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I couldn't believe it. He basically lied to me this whole time.

When we got home I sat on the couch with Sammy. Everyone gathered around also.

"Guys I know what happened to Matt," I said. I felt Sammy tense up next to me. "Why did you do it?" I said turning towards Sammy.

"I-I..." He stuttered.
"Bitch," Maggie mumbled disgusted.
"Look. I am very sorry. I don't know what I was thinking," he apologized.
"Sorry doesn't cut it bro," Kenny said.

"Why did you do it?" Nash asked again.
"I told you already," he responded.
"Tell us the truth," Nash said getting serious.
"I just wanted Emily to myself, and Matt was getting in the way of it. Okay! And as soon as I heard he died, I was glad!" Sammy yelled.

"Get out," I said before anyone an say anything after.
"What? Emily," he said.
"Get. Out," I repeated sternly.

Once he left, I started to cry.

"Emily? What's wrong?" Maggie asked.
"I lost Matt. Forever. He's my best friend since I can remember. I loved him, and I still do," I sniffled.

I went up to my room and cried my heart out. I couldn't calm down. I spent most of my life around him.

'We're by each other's side no matter what.' I thought to myself.

I walked downstairs, and it seemed like everybody left. I went back upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom.

I turned on the bath, and I say on the toilet, thinking twice.

'We're by each other's side no matter what.' That saying flew around my head for a while. I felt the water hit my feet. I turned off the water to stop it from overflowing even more.

I stripped my clothes off, and hopped into the bath. Am I really going to do this? I have my whole life ahead of me.

I got out of the bath, not wanting to die for a boy. He may be the boy, but I can always meet someone else right?

I logged onto my laptop and went onto a dating website. It's probably too soon, but the sooner the better.

I looked through profiles and profiles of guys, but none of them were the one. None of them were Matt.

I kept looking and looking until I stumbled upon a decent looking guy. I clicked on his profile.

He's 20, so he's just a year older than me. His birthday is on August 26. He's 5'11. He has chocolate brown eyes and black hair. Derek is his name. It seems to fit him perfectly.

I clicked on the "chat" button and started the conversation by saying hi. He responded almost right away.

"Hey" he responded.

We ended up talking for about 2 hours. The guys and Maggie came back, so I told Derek I had to go.

"No worries beautiful. Talk to you soon" he responded. I blushed at his response.

"I'm here," I heard a voice at the door. I turned around and saw him.
"Kian!" I yelled running towards him.

I admit, what he did to me and Andrea in New York was wrong, but he was the only person I knew closely there.

"Why are you here?" I asked.
"The guys and I moved back to LA. I got a part in a movie here. Plus I just wanted to be here for you. I know what happened to Matt," he said. His smile slowly turned into a straight line.
"Thanks," I said hugging him.

We made our way downstairs to eat the food that they had brought back.

"Sushi!" I yelled. I love sushi.
"Just so you know, we didn't buy it for you. We bought it because it was nearby," Nash clarified.
"I wasn't going to ask, but okay," I chuckled.

"Emily!" I heard Maggie call from upstairs.

I put down my chopsticks and ran upstairs.

"What," I said out of breath.
"You have a dating website?" She said straight up. I quickly walked to her and took my laptop.

"You can't just leave. You're gonna have to tell me eventually," she said. I turned back around and started to explain.
"So um basically I was gonna kill myself because of Matt but then I was like that's stupid. Then I went onto my laptop and signed up for a dating website and met this dude. His name is Derek, and he's a nice dude," I said fast.

She smirked at me and wiggled her eyebrows. I glared at her and walked out.

We finished eating, and I went back upstairs to talk to Derek. He gave me his number while we were talking earlier, so I decided to FaceTime him.

It rang for a bit; then he answered. I had to admit, he's pretty hot.

"Hey! I've been waiting for your call," he said plopping onto his bed.
"Am I supposed to be weirded out?" I asked in a joking manner.
"No," he laughed.

"Emily where are you?!" I heard Maggie yell.
"I'm in my room!" I yelled back.

"Sorry if my friend comes in my room suddenly and just jumps into our conversation," I apologized in advance.
"No worries," he smiled. His smile is hot.

"I have found you!" Maggie said opening up the door all the way.
"Can you just not come back for a while?" I asked hoping for her to say 'I understand.'

"And who's he?" She said walking towards me, ignored what I just said.
"That's Derek," I said embarrassed.
"That?" He said.
"Yeah. You're just a 'that'," I joked.
"You know what?" He asked.
"What," I said.
"Thank you," he joked back.

"Aww I feel the connection already!" Maggie cooed. "So Derek, where are you from?" She asked, not letting me speak.
"I was born in New York, but now I live in LA now," he answered.

"No way! We live in LA!" She said. I was already left out of the conversation.
"Maggie, I'm not trying to be rude, but get out," I smiled a cheesy smile afterwards.
"Well damn," she said acting as if she was actually hurt. She then left after that.

"So since we know the basics of each other, do you mind if I get to know a little bit of your past life?" He asked.
"Yea! That's fine," I said.

"Well let me think of what to ask," he chuckled, tapping his chin with his finger.
"How about I go first," I suggested.
"That would be a good idea," he said, and we both smiled.

"Have you had any past girlfriends?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows.
"Yes, actually. She died of cancer last year. I just picked myself up not too long ago," he said confidently.

"So have YOU had any past boyfriends?" He asked.
"Um yea. I had a few that I don't really consider my 'boyfriend' because I was in like middle school. But I actually dated my best friend. Matthew was his name," I said feeling my eyes well up.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he said looking kind of sad.
"No I want to. You told me about your's, so I want to tell you about mine," I said trying to gather courage.
"He died 2 weeks ago actually. He got shot by one of my ex-boyfriends. My ex used to be my friend, but I guess he isn't," I told him.

"Oh. I'm so sorry," he said apologetic.
"It's fine," I said wiping my eyes. "Gosh I'm a wimp. You didn't even stutter while talking about your girlfriend," I added.
"I've had a year to get over it. It's only been 2 weeks for you, so it's okay. I'll be there with you," he said.

"Thank you," I said as my tears started to dry up.
"Any time. I wish I could hold your hand right now beautiful," he said.
"Stop, you're going to make me blush," I said as I could feel my cheeks start to flush red.
"You're cute," he said. I covered my cheeks, and he laughed.

"Laughing isn't nice," I teased.
"Maybe you aren't nice," he said back. I pretended to be hurt. "I'm kidding. Sorry," he said.
"I'm kidding. I'm a good actor aren't I?" I giggled.
"Totally," he said in a sarcastic tone.

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