𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞

322 21 10

'•.¸¸.•´´¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯´´•.¸¸.•'

By the time Kaito regained consciousness , it had to been not much longer than an hour or so. Whatever knocked him out really did a number one him. And Kaito was a big guy.

He groaned a bit, slowimg sitting up as he squinted, trying ti adjust to the dark surroundings. Right. He was still in the cave, but...

"Damn it.. ! What the hell is this...?!" He hissed under his breath, shifting and struggling once he realized his wrists were tied behind his back.

"Well it would be foolish to allow a vampire hunter to reign free. You shall stay there bound by those ropes until Master Oma comes back.." Korekiyo hummed, leaning against the wall of the cave, arms crossed as he seemed to be patiently waiting for said vampire to return. "I would've already killed you, but apprently you have a use.. I wonder what.." he trailed off his thought, his sharp yellow eyes landing on Kaito, gazing through him like a wild animal eyeing its prey.

"You.. aren't really a vampire hunter, are you?"

Kaito froze, then grimaced and laughed a bit. "Of course I am ! I'm the talented, vampire slaying Kaito Momota !" He was determined to defend his good name, but his eye got caught of a sharp looking rock by his foot. Perhaps... Yeah, just keep Korekiyo distracted for a moment..  "Sure I might've... exaggerated a bit .. But I have saved countless lives doing this ! Saving humans from vampire attacks and raids... Even if my occupation isn't as well known as it used to be, I'm proud to help those need !" He declared and Korekiyo stifled a laugh.

"My, you really are interesting. But how your mediocre interest caught the Vampire King's attention is something I cannot fathom.." he sighed, noticing Kaito raise a brow, so Korekiyo added:  "The person you know as Kokichi Oma is the Vampire King; ruler of the Vampire Lords whom serve under him. My... to serve them as Master Amami's thrall.." he held his hands to his heart, gazing up at the sky over at the moon. "Is truly the most blessing experience."

Korekiyo then looked back at the hunter, who looked stupefied. That made him amused and he walked closer, leaning down to his level.

"Surprised? The King of the monsters you fear had been by your side all along.."

To say it wasn't surprising would be— as Kokichi would say— a lie. Kaito wasn't expecting this blow to the face. Not in the slightest.

That the woman— no the man, Kaito Momota ended up falling for was a vampire.. The very thing he swore to destroy ever since his parents were slaughtered by such blood-thirsty creatures; those same creatures that took everything away from his childhood, that broke his grandparents hearts; the was what Kokichi was all along.

"Was it... all a lie then...?"   Kaito couldn't help but wonder, his eyes threating to water up, but he felt more angry and gripped his fists. The chats they had up the mountain ? The occasional, yet soft moments they shared ? How feisty and pouty Kokichi would get when teased, but throw in his own remark, earning a complaint from Kaito right back.

Kaito still remembered how soft Kokichi's cheek was when he caressed it under the starry sky.. right after he made that promise..

Seeing as the other wasn't speaking, Korekiyo began to stand back up. "I see your feelings for the Master have disappeared knowing what he truly is—"


Kaito sucker punched Korekiyo in the gut, throwing the rock he used to cut the ropes while the other was distracted.

"No way! I don't give up that easily!" He shouted back, jumping to his feet and punching Korekiyo's cheek, then backed away and panted.

"I made a promise.. haa...  to him. To love him more than anyone else.." Kaito mentioned, his breath staggered. The night had fallen and it was getting much colder; his breath was proof of that, blowing out small foggy clouds as he tried to catch his breath. The warmth in the cave was gone now. The fire had flickered away at its dying embers and the person who kept his sleeping bag warm was also missing.

And.. Kaito never felt so lonely until now.

"So.. I'm gonna love that lying little bastard ! Till the day I die ! I'm gonna force all my love down his smart mouth even if it kills me !"

Kaito let all that out in one breath, breathing heavier afterwards as he did, waiting for a response. Korekiyo looked.. beyond confused.

But mostly pissed off as he held his swelling cheek. Not that it was easy to see under his face mask.

"Ke... Kekeke..~! " he threw his head back, holding his sides, his bandaged fingers digging into him as he shook and trembled with ominous laughter. Then he stopped just as suddenly and looked Kaito dead in the eye.

"My.. if my sister could hear you now... sitting such nonsense about such... ridiculous love..."  he spit out the last word as if it disgusted him, as if what Kaito was saying was ridiculous.

Then Korekiyo looked a bit surprised about himself and tried to regain his usual looking calm demeanor. "Apologies.. I don't usually get so... riled up.." he mumbled with a weak smile. "But I'm afraid you cannot leave. I have orders–"

Another punch from Kaito.


Korekiyo stumbled back again. Damn it. He needed to stop this already. Not that he was very good with hand-to-hand combat. Which gave Kaito the advantage to grab him by the neck and pin him to the ground.

"C'mon! You care about your Masters right!? Kokichi said something about saving his brother, but I know he's going to do something totally stupid! Just help me help him!"

Korekiyo gasped, trying to tug off Kaito's hands off his neck, but to no avail. Kaito was stronger. Still.. even if Kokichi was planning something, surely he knew what he wa doing. Korekiyo couldn't interfere. It wasn't his place; he was a servant to the vampire race ever since he first met Rantaro and agreed to become his thrall— his eternal servant and blood bank.

Korekiyo couldn't disobey... But.. perhaps Kaito's words began to reach him, and he finally stopped struggling.

"A... a curse...." he choked out, making Kaito immediately loosen his grip.

"What.. curse ? What do you mean?!" He asked, panicked as he shook Korekiyo's shoulders, but the male was still trying to catch his breath. But what he said next made Kaito feel like ice had been poured down his back, his entire body froze as he processed what Korekiyo answered with.

"A curse will ... cause Master Oma's life.. to end.."

'•.¸¸.•´´¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯´´•.¸¸.•'

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now