𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖝

583 40 17

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After breakfast, Korekiyo came by to collect the dishes and cart, and informed Shuichi that when he dressed he could explore the castle if he wished so as to "make himself feel at home" were Korekiyo's words. He also offered to help Shuichi change clothes, but Shuichi quickly and politely denied that offer.

"What the... There's only..." Shuichi skimmed through the rack of clothes in the wardrobe, but to no avail, there wasn't anything but-

"...dresses.." he sighed with defeat and horror, his hand reluctantly trying to decode which dress looked the less lacy and frilly. He wasn't neccesarily sure how comfortable he felt wearing dresses, and more so, was sure he would trip and stumble like he did when he first put on the wedding gown. But it seemed he had no choice in this matter. The room, including the clothes, were all prepared for a woman coming over, so it wasn't that surprising by the clothing choices and the vanity of makeup and perfumes Shuichi noticed earlier.

But to Shuichi's delight and relief, there were some blouses and skirts. His new strategy became one to layer things. Maybe then it wouldn't be obvious he was a guy. His identity was the one thing he couldn't let slip.

It took Shuichi almost an hour before he paired up an outfit together he was happy with; So finding a milky white off-shoulders top, and a blue dress to go over it that didn't have a million layers to make it too heavy to wear; he undid the pajamas he was wearing and put on the top and dress, frowning at the sight of himself in the mirror at the assemble he wore, which was definitely something he wouldn't wear under normal circumstances.

"I look ridiculous

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"I look ridiculous.. I'm glad Uncle can't see me right now. He'd laugh for sure.." he groaned, letting his head fall in disappointment to himself before he searched through the dresser drawers to find some white lace tights and a polished pair of coal-colored Mary-janes; also the only shoes he could find that weren't heeled or platformed, and so the only pair Shuichi had any confidence walking in.

Once he was dressed and combed his hair enough it looked reasonable, Shuichi cautiously opened his bedroom door and stuck his head out into the hallway, looking left and right. It seemed nobody was around. The place was as silent as a tomb, but then again, what was Shuichi expecting in the first place? The owner of this place was part of the undead, after all.

"I probably should get used to spending time alone... At least during the day.. Not that I don't mind being alone during the night, too. Alone beats having you blood sucked out..." Shuichi muttered to himself, shutting his door behind him as he stepped out into the long corridor and began to walk down it, looking around.

It wasn't that the idea of being alone neccesarily bothered him. It beats being around a vampire, and Shuichi was already the introverted type who liked being off by himself, but still.. being trapped in this castle with no one...well.. normal to talk to.. kinda set a feeling of loneliness in this gigantic and unwelcoming place.

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now