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We crept closer to the screaming. I ran to the other side so we could both look in.

I can't believe it.

"Cam! We need to call the cops!" I whispered.

"You do it then!" He said.

"Hello?! 911? My girlfriend is in danger. She's tied up and bleeding really bad and just please come now!"

"Sir calm down. It's going to be alright. What is your address?" The voice on the other end said.

I told her the address and said they will be here in 5 minutes.

I looked across and saw nothing.

"Cam??!" I loudly whispered.

*pow* *pow* *pow*

I ran into the room. Cam on the floor unconscious. Blood puring out of his body. Emily tied to a wall and duck taped. Her head bleeding like crazy but still conscious.

"Well we have another one. Don't we." It was a familiar voice. Taylor.

"What the hell are you doing!!! Hurting your best friends! We've been through everything together since the 5 grade!" I yelled.

I heard the cop sirens and ambulance pull up.

"Put you hand up where I can see 'em!" A police officer yelled.

The medical were carrying Emily and Cam on a stretcher.

"Wait! I need to be with one of them! Officer. Please let me go. I didn't do anything!" I screamed.

"I can't do anything until we find out who did what just happened. In my car boys." I cried. I need to be with Emily! I can't loose her. My best friend, my girlfriend, my soul mate, and maybe my wife...


I got a call from Matt.

"They found her!" I told Sierra. She looked as if she was about to cry.

I was happy until Matt finished telling me what had happened. I dropped my phone and broke down.

"Nash. What's wrong?" Sierra asked concerned.

"My best friend. Your best friend. They're in the hospital. Matt is at the police station with taylor and-" she cut me off.

"Wait Taylor? He want here looking for her. HE CAUSED ALL THIS!" She yelled. "What are you doing crying! We need to go to the pice station nearest to here and pick up Matt! We need to go to the hospital to see Emily and Cam!!"

I nodded and we ran back to the hotel to pick up the car.

We picked up Matt at the police station.

" so what happened to taylor?" Sierra asked.

"He's going to be in jail for 5 years." Matt answered.

I was hoping forever but that's fine too.

We arrived at the hospital. And we all ran to the front desk.

"Emily and Cameron Dallas" we all said at the same time.

"They re still in surgery. Go straight, and turn left. You can wait there" the nurse answered.

"Thanks!" I yelled. We all ran.


Its been an hour and nothing about Cam or Emily.

I looked at Matt. He was crying and worrying. I sat next to him and hugged him.

"Matt it's okay she-" I got cut off.

"No Sierra! It's not okay! We are in a foriegn country and our best friends are hurt. My girlfriend is hurt. How is that okay!"

I backed away.

"Sorry Sierra I'm just mad and worried"

"It's okay. We all are."

Everyone was here now. Finally a doctor came out.

"Cameron and Emily?" We all stood up.
"Well cameron is fine. The shots will leave a scar but that's okay."

"What about Emily?!" I asked.

"Well. She got hit in the head pretty hard. She lost a lot of blood and we did everything we could. She may be in a coma."

Those words hit me like a ton of bricks.

"For how long?" I heard Andrea say.

"Maybe a week or so."

They wheeled Cam and Emily out.

"One person at a time please"

We decided Matt, Nash, me, maggie, Carter, hayes, Andrea, Kenny, sam, Jack g, then Jack j.


We decided I go first. Cam and Emily had the same room for now.

I walked over to Cameron first.

He layed there lifeless on the bed.

"Hey man. Everything's okay. Just a scar. Your sister. She's going to be In a coma for about a week. I hope you wake up fine and healthy."

I got up and slowly walked to Emily. I sat down next to Emily and immediately started crying. She looks so in pain. A bandage around the top of her head.

"Hey Em. Where do I even begin. I remember in 1 grade when we first met. You were wearing the brightest ballet suit. I thought you were cute so I talked to you. And you treated me like just a friend. Eventually we became best friends. But you still was never mine. But what did I know about love. We were in 1 grade for god sake." I grabbed her hand. "I remember in second grade when you had a crush on this boy named Nathan. You said he was your souls mate. I was crushed. But on the bright side your mine now, forever, and always. Let's fast forward to 6 grade when you had your first boyfriend. David. He was a jerk and he treated you like shit. You liked him anyways. He eventually broke your heart and I just wanted him to die. In 7 grade when I gave you the promise ring for us to be in each other's lives forever. Freshman year when you peed your pants from laughing too hard. You were so embarrassed. You locked yourself in the janitors closet with out even changing. Sophomore year when you cut your finger in ceramics class and had to get 6 stitches. You held my hand like there was no tomorrow. But I liked it. Junior year when I realized I love you. I tried so many times to tell you. It just couldn't come out of me. Senior year. We met all of our best friends. And we all lasted. Well except for taylor. You just don't know that right now. Oh hey. A miracle happened today. Nash and Sierra found out they are twins. I wish you and cam were awake so we can just go home and spend Christmas watching movies, drinking hot chocolate by the fireplace, telling embarrassing stories. Oh and one last think I need to tell you Em. I lo-" I got cut off by a sound.


No! This can't be happening! You can't die on me Emily ! I screamed down the hall for nurses. I pressed the button to call nurses and doctors.

They ran in quickly checking her.

"No heartbeat. No sign of breathing. We need a paddle shocker! (A/N I have no idea what it's called. It like shocks you to get your heart beating again) STAT!


They did that repetitively but no heartbeat.

"We need an emergency surgery! Let's go!" The doctor yelled.

I sat there thinking. And thinking. What is going to happen to my Emily. I can't live without her. If she dies. I die.


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! I hope you guys have a great day😊

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