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Emily's eyes slowly opened. Her eyes observed the room slowly.

"Emily. Can you hear me?" I asked, and as nodded.
"Where's Matt?" She asked taking the breathing mask off.
"He's dead," Nash said walking into the room.

"H-he's dead?" She said unable to grasp it.
"He's dead?" I asked. Nash nodded.

That's better then needed it to be.

I heard sobbing next to me. I turned around, and Emily was crying. She put her breathing mask back on.

"There's more," Nash spoke.
"What is it?" Emily asked.
"You have lung cancer," he sighed.

Emily cried even harder this time. I was too busy on trying to hurt Matt that I hadn't even kept up with Emily's condition.


Sammy had left the room, so it was just Nash and I.

"So do you want the surgery?" He asked.
"I don't know," I sighed putting my head in my hands.
"There is a chance you might live," he said.
"Might," I mumbled.

"Look, you can either suffer from breathing problems, or you can get surgery and live peacefully," he said sternly.
"Nash don't pressure me," I said.
"Sorry. I just want you to be okay. I know Cameron would," he said.

"I'll do it," I said aggravated.
"You will?" Nash asked, and I nodded my head hesitantly.
"Okay I'll go tell the doctor," he cheered.

I wasn't sure if he wanted me gone or if he wanted me to be okay.

The nurses wheeled me to the operating room. I was nervous, but if it works, I'll be able to live peacefully.

They gave me the sleeping medicine, and started operating.

I bat my eyes open, and looked at my surroundings. It was my hospital room.

"Nash," I said weakly.
"You're awake!" Nash said hugging me.
"Okay," I giggled. "Did they get the cancer out?" I asked.

He gave me a worried look. I started to frown.

"I'm kidding. It's gone," he laughed.
"I fucking hate you. I was scared," I said punching his arm. He laughed even harder.

We stayed in the hospital for a few more days to run tests. Finally, everything was fine and we left.

"Thank god! I hate hospitals," I said sitting in Nash's car.
"Why?" He chuckled.
"I've been there for too long. Too many times," I sighed.

"Why didn't you guys look for us?" I asked breaking the silence.
"We did. It got dark, and we went to the campsite to eat and sleep for the night. And the next day I guess we kinda just forgot," he shrugged.

"I would be really mad at you right now, but you're all I've got right now," I said.
"You have all of us. Even Maggie is back," Nash told me.
"Yea. I'm glad. I just don't want her and Carter back together," i commented.

"Why not?" He questioned.
"Just cause. I feel like they just aren't right for each other?" I said in a questioned tone.

"Have you talked to G and Sierra?" I asked changing the subject.
"Nope. We haven't talked since a week after you left for New York," he answered.
"I hope they died," I mumbled.

"Why is that?" He asked obviously hearing me.
"They're just annoying," I shrugged.
"You think everyone's annoying," I laughed and agreed.

"We've already planned Matt's funeral. It's next week," Nash said.
"Oh," I replied. The thought of his made my eyes well up.
"You don't have to go," he said trying to make me feel better.
"No I'm going. I have to," I said sucking it up.

We got to the house, and I went straight into Matt and I's room. Everything in there had memories. The dream catcher; the ring box. I mean even the bed had memories.

I felt tears forming a puddle on my eyes. I just can't believe he's gone.

"Em, are you okay?" Sammy asked hearing me weep.
"Yea," I lied wiping my tears.
"Look, I'm here for you. I'll always be by your side," He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Thanks," I said nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck.

"I need to see brogan," I stated, my head still rested on his neck.
"We put him up for adoption," Sammy said.
"What?! Without my approval?" I said loudly.
"Well he is technically Layla and Matt's baby so we don't need your approval," he sassed.

"Whatever," I groaned. "Did Layla agree?" I asked, and he nodded.
"Where even is she?" I added.
"Jail," he simply said.
"How?!" I said shocked.
"She killed Matt," he said.
"No. She loved him. She wouldn't do that," I stuttered, and he shook his head as if he were disappointed.

"Are you lying?" I asked suspiciously noticing his guilty expression.
"No! Why would I lie about that? I know you love him," he said rubbing my shoulders

When Sammy left the room, I called Maggie. Her dad is an investigative police. I can tell when Sammy lies. Her dad agreed to look into Matt's situation.

*one week later* (Matt's funeral)

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Espinosa," I greeted as they entered the church.
"Hey sweetie. How are you going?" Mrs. Espinosa pulling me into a hug.
"It's still hard to make myself believe it, but I think I'll be okay," I said as we pulled away.
"We're always here for you," Kristen said, and Dylan agreed.

I thanked them, and we entered the church together.

I sat down next to Sammy. I was still a bit suspicious, but he's been with me the whole week. Nash was also by my side, but he was busy with his movies.

Everyone including me had said their speeches by now. We had time to settle down since basically everyone was bawling now.

I looked around, and the guys were walking out of the church. I caught up with them and asked where they were going.

"We're gonna go get food. The church is depressing right now," Shawn answered.
"Well I'm gonna go along with you guys because I can," I said, and they chuckled.

We decided to eat Taco Bell. Sammy and I found a place to sit while the rest ordered our food.

My phone rang, and it was Maggie. This could be it. I answered it and put my phone up to my ear.

"Where are you?" She asked.
"I'm at Taco Bell with the guys. It's depressing over there right now," I explained.
"Okay but I know what happened," she said.
"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered.
"I know what happened to Matt," she stated.


I finally ended school on Friday!! Hopefully I update more. I have dance camp over summer so let's see!

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