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Cam went back to the house to comfort Sierra. I don't mind them being together honestly. He's my best friend and she's my sister.

I sat with matt for a while when 2 ambulances came up and pulled out a boy and a girl. They looked like... No. It can't be.

I rubbed my eyes and looked again. It was them. Sierra and Cameron. I was in shock. What could have happened?

I walked over to hayes.

"H-h-hey... Doesn't t-that look like C-Cameron and Sierra?!" I struggled talking. He nodded slowly and in shock.

I ran around the corner and saw the people rushing cameron into the emergency room. I tried sneaking in but one of the nurses stopped me.

"Sir you may not enter this room."

"But I have to! He's my best friend! No. He's not even my best friend. He's my brother! I need to know what's going to happen!" My eyes started to water.

"Just stay out here for now. We will try our best to help your brother."

I walked away. I looked up to see Gina, David, and Sierra. (A/N I just now realized that they have the same name wtf. Oh well) I walked up to them and we grouped hug.

"Earlier Cameron called us saying something happened to Emily so we drove down from Washington immediately." David said.

(A/N they were on a business vacation and they picked up Sierra from a friends house)

""And when we got to your guy's house, it was on fire so we rushed here. I asked hayes if everything was okay and he said cameron and sierra got hurt and I just didn't know what to do." Gina said. I hugged her to calm her down.

"I'm sure it'll be alright" I said rubbing her back.

A few minutes later a doctor came out.

"Is everything alright?" David asked.
"Well. His heart is still pumping but right now the rest of him is broken from the house collapsing on his so we can't tell what will happen." The doctor explained. I nodded and sat back down.

*1 week later*


These past few days I've heard so many people say loving things about me. I just haven't heard from Matt.

I hear someone walk in hoping its matt.

"Hey Em." It's sammy. "Please wake up. I need you to wake up." He pauses and takes my hand. "We all need you to wake up. Your mom and dad are worried sick. They've been crying non stop for you and cameron!"

Wait cameron? What happened!? Why didn't anyone tell me?

"What do you mean cameron?" I ask. Of course he doesn't hear me. It's like I'm here but I'm not physically awake. Emily just wake up!

"If you didn't know, Sierra was at home and accidentally set the house on fire. Cam went to check on her and when he got there it was burning. He went inside since the firemen did nothing. We came out and saved sierra but unfortunately the house collapsed right on him. He should be fine he's just in the same situation. Look Em. Can you just try? I- I love you."

He what? He loves me?

Is there any way I can just wake up! Or can this just be a dream.


This was short and pointless but I wanted to update for you guys 😘

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