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I woke up with a pounding headache. I sat up and matt was beside me.

I walked downstairs and Sammy was sitting on the couch. I went to sit next to him and he didn't look at me.

"Hey Sam." I smiled. He scoffed. "I'm sorry did I do something wrong?" I asked. "Yes Emily. You did. You went on a date with Matt!" Sammy shouted. "First of all we are JUST best friends," I said emphasizing the just. "Second, it wasn't a date. It was a hangout between friends. And third, you never even asked me out so who are you to be jealous?" I added raising my voice a bit.

"You know what Emily? Whatever we were and what we had is done. Don't talk to me again." He said as he walked away. "How is this any of my fault?!" I yelled standing up. He didn't look back, yet alone stop to answer.

I groaned in frustration as I sat back down. From around the corner, Matt popped out.

"You okay?" He asked walking towards me. "Awesome." I said sarcastically. He sat down and pulled me into a hug. "Thanks Matt. You're always there for me." I said. "Anytime baby girl," he said as he kissed the top of my head. "Eww I have Matt cooties,"I joked. "Okay bye," he said playing along and getting up. "Maaaaatt," I whined. He laughed and sat back down to hug me.

Eventually everyone was awake. It was Cameron's turn to cook and decide what we should do today if none of us had plans. Believe it or not, but it's actually a very hard job. I hate cleaning and everyone usually disagrees with one another.

We finished eating and decided to go to the movies to watch 50 Shades of Grey. I was so excited. It was gonna be me Matt Cam Nash Hayes Maggie Carter and JJ.

We got into 2 cars. It was me, matt, Cam, and Nash. And the other was Hayes, Maggie, and JJ.

We bought the tickets and walked in.

"Popcorn!" Me and Cam yelled at each other. "Wow. You guys are related." JJ laughed.

We got snacks and drinks and walked to our section. We took up about half a row. From left to right it was JJ, Hayes, Nash, Cam, Me, Matt, Carter, and Maggie.

The movie started and I started slapping Cam's hand in excitement.

The movie ended and let's just say... Whoooooooaaaaaaaaa! The intense scenes. The sex scenes made me cringe and tingle. I can't wait TIL the second movie.

We headed to Taco Bell before going back home. I ordered almost everything. You know that feeling where you just never wanna leave so you get everything so you have it at home. Yea that was me.

We got home and sat on the couch.

"So what now?" I said breaking the silence. "Let's talk about what happened yesterday," JJ smirked. I threw a pillow at him. "What happened to Layla anyways?" Matt asked. "She left because she was mad at you for ditching her." Cam answered. "Not our fault you guys locked us outside!" Me and Matt yelled at the same time. "Oh gosh. Here we go again." Carter rolled his eyes.

Me and Matt started fighting over so said it first. Our fights are always over something childish. We usually make up afterwards.

"Yes I won!" Matt cheered. I turned my back to him. "Come on Em! Okay I'm sorry." I kept my back at him. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around so I was facing him. I was smiling. "You little faker!" He smiled back. "Matily! I ship it," I heard Hayes yell. I got up, grabbed the pillow that I threw at JJ earlier, and smacked Hayes in the face with it.

"Why don't you just hit me?" Hayes asked. "Your face isn't worth touching my beautiful hands," I responded. He glared at me and I laughed. "Just kidding poo bear." I said hugging him. "I know you love me." He smiled. "Okay." I said sarcastically.

"Really though guys. What happened yesterday after we locked you out." JJ asked. "We went to Disneyland." I answered. "Without me?!" Cameron said. I nodded happily. He looked mad. "Hey don't be mad at me. It was her idea!" Matt said in defense. "It was not!"I yelled at both Cam and Matt.

"See! #Matily for life!" Hayes says using his 2 fingers as a hashtag. I rolled my eyes. "Where's everyone else? I just realized we kinda just left without knowing where everyone went." I giggled. "I think Jack and Sierra are back together," JJ said. What? Gilinsky is such a liar. And Cam. I looked at him and he looked heartbroken. I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug.

"She never deserved you anyways. You're way too good for her," I whispered in his ear trying to calm him down.

Later that night, everyone was back home. I need to talk to Sierra. I walked over to her.

"Hey can we talk?" I asked as if nothing happened. She nodded annoyingly.

We walked into my room with Sierra following behind me.

"What do you want?" He said clearly annoyed by my presence. "So I hear your back with Jack?" I asked secretly recording the whole convorsation. "What are you gonna do about it?" She smirked. "Nothing. Yet. If my brother gets any more hurt than he already is because of you, bad things will happen. Does nash even care? Do your parents care? Does Gilinsky even know that you never officially broke up with Cam?" I asked her. "What can you even do to me? Pull out a piece of my hair? Oh honey, that's cute. Who cares what Nash thinks? Who cares what my parents think? Does Cam even matter?" I scoffed. "Oh I can do many many more things to you. Um, do you not think of Nash as your brother? He's your twin. You've lost so many years without him and you don't care? You finally found your dad. The dad you never knew of until recently. Cam. Did he mean nothing to you? You played with him didn't you?" She rolled her eyes. "I'm done with you." She said as she turned and reached for the doorknob. "No. I'm done with you and your bullshit. You have no heart. You have no idea how to love yet alone what love means. You have no idea how to live life, how to find the people you actually love. I know you used Cam for fame." I said sternly. "Honey. I used you, too." She smiled.

I've had enough. I swung my fist at her nose.

"You little bitch!" She said holding her nose. "Come at me you slut." I laughed.

She swung and I ducked.

"That's all you've got?" I said and swung my fist at her eye. She attempted to pull my hair, but I pushed her hand away. I beat her and pushed her into the wall causing glass to break. Everyone came into the room.

"What happened?!" JG asked. "Your 'girl' has no skills. In fighting or life." I said. "What are you talking about? I did nothing wrong. She just started swinging punches at me. She called me a... a slut!" She fake cried. "Please. Don't try to play innocent. I didn't call her a slut! Well I did but-" l began. "No buts Em. I can't believe you would do that to my sister and your best friend!" Nash cut me off. "You didn't let me finish! I have evidence-" I got cut off once again but by cam. "Evidence my ass." He said. "I'm still recording. Your going to regret saying that." I warned. "Grow up Emily." Cam said as he and Jack G helped Sierra out of the room.

Everyone left the room except Matt and Maggie.

"Look we believe you." Maggie said sitting down next to me on my bed. Matt nodded agreeing my and sat on my other side. "I really do have evidence! I recorded the whole conversation!" I took out my still recording phone and showed them. "We'll try to make them believe you somehow."Matt said reassuringly. "I hope." I mumbled. "I just can't believe my own brother won't believe me. He chooses love over family. And his 'love' is cheating using him! Shes using him because he's an actor in two movies and Jack is just a singer." I added. "What? She's using them?" Maggie asked. I nodded. "She's using me too." I said. "Nonsense! You guys have been beset friend forever. I witnessed the day you guys met." Matt said. I shrugged.

I played the recording for maggie and Matt.

"Wow." Was all they said. "Can you guys just get out. I wanna sleep." I said. Maggie nodded and got out. "Matt could you get out." I asked politely. "No. I know your hurting. Your just not saying anything. I'm gonna stay here with you all night." He said getting under the covers with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Goodnight babygirl." He said as he kissed the top of my head. "Goodnight." I said.


Matt in this fanfic is best friend goals😭 Sierra pisses me off and I made her up like wtf. I'm weird.

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