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My eyes flickered open. I was in an unfamiliar room with white walls. I looked to my side and saw Matt.

"Matt? Wake up." I carefully shook his shoulder. He groaned, looking up.
"Emily!" He said excitedly while getting up to pull me into a hug. "Don't ever scare me like that again. I won't ever let you get hurt again."
"Babe I'm fine. Everything's okay." I reassured him.
"Okay. I trust you. But does your stomach hurt?"
I giggled. "Yeah thanks for trusting me. I told you I'm fine."
"Oh! Ms. Dallas. Your awake. Do you feel any pain?" A nurse said walking in.
"I'm fine. When can I leave?" I asked.
"You can actually leave right now. Everything is good." She smiled and walked out. I changed into the clothes I wore to trial and walked with Matt to the front office to get discharged.

I walked through the font door and Andrea attacked me with a bone-crushing hug.

"Your home!" She yelled.
"I hasn't even gone that long?" I said more of a question.
"But I got stuck with boys!" She said still hugging me.
"Hey! We are men." Cam said showing his arm muscles.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. Matt and I walked upstairs into my room.

He grabbed my face gently and kissed my lips.

"I love you." He smiled.
"I love you, too," I smiled back.

~5 months later~

Today, Nash and Sierra's parents get officially married.

"Babe, wake up!" Matt yelled hitting me in the face with a pillow.
"Hey!" I yelled.
"Sorry. Sometimes I forget your pregnant."
"Liar. It's been 9 months."

He walked into the backroom to do his hair.

"Babe!" I shouted.
"What's wrong!" He panicked running out of the bathroom.
"Help me get out of bed." I laughed putting my hand in the air.
"Babe your too heavy!" He complained.

I gave him a glare and he laughed.

"I was kidding," he said while pulling me up. He kissed my forehead and walked back into the bathroom.

I walked to my closet and picked out an all black dress that sinches right above my stomach with a zipper in the back. I went into the bathroom to curl my hair and do my makeup.

"Wow baby. You look hot for a pregnant woman." Matt teased.
"Thanks?" I laughed.

Matt opened the passenger door for me and I sat in. He jogged over to the drivers side, and we took off.

"You haven't popped yet?" Nash's mom asked suprised. I slightly laughed,
"Not yet. Sadly." I said.
"When were you due?"
"Last week."
"Oh. This is normal honey." She smiled.

Me and Matt walked to the table with out names on it.

"You look happy," I said sarcastically to Nash.
"Oh. I'm happy about my parents, but Sierra is gonna be my sister. And Jack is gonna be my brother-in-law." He answered. My eyes widened at his last comment.

"He proposed?!" I asked shocked.
"Yea. Hopefully they move to the other side of the Galaxy." He laughed.

The ceremony started. Nash's mom walked down the isle with a big smile on his face. I looked at his dad. He, too, had a big smile plastered on his face. That made me miss my parents being happily together.

The wedding ended, and we walked outside for the bouquet throwing and to send them off. She threw the bouquet, and it came towards me. I caught it and everyone started clapping. I laughed.

Chad and Melissa entered the cab that was taking them to the airport. We all waved them goodbye.

I felt a sharp pain in the side of my stomach. It lasted for about 30 seconds then went away. I didn't want to worry Matt so I didn't say anything to him.

We were all just talking, and a few people left. The pain came back, but this time worse. I bit my lip to keep from making any sound.

"Em. Babe, you okay?" Matt asked me noticing me in pain.
"Yea I'm fine," I said as the pain went away.

A few minutes later, I felt water fall down my legs. The pain came back, worse than ever.

"Ahhh!" I yelped.
"Em! Are you okay? What's wrong!" Matt asked worriedly.
"T-the baby's coming," I said squeezing my eyes shut and biting my lip.

Matt and Cam helped me to the car. Matt drove above the speed limit not caring.

"Babe slow down!" I yelled as we almost ran a stop light.
"Sorry. How are you holding up? Does it hurt?" He asked.
"Not at all," I said sarcastically.

We parked in the hospital parking lot. Matt opened my door, and we walked into the hospital. We checked in, and matt wheeled me into a private room.

"Your not quite ready to push yet," the nurse told me. I nodded understandingly

By the time I got into the bed, the pain was all gone. I fell asleep hoping the day would just end.

I was awoken by a big contraction. I yelped in pain, waking Matt.

"Oh my god. Uhh. Breathe. In and out. Slowly," he stuttered. I did exactly what he said. It didn't go away. Right then, a nurse came in.

"Oh! Your ready to push! Let me go get your doctor and we'll push." A nurse told us.

She came back into our room with a worried look.

"Uhh. All of our doctors are busy at the moment. Just hang in there for a while." She said. I nodded my head. Labor hurts like hell.

I squeezed Matt's hand the whole time while waiting for the doctor. He looked like he was about to cry which was funny.

"Hello sorry for the wait Ms.Dallas. How are you?" The doctor said.
"Can we just get going!" I screamed.

It's been 4 hours. I'm crying and sweating. Matt passed out after looking down there. I just want this to be over with.

"One more push Ms.Dallas!" A nurse said. I gave all of the energy left in me. I eventually heard a cry. I teared up even more and covered my mouth.

"It's a girl!" The doctor said holding my baby.
"Sir! Sir wake up!" A nurse said shaking matt. He shot up immediately.

I looked over at him. He has tears in his eyes.

"Please cut the umbilical cord." The nurse told Matt.
"But I don't wanna hurt her!" He responded. I laughed at his stupidity.
"You won't hurt her. Trust me." I said.

He cut the cord and a bit of bloods came out.

"I see blood! I hurt her! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Em!" I laughed along with the nurses and doctor.
"It's normal babe. Calm down," I told matt.

I'm off track!🎉🎊 I'll try to update more often instead of once a week!

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