𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊

630 44 26

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

Soft pale sunlight drifted through the tall stained-blue lancet windows in Shuichi's new bedroom; the scent of flowers and clean sheets drifted around the cold room- the cold room which is the reason Shuichi's eyes drifted open.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes before looking around, blinking as he tried to shake off the sleepy feeling. That's when he realized he was in bed, and not only that, he was wearing a set of black silk pajamas with cream-colored stripes.

Blushing red, Shuichi covered himself with his arms as if he wasn't wearing anything. Did.. Did someone get him dressed and move him while he was asleep?... If they did... then Shuichi's lie of him being Kaede may just not work so well. That idea made him both flustered and anxious.

"I must've changed and don't remember it..." he mumbled, hoping that was the case as he tried to convince himself that was what happened, scratching his head before he looked around the room, which was highly decorated and contained more furniture than in Shuichi's entire house. There was a large bed with navy blue fluffy comforters and frilly black and blue pillows, a matching dark evening blue rug on the center of the stone and marble floor; little candles and a vase of blue roses, still fresh with drops of dew dripping down the petals; a black desk sat against the wall in front one of the windows, and a matching black wardrobe sat diagonally from it; there was also a black chest that sat in front of the foot of the bed, and inside was a few books, an empty diary, quills, ink, parchment, needle and thread, slippers, a robe, and a box of little white balls that looked like candy, but Shuichi didn't take the risk of putting one in his mouth to find out. There were also other little items in the chest Shuichi noticed, but he decided to take a look at them later.

Still, the place was highly detailed and very beautiful. And just as Shuichi was getting back into bed under warm blankets, a knock on the door startled him, and he pulled those warm blankets up to his chin, as if something may attack him and silk and cotton would be as durable as a shield.


But when it was Korekiyo who walked in, Shuichi relaxed a bit. Right. Korekiyo said he was human too..

"Good morning," Korekiyo greeted, pushing in a cart to Shuichi's bedside, and the contents that Korekiyo brought was enough to make Shuichi's mouth water with such a sight of it.

There was a silver tray with hot eggs, crispy bacon, steaming sausage, biscuits, toasts, jam and jelly of all colors and flavors. It was more food than Shuichi ever had at once for one meal. He kept stating at it like it was gold. Back home, murders would've been committed to have this much food.

"I-I.. Is this.. for me..?" Shuichi asked, unsure as he pointed to himself. But Korekiyo only chuckled.. a strange laugh as he poured Shuichi a glass of milk.

"Kekeke~ Since the master does not require human substances, there is plenty of food in this castle for you. Let me know what you like and dislike so I may tell the chef."

"You mean.. there's another human?"

"Oh dear me. I'm afraid not. She's an inslaved demon."

Shuichi paused and by the look on his face, he must've looked quite confused, so Korekiyo began to explain as he set the tray of food on Shuichi's lap and tucked a napkin into the collar of Shuichi's shirt, as if he were taking care of a child, and it made Shuichi flinch at the odd treatment he wasn't used to.

"The creature that brought you here was an imprisoned demon. Creatures summoned and inslaved by Master Amami and forced to serve him," Korekiyo explained, lifting a lid to reveal a plate of pastries ranging from flavors from lemon to raspberry to even chocolate. "They are not human whatsoever," he finished with an amused laugh.

Shuichi, whom had began to nibble at a piece of toast, nodding his head as Korekiyo explained. Though Shuichi raised his hand a bit, indicating he had a question, and Korekiyo nodded as a gesture he could speak up.

"How long.. have you been here?" Shuichi quietly asked.

Korekiyo didn't seem offended or annoyed by the random question. But instead he crossed his arm and slowly rubbed his temple as he thought back on it. "I suppose time has left me. I have been serving my master for hundreds of years now.."

Shuichi chocked on the egg he had taken a bite of and frantically took a gulp of milk to wash it down. "W-what..?!" He hit his chest a few times before Korekiyo began to pat his back to help. "You said you were human."

Korekiyo hummed, glancing up at the ceiling. "Oh, well. I suppose I am. But a human with a spell put on him.." he turned around and began to open the lancet windows, letting in the sunlight, causing Shuichi to squint his eyes. "I am what you would call a thrall; a vampire's personal mortal servant. We made a contract for me to serve him till death do us part.." he sighed softly, holding a hand to his heart. "In return, I do not age. Nor will I die until he does... My job is simply to protect him during the day and be his personal blood bank if I must. Other than that, I have no special abilities, no talents besides my will and adoration for my beloved master.. " he finished, turning to Shuichi, taking a few steps towards him and placing a hand on his cheek, his other hand pulled his collar a bit down, and Shuichi noticed a symbol tattooed on Korekiyo's neck that resembled a witches star with a cross in the center, much like the symbol that appeared on Kaede's front door. "This is the contract that binds me with my master," he spoke in a soft tone, near Shuichi's ear, sending a shiver through the latters body, his eyes darted down to the mark before he looked back at Korekiyo, whom had leaned in closer, almost touching the other's nose with his own, making Shuichi freeze in place.

"Such a lovely complexion; mysterious eyes. You truly are... beautiful.. " the servant whispered, his thumb brushing against Shuichi's lip before Korekiyo pulled away, a fascinated glint in his smile as he turned, walking to the door and turning the brass knob before opening it and stepping out into the hallway.

"Enjoy your breakfast," he wished polity, before shutting the door behind him leaving Shuichi in an array of emotions, and with no appetite to eat anymore of the extravagant demon-made breakfast in front of him.

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now