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I woke up peacefully. I looked over at Brogan, and he was still sleeping. He never got up during the night unlike Avery.

I went downstairs starting to fall asleep again. I smelt bacon, and that instantly woke me up again.

"I smell bacon," I perked.
"Cool. But it's all for me," Shawn said as he smirked evilly.
"Shawn," I whined.
"Nope," he said popping the P.

I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen. There was literally nothing, but eggs, milk, and cereal.

"Why do we have cereal in the fridge?" I asked.
"Me," Nash said in a duh tone. I chuckled and went back upstairs.

Matt was playing with Brogan on the bed. He was laughing and smiling a lot.

"Aww," I cooed. All of a sudden, Brogan started crying.
"Look what you did!" Matt laughed.
"I just accidentally scared him," I said feeling bad.

I picked up Brogan and rocked him in my arms. He eventually calmed down.

"I wanna get rocked in your arms," Matt smirked.
"Never," I giggled.
"How about when you used to ride-" I cut him off there.
"There is a child in the room!" I said covering Brogan's ears and trying to keep a straight face.
"Me," he finished as he walked out.

I walked out and smack his ass as I walked by. He glared at me with death eyes.

"I would chase you, but you're holding my baby," he said. I smiled at him and walked back downstairs.

I strapped in Brogan and got into the passenger seat. We were heading to the grocery store.

"I don't wanna drive," Matt whined.
"Too bad. I got here first," I teased. He pouted and walked to the drivers seat.

We got to the store, and I grabbed a cart to put Brogan in. Matt stole the cart from me and started riding around the store. I rolled my eyes at his childness.

We were in line to pay, and I realized I left my wallet at home.

"Umm. Matt I left my wallet at home. Can you pay?" I asked.
"Sure," he said patting his pockets for his wallet. "Shit," he mumbled.
"What," I said worried

"I left my wallet at home because I thought you were paying!" He said.
"You're the guy. Should you just always pay?" I asked.
"I don't know!" He said loudly, but not quite yelling.

"Excuse me. Please step forwards," the cashier said.
"Sorry. We forgot our money. Can we call someone?" I asked. She shook her head.
"No money; get out," she said pointing to the door.

"Fi-" I started but Matt cut me off.
"Shouldn't you be a bit nicer to a customer?" Matt asked getting serious.

She pulled out her walkie-talkie and called for security. Damn.

"I think she's on her cycle," Matt whispered to me.
"No way. Old people like her shouldn't get their cycles anymore," I whispered back.
"I heard you!" The cashier exclaimed.
"Sorry," I said trying to keep a straight face. I looked at Matt and we started laughing.

The security finally came after a few minutes.

"Those two and their kid," the lady said pointing to me and Matt.
"Come on," one said pulling mine and Matt's arms. The other took Brogan out of the cart and held him on his hip.

They took us to the security room to "investigate" us and what happened.

"So what did you guys do?" One of the security asked.
"We both forgot our money and I asked if I can call someone and she straight up said no money get out," I explained.
"Uh-huh," he said nodding his head.

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