grown so much since the last time I saw you. How have you been?"

He smiled as she pulled him in for a hug. He's always been like a fourth son to my mom and she's always been like a second mom to him. "I've been good, what about you?"

"Ah, I've been doing great! I'm so glad you're here, I'm glad that you can attend my wedding," she said with a wide smile. Her eyes went kind of wide like she just remembered something. She turned towards everybody and spoke, "Speaking of my wedding, the rehearsal dinner is in two days. I forgot to remind you guys, my bad."

Author's note

I want Derek and Nate to be friends again, ugh!!! Anyways, next chapter will involve Samuel. Don't think I just, like, completely dropped him from this story because when they get back in LA, and they go on tour ( Sam will be going as well ), he will have a major major part in this story from there on.

I have the end planned out - still got a while to go but everything is planned out - and I can already tell you, it's going to be crazy. Lol. That is all I am going to say about future chapters in this story, okay? Okay.

Also, I want a love like Derek and Alyssa's even though it's completely fictional. Well since their love is completely fictional and is just my crazy ass wild imagination, I want that Jada and that Will love. ( IF YOU GET THIS REFERENCE WE ARE NOW FRIENDS. )

All Things Go ➳  Sam Wilkinson | Derek LuhWhere stories live. Discover now