𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊

541 34 22

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

"Ah, that reminds me. I had something I wanted to ask you, Kaede."

Immediately Shuichi felt like a weight began to pull down his lungs and his stomach sank. He nearly dropped the teacup he was about to pick up, then paused, unable to say anything.

"Did he.. Did he find out I'm not a girl..?!?" He mind was thinking in a nervous rush. A million things were racing around in it, and Shuichi had to grip the sides of his seat to keep from shaking. If Rantaro really did discover the truth, than what would he do to Shuichi? Perhaps he would simply suck him dry like a prune then throw him off this mountain before destroying the village down below.

But how could Rantaro know? How? Did vampires have x-ray vision or something? The human male began to panic, then the fact that Rantaro hugged him came to thought.

"When he hugged me !! He must've noticed then..!!"

Shuichi quickly looked up, opening his mouth to speak. He had to come up with something to say. He'll beg for Rantaro to accept him; convince him to leave the village and Kaede alone.


"Would you be interested in attending a formal gathering with me?" Rantaro asked, totally unaware of the pale look on Shuichi's face.

". . . . . . . ."

Shuichi blinked a few times.


"A formal gathering," Rantaro repeated, not at all fazed by the other's reaction.

Shuichi shook off his previous confusion. "What.. sort of gathering..?" he hesitantly asked, glancing up at the other.

"It's a vampire gathering."

A.. a what ?! Then hell no ! Shuichi's mind immediately began to desperately think of some excuse. Could he come up with something!? The image in Shuichi's mind of being surrounded by vampires sounded terrfying!

Obviously Shuichi must've looked taken back, but quickly did Rantaro try and assure him.

"Oh don't worry. It's a sort of special occasion meet up for vampires lords to gather every decade or so. They won't harm you as long as you're with me."

Now Shuichi seemed slightly curious. He began to listen more carefully. "Um," he furrowed his brows a bit. "What do you mean by vampire lord.. Like, a status?"

Rantaro nodded, smiling as if he were happy the other already began to catch on. "Exactly. Depending on your territory and power, vampires become higher and greater beings depending on those sort of things. Sure, if a vampire tries and turn a human into a vampire they could create competition, but there's only a slight chance they'll keep their willpower and not become a savage blood-thirsty monster."

"Ah, you mean- you mean humans really can turn into vampires !?" Shuichi had blurted out without realizing it. He had heard of rumors. But the idea of a human becoming a vampire was only in stories.

Rantaro also paused; he looked down at the wine glass of red liquid in it. He stared at his reflection for a moment before a sad smile overcame his expression.

"Yes..They can. Only if a vampire puts some of their own blood into a human when they bite them. Then.. there's a chance they'll also become one.." he hummed quietly, picking up his glass as he slowly made circular gestures with it, watching the thick crimson liquid inside swish around.

Shuichi also became memorized for a moment as he watched Rantaro play with his drink, which was probably not cranberry juice, before Shuichi snapped out of la la land and back to reality.

"Erm.. Amami.. are you a vampire lord then..?"

Rantaro discontinued playing with his drink before looking back up at Shuichi. The vampire glanced to the side before staring at Shuichi- for a long uncomfortable moment before he cracked a smile and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Well.. I guess you could say I technically am.."

But before Shuichi could question any further, Rantaro began to insist Shuichi eat. After all, Shuichi couldn't have eaten much since he got here. And Rantaro suspected after all the stress and being thrown into a new environment, Shuichi probably hadn't had time to wat a full meal.

"Please, eat as much as you want. I can't say I'm quite familiar with what people eat as I don't really require human food, but I asked Miss Tojo to create an abundance of different things just for you," he explained, seeming in a good mood, as if he was explaining to a child he made their favorite dish.

"So don't hold back." he said, playfully and excitedly gesturing to the large feast before Saihara; there was lamb, pork, beef, chicken and grilled fish with lemon; steamed red potatoes with rosemary and butter, shepard's pie, fluffy hot biscuits, a tray of sliced juicy fruit of every kind, asparagus wrapped in bacon; a selection of vegetables whether fried or roasted; and then there was deserts: warm peach cobbler and ice cream, tarts and cookies, cherry pie and carrot cake with creamcheese frosting. It was a feast for an army and it was all displayed beautifully on Shuichi's side of the long dinner table.

"T-this.. is is all for me..?" Shuichi whispered in pure disbelief. He swallowed. It was true after what Rantaro told him about that formal gathering with other vampires, Shuichi's stomach was still twisting and turning, but it was also starving. He had to keep from drooling at the tempting sight on the table. And so, hunger won over his anxiety.

But just as Shuichi reached for a side dish of potatoes, he paused and mustered up the courage to also ask Rantaro for something.

"If.. if it's alright.. Can I.. Can I send letters to my friend back home?"

Now Shuichi held his breath. He was hoping since Rantaro asked for him to do something, he'd do something in return. He didn't seem like an unreable person..

"Letters? Huh. I don't see why not. You must be the first person to ask me that. Can you write?"

Shuichi felt relived and he nodded. "I can read and write. My uncle taught me."

"If that's the case, I'll show you my library sometime. It's got plenty of books if you're into reading.."

Shuichi nodded before he took the moment of silence between them as an opportunity to start serving himself some of this delicious food Kirumi made. Still.. he had to hold back the.. little positive feeling he felt. He would get to write to Kaede ! Shuichi already started to feel the sense of homesick start to fade. He had to let her know what he was doing as she was probably worried to death.

But Shuichi ended up eating too fast from excitment, and so he began to choke on his food, to which Kirumi, who was coming by to fill the teapot, harshly smacked Shuichi hard on the back, making him cease his choking fit and ending up now sore.

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now