All Things Go - Chapter Thirty Four

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Song : Kissin' On My Tattoos by August Alsina

Alyssa || A Month Later

After my mom's little visit last month, we've rekindled our relationship. We talked about everything and she apologized so many times. I even became friends with Lucy and Briana - surprising, right? 

It turns out that they actually did change. Lucy got her heart broken by Mr. Samuel Wilkinson - no surprise, to be honest - and she realized that she didn't need a man to be happy. Briana met this guy and she stopped being such a bitch.

I'm kind of happy that my mother and I have a relationship now. We talk everyday and I'm glad for that. I told her about how she was hurting me with all the stuff she did and she got herself together, which is good.

Abel is now two months old and he's been doing great. He giggles and smiles so much, it's the cutest thing in the world. He's a momma's boy and Derek gets so jealous, it's cute. I love them both to death, my perfect little family.

Derek and I decided on doing the wedding when Abel was a little older so he could be apart of it. We decided on around when Abel was one we could have the wedding. He'd be walking by then and he could be the ring bearer - with the help of someone of course.

Right now, Derek was at the studio picking up his check while I was chilling with Abel on the couch. I was playing him this video that he absolutely loves for some reason and he was giggling up a storm. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen.

He stopped giggling when I recieved a text message and the video paused. It was from Sam? Um, okay?

[ Samuel ] : Um, hey can I come over?

[ Alyssa ] : Um, why? Lol.

[ Samuel ] : Just to talk about everything, I won't stay for long. I promise.

[ Alyssa ] : I mean, I guess. 

I exited out of my messages and reopened YouTube and pressed play on the video that Abel was watching. 


About ten minutes later, Sam arrived at my house. "So, what'd you want to talk to me about?" I asked as I layed Abel down in his little crib that was in the living room. 

"I wanted to talk about us and where we stand," he sighed as he took a seat on my couch. "Look, I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you. I don't what I did to make you want to cheat on me, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I've made your life hell since we broke up. I never meant to make you hate me or anything."

I took a seat on the couch across from him. "Sam, don't be sorry. It happened two years ago and honestly, I'm over the whole situation. You didn't do anything for me to cheat on you, it was my own decision. But that was probably the best decision I have ever made. Everything happens for a reason. Don't be sorry, though."

"I know that you're happy with Derek and I totally get that," he said and ran a hand through his hair, "but I need to tell you something. Even though you broke my heart and stomped all over it, I still love you and I want to see if you could give me one more chance."

I widened my eyes at his statement. "Um, Sam, I'm sorry but that's not going to happen. I am with Derek, we have a son together, and I love him to death. I'm engaged! You were there when Derek proposed to me! You're insane, Sam. I'm not ruining what I have with Derek to be with you. No offense, though."

"Come on, Alyssa, I know you still love me too!" he exclaimed. "Don't even deny it, I know you do. If you didn't love me, you wouldn't have let me come over to your house to talk! Alyssa, stop lying to yourself and admit that you love me!"

I scratched the back of my neck and looked at him awkwardly. "Um, I think you've got it twisted. I don't like you in that way, Sam, we're not even friends. We're strictly acquittances, nothing more. You've really lost your mind. Are you on something right now?"

He clenched his jaw and reached behind and pulled out a glock 40 from the waistband of his jeans. I immediately stood up and went to run over to the crib before Sam spoke. "If you go anywhere near that crib, I'm shooting the baby."

I gulped and stopped in my tracks as my eyes got watery. He stood up and walked closer to me, pointing the gun at me."Sam, w-what are you doing this to me?" I stuttered as he stood about four feet away from me.

"You don't get it do you?" He yelled. "It's not fair, Alyssa. You get to live this little perfect ass life while I'm suffering! It's not fair! You don't deserve anything that you have! You're a lying, cheating, hoe! You don't deserve life."

I gulped as a tear fell down my face. "Sam, put the gun away! We can talk about this," I stated as my voice cracked. "Please don't do this. I'll be with you if you put the gun away!"

"No," he shook his head. "I don't want you to be with me because I'm about to end your life! I want you to be with me because you actually love me! Do you know how much you hurt me when you cheated on me?"

I shook my head and closed my eyes shut as the tears streamed down my face. As a person who isn't scared of a lot of thing, I am sure as hell scared right now. "Sam, I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. We can get past that, it was two years ago!"

"You ruined everything that was ever good in my life!" he yelled even louder than before. "You ruined my relationship with Kelsey and you ruined our relationship. It's not fair that you get to live this little perfect ass life!"

Before I could respond, I heard a loud bang and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I looked down and saw blood coming out of my chest. I fell to my knees as I held onto my chest. The last thing I heard was Abel's crying before everything went black.


OMFG I TOLD YALL YOU WERE GON HATE ME! i hate myself for this, OMG! this isn't the end - it was supposed to be - there'll be one more chapter and then an epilogue. 


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