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Cameron told me to grab a trash bag from the closet. I nodded and walked to the closet. I was shocked. Matt and Emily making out. I quickly shut the door and covered my mouth.

"AHH OMG WHAT AHH OMG THEY AHH!" I basically fangirled.

"What's wrong Sierra! Did you see a spider?!" I heard cameron yell from the kitchen.

"Um no. Sorry. Ill um. Hold on!"


I heard the door open behind me. I didn't care. All I care about was Emily being mine.

Emily pulled away.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I heard someone scream and it sounded like Sierra found a spider." She said. I laughed.

I opened the door and saw Sierra on the floor.

"OMG SIERRA ARE YOU OKAY?!" Emily said slapping Sierra.

"Ouch. And yes I'm okay. I just am so happy with what I just saw." She replied.

"What did you see?" I asked curiously. "Wait. Did you open the door?" She nodded.


We continued to kiss. I heard the door open slightly. I knew it was Sierra. Then all of a sudden I heard screaming like Sierra found a spider. She hates spiders even if it's as small as a dot.

I pulled away from Matt and opened the door to Sierra in the floor. Eyes closed. I freaked out so I jumped on top of her and slapped her.

"I didn't faint okay. I was just shocked with what I just saw."

I knew it was her at the door. It seemed as if Matt knew too.

We walked downstairs and Matt collapsed on the couch.

"Are you okay Matt?" I said sitting at the top of his head.

"Chill. He just passed out from being drunk." Cameron told me.

"Okay. But I'm surprised your not drunk." I said slightly laughing.

"Well I'm older so I need to make some responsibilities."

"Come on! Your older by 2 minutes. What difference does that make."

"2 minutes!"

I scoffed and walked to Matt with 2 glasses of water. I pored one on him to wake him up.

"What did I miss?!" He said getting up immediately.

"You sober?" I asked. He nodded. I handed him the other glass and he drank it all in one gulp.

"I just realized. Where are the other guys?" I asked.

"Well I think carter and maggie are having unprotected sex in your room." Sierra said. We all laughed.

"Nash left to get hayes so we can all just hang out. And have a sleepover and pillow fights and popcorn and Netflix and-" I cut him off.

"Okay white boy. What about the jacks and them?"

"Well I think Andrea and Kenny are out somewhere because I'm pretty sure they have a "thing"." Matt said.

"And the jacks and sammy are getting ready to go on tour" Sierra said.

"And how would you know?" I asked smirking.

"Oh just. Cause." She laughed at her phone.

I ran up to her and took it. I read the name. Gilinsky😘

"OHHHHH! Is Sierra dating a guy named jack Gilinsky." I teased her.

"Shut up." She growled.

"Well damn."

Everybody was back at our house and we decided to watch a movie. It was dark out so I decided we should watch a scary movie to make it scarier.

I put on Insidious 2 and ran to the kitchen to get the popcorn. I sat next to Matt. Sierra sat next to Gilinsky. Maggie sat next to carter. Cam sat next to nash. hayes sat next to Johnson. And sammy sat next to taylor.

Every time a scary part came on I would bury my Chest in matts chest. I could hear him laugh at me.

"Shut up fuckboy. Girls get scared okay?" I said playfully punching his arm.

"Okay" he replied outing his arm around my waist. He pulled me close and I put my head in his chest. I slowly fell asleep safe in his arms.

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