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Me and Matt ran out of my room to ask what happened.

"Is everything okay?" Matt asked once we got downstairs.
"Yea. We were jumping from couch to couch and then nash fell pretty hard." Sierra explained. I laughed.

It was silent for a bit.

"So what's uh going on between you two huh?" Nash asked smirking.
"What do you think?" Matt asked and then kissed me.
"Aww!" I heard Sierra say.
"Eww" nash said.
"Hey man lets talk." Cam said leading Matt to his room.


Cam lead me to his room. Honestly I was scared of what he had to say.

"I don't want you hurting my sister again." He said seriously.
"Bro. She hurt me too." I said.
"You didn't let her explain what happened."
"She didn't let me explain what happened either!" I raised my voice a bit.
"But you did it first."
"I thought you were my friend Cameron!"
"I am! But Emily is my sister. And I should always have her back. "
"Even her bad decisions? What about me?"
"Look dude. Your like my brother. But my sister is blood related" with that said, he walked out.

What the hell just happened.

I walked out and asked Emily if she wanted to go out somewhere. She nodded and we hopped into my car.

"So where are we going?" She asked
"Where ever you wanna go" I replied.
"Your such a kid." I backed out of the driveway.
"But you love me." She smirked.

We used to always go there everyday together with our season passes. Then I eventually got busy and we could never go anymore.

We stopped by in-n-out. Inside was full so we went through the drive thru.

I order for me and Emily and paid. I waited for our food.

I looked up to see if they were almost done and I see Emily on snapchat. I smiled and looked back down.

We got to Disneyland. I still couldn't get what cameron said out of my head. It hurt me.

We went on a few rides and I already started getting dizzy.

"Let's go on that one!" Emily said pointing to the ride.
"I'm dizzy. Let's grab a drink first."I said. She nodded.

We sat down at an empty table.

"So what did cameron tell you in the room?" She asked looking up at me.
"Oh. Nothing." I said staring at my drink.
"Matt I know when your lying. You can just tell me." She held my hand.
"He said he didn't want me hurting you and that even though we are like brothers, we aren't blood related."
"That's it? Who needs to be blood related to be brothers or sisters. And I understand he doesn't want you hurting me. He's my brother."
"You hurt me too." I hope she didn't take that the wrong way.
"You didn't let me explain!"she looked a bit mad.
"You didn't either!"

She got furious and walked off.

"Where are you going?" I yelled. A few people stared at us.
"Home" she replied.
"Without a car?"
"I have legs."

I trailed behind her the whole time. She finally turned around.

"why are you following me!" She said getting teary eyed.
"Get in the car." I said sternly grabbing her by the wrist.
"Let go of me! You can't tell me what to do!" She yanked her wrist out of my grip and walked away.

I got home and she wasn't.

"Dude. Something happened. I can feel it. What did you do." Cam said seriously.
"I told her what you told me and she got mad at me and not you. She wanted to walk so I let her"
"Dude what the hell! It should be dark any minute now. And you hurt her. Again."
" I know. And I'm sorry but we should calle everyone and look for her. We can't let her get hurt like last time."

I called Carter while cameron called kenny to inform them what happened.

"Bro. Where are you guys" I asked Carter.
"Hotel. We decided to stay away for a bit."
How far are you?"
"Probably about 3 hours? Why. What's up."

I heard him telling maggie.

"Alright we'll be there to help." With that, I hung up.

Carter and maggie arrived shortly.

"I thought you said you guys were about 3 hours away?" I asked confused.
"This dipshit decided to drive like 10000 miles per hour" Carter responded.
"Oh my gosh. Did you really just call me a dipshit?!" Maggie said. I laughed. "I'm sorry that I need to save my best friend okay!"

Sierra walked through the door.

"Um could you not try to break my door?" Cameron asked.
"Shut up. Have you guys even TRIED looking for Emily yet?" She looked sad.
"Not yet." I answered.
"What are you doing here then!" She ran out the door. I have no idea where she went. Probably home to get nash.

We decided Sierra and nash look at Emily's favorite places. Carter and Maggie look throughout the neighborhood and me and cameron will look around the beach.

We drove to the beach. It didn't seem like anyone was here. No! I can't give up!

Cameron looked around the stands and I ran up and down the beach looking at the sand and water.

I couldn't find her. I want to give up but I can't. She has to be somewhere! I mean the beach is already about thirty minutes to about an hour away. How far could she have gone!

I ran to look for cam. I already ran up and down the beach ten times. I just give up. I caused all this. I made this all happen.

"Did you find her? Or any trace of her?" He asked.
"No. What about you?" I asked out of breath.
"It's getting dark. Let's just go and try again tomorrow."
"No. I can't let my sister die okay! You shouldn't give up! You love her. You've been there for her for everything! And you caused this." He tried calming down.

I sat in the car while cam looked for her. I cadre about her more than anything but I give up. I shouldn't but I do.

I started crying thinking what could've happened to Emily. It's midnight. We've been searching for 7 hours.

I called Carter and Nash to see if they found her. Nothing. I went onto snapchat and watched her stories from today. When we were at in-n-out. She took a picture of me with my mouth open and food inside and she write "hungry much?" I laughed.

I can't live without her. I got out of the car and started looking again.

"MATT! MATT!" I heard cameron yell.

I ran to where his voice was coming from.

"I-i th-think that's her over there." He pointed to the floating body in the water. Face down.

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