𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

669 47 10

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

When the carriage landed, Shuichi couldn't be more grateful to be on solid land once more, though he could hardly stand up on it as his knees kept wobbling after the carriage door was opened for him and he got out.

The thing most noticable was the large set of doors in front of him that seemed to lead into the castle. He quickly glanced to the sides and around the area which resembled a small courtyard; nobody else was around. Not a soul. Did anyone besides the vampire live here? Maybe, Shuichi was the only human on this entire mountain, after all.


The doors leading to the castle opened, and Shuichi didn't need to be told he was supposed to go inside. He could practically feel the cold red gaze from the coachman staring holes into the back of his head.

Clutching his chest, Shuichi went inside, the trail of the wedding gown dragging along behind him; he approached the castle, and once he stepped inside, the doors shut behind him, leaving him once again trapped somewhere dark. The only thing he could do, was walk forward, down the hall that was wider than his house, and taller than any sort of hall he had been through before. It had a long red velvet rug decorated with black embroidery that led to the other end, serving as a pathway for the blue-headed male to follow since it was all too dark to navigate too well.

"It's... so cold in here.."

Shuichi rubbed his arms slightly, holding them higher over his chest, shivering as he thought about the cold. The place seemed to have no heat whatsoever, and being so high up on a mountain made it feel even colder.

"H-Hello..?" Shuichi tried to call out, but it came out as more of a whisper that didn't want to be heard and was trying desperately to go back down Shuichi's throat.

But the low temperatures and uneasy silence didn't last too long on Shuichi's mind, because suddenly lamps hanging by chains on the ceiling burst into orange flames and at the same time, a pathway of melting candles alongside the rug, led Shuichi's gaze down the hallway to the very end, to where his eyes immediately caught sight of someone- at the very end of the grand hallway- lit by candlelight- was a man sitting in a throne across from Shuichi, whom had now stopped in his tracks as he stared in pure fascination at the stranger.

He had emerald-green eyes matching the same shade of his hair; he was wearing a white button up, black trousers with matching black shoes; a dark, almost black navy - colored striped vest and over that, a midnight cloak with a red inside. The man wore a gentle expression, his white fangs came into view as he smiled slightly when he saw Shuichi.

"Welcome to your new home, my bride," he spoke, his tone causal, yet soft. He put his hands on the arms of his seat and slowly pushed himself up from where he sat to stand up and begin to walk over towards Shuichi, whom out of instinct took a small step back.

"Is this.. is this him ??..."

The vampire smiled more as he got closer, adjusting his sleeve, the gems that decorated his slim fingers glistened by the faint moonlight drifting through the windows to his left.

"I was expecting... someone more.. monstrous..."

Shucihi tensed up, still as a statue as the vampire was only a couple feet away from him now. Then, swiftly, the taller male leaned down, taking Shuichi's cold hand and pressed an even colder kiss onto the back of it.

Shuichi turned light red. He had lack of physical contact. Even a kiss on his hand was new. Still, this behavior was totally throwing him off. Wasn't he brought here to be devoured on sight? What was going on?!

"It's a great pleasure of mine to meet you," the vampire murmured against Shuichi's skin, seeming so... honest. His eyes glanced up to meet those shocked golden ones. "What beautiful eyes.." he said, leaning up, cupping Shuichi's cheek, brushing his cheek with a thumb painted with black polish; but Shuichi didn't fight back, because the moment his eyes met contact with the vampire's it felt like he was hypnotized.

Both males stared at each other, one of them wearing such a calm smile, while the other was confused and very scared and unable to move or do..well... anything; the vampire was so cold, Shuichi was trembling under the dead-cold touch. His chin was pinched between the vampire's fingers.

"I'm Rantaro Amami. The master of this castle. You are....?"

It took Shuichi a moment, but just as he was building the courage to finally speak up, he realized the vampire may know the person who was supposed to be here was Kaede, not him. In that case, Shuichi was better safe by not giving out his real name, just in case.

But as he tried to answer the other's question with the answer 'Kaede Akamatsu', somehow the words just didn't come out, almost as if his voice just wasn't working.

But Rantaro seemed to just brush over it. "Kaede Akamatsu? That's the name on the invitation," he spoke up for Shuichi, his hand still on his cheek, but his thumb lightly tracing over Shuichi's lips.

"It's almost like... he's.. inspecting me.." Shuichi suddenly felt very worried. Did Rantaro see through the ruse? Shuichi felt almost like those pretty green eyes were seeing through every lie and thought of his. But Rantaro didn't seem to catch on Shuichi wasn't the real Kaede. Maybe Shuichi could get away with going by his friend's name, and hopefully Rantaro wouldn't know the truth Shuichi wasn't the real 'bride'.

Except, Shuichi's thoughts started to go fuzzy when Rantaro put a hand on his lower back and pulled him close, close enough their chest touched and at an angel Shuichi was being dipped as if they were dancing, his hands, without thinking, grabbing onto the front of Rantaro's vest to keep from falling, but Rantaro's hand on his back kept that from happening.

Shuichi cheeks heated up as he stared into Rantaro's eyes, which weren't a soft minty green color anymore, but a vivid magenta shade instead that was glowing in the dimmly lit hallway.

"Well then.. Miss Kaede.. welcome.." Rantaro whispered in Shuichi's ear, his breath, which now felt hot and heavy. As if Rantaro was running out of breath.


Shuichi felt something wet hit his neck, then as he gazed over, he realized the other was salivating.

"A-ah.." Shuichi didn't know what to say. It was like his body wouldn't move. Was it just fear ? Or maybe the vampire put some sort of spell on him ever since they first met eye-contact.

"I can't move...!!"

Shuichi couldn't do much as the other's nails suddenly dug into his back like claws and he pulled Shuichi closer.

".. He's... He's going to drink my blood.."

Rantaro looked.. unnatural- like some sort of starving animal. He was drooling tremendously and his eyes were wide, his pupils slit, and his fangs out as he began to lean closer to Shuichi's neck.

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now