𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

549 38 13

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

"What are you doing here?"

The sudden question that came out of nowhere made Shuichi jump, startled, as his head whipped around so fast, making him dizzy as he looked over his shoulder to see a woman peering down at him. She was tall- taller than he was, had short light green hair, the same light green shade to match her eyes, and for a second, she kinda reminded Shuichi of Rantaro, but being this close to her, and her touch not being ice-cold, he wasn't sure she was a vampire, but this woman did seem strange, making Shuichi unsure of what she was. He's began to learn not everyone around here was exactly human .

"I.. Um, I.. I was just following someone.." Shuichi lamely explained, mentally cringing at how fake that sounded. He really didn't want to be taken as a liar. Especially since he didn't know the rules and punishments for this place.

The woman stared down at him, into Shuichi's eyes and as if in his very soul. He gulped but then she removed her hand off his shoulder, folding both her gloved hands in front of her.

"Shinguji asked me to show you around. But it seemed you were already doing that all on your own. Going wherever you please in a new environment.. That sort of thinking can be dangerous" she said to him as if she were scolding a child- that child being Shuichi. Then she turned around as if she were about to walk away, but looked back as if she were waiting for Shuichi, whom quickly began to follow the lady down the hallway away from the portrait that hung up on the wall at the end.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't know where I wasn't allowed to go.." Shuichi awkwardly excused, fiddling with the hem of his sleeve. God, this was weird. It was like he was a kid making excuses. And as a child, Shuichi hardly ever got in trouble so he felt even more nervous.

But even as he walked away, he kept giving second glances over his shoulder. That ghost girl really did disappear. But who was she? And why did she lead him to the portrait for? Speaking of which, why was that portrait even all torn up? So many questions and Shuichi couldn't come up with any answers. How frustrating. He really felt clueless here. Like he had no idea what was really going on about anything. It made him feel defenseless.

"Well that is why I'm here," she said, leading them back through the confusing route Shuichi took with ease, as if she knew this place like the back of her hand, and when Shuichi finally noticed she was wearing a maid's uniform, she probably did.

Just as Shuichi opened his mouth to ask for her name, the woman stopped, turning around and giving him a perfect and respectful bow.

"I am Kirumi Tojo. While you are here, I will do my duty to grant any wish and desire you have. If you need anything, do not hesitate to call for me."

A bit surprised by such a polite introintroduction, Shuichi quickly bowed himself. "I'm Sh- K-Kaede Akamatsu," he muttered, slowly standing back to full height, looking up at her.

"You need not bow. You are my Master's bride, after all," she told him, almost smiling slightly as if barely amused before she gestured for him to follow her.

"The Master of the castle as said you may explore every book and cranny of this place. However," she stopped at a door. The door didn't seem too special. It was just a normal door like any other. Though Shuichi's ability of noticing small detail did spot that the door looked more used than usual, the carpet below it was worn out, as if the door was opened and closed often, and the paint on the doorknob was fading and was being chipped away at.

"This room is strictly forbidden."

Her words were dead serious; Kirumi's eyes dark. As if Shuichi's fingertip touched even the doorknob that he may die on the spot.

"G-Got it.."


Lucky for Shuichi, Kirumi did a good job explaining where everything was. Sure, there were almost a hundred bedrooms, a courtyard the size of Shuichi's village, a stable where Shuichi was told more of those strange demon horses that flew the carriage last night, were kept; there was two kitchens downstairs under the castle, a dining hall that Shuichi could run laps up and down in; there were corridors that led to dead ends, twisting tunnels around the castle, leading to broom closets to storage rooms. Shuichi wondered if the castle being such a maze was on purpose. There were so many sets of stairs, some overlapping, some broken and unable to be used. Just what exactly was the point of this place? If someone was hiding here, they could never be found, and that was for sure.

And that wasn't even the entire castle. It was just getting to be lunchtime by the time theh finally stopped. And when they did, Shuichi was exhausted and starving.

And somehow Kirumi had a sixth sense because she immediately noticed the fatigue written all over Shuichi's face, and put the tour on hold.

"It is about lunchtime. If you'll excuse me, I'll go down to go make something for you to eat. You look exhausted," she commented, lifting Shuichi's chin as she inspected him before beginning to walk away, but paused.

"Do you remember where the dining hall is?" Kirumi asked, and Shuichi hesitated before answering.

"The .. second floor.. ?"

She smiled and nodded before walking away and Shuichi sighed. Thanks goodness. Maybe he could eventually start to somewhat navigate his way around here.

"Oh, and Akamatsu," Kirumi almost forgot something. Shuichi looked up when he saw her still there.

"Each night, you also are required to attend dinner and dine with Master Amami."

Oh... Somehow, Shuichi began to lose his appetite hearing that. It wasn't like the last time he saw Amami... it was a neccesarily fun moment.

"..." And any relief or bit of pride Shuichi had for starting to know his way around immediately fell off his face, and he looked slightly pale. He had to. He didn't even have a choice.


Kirumi turned away, walking down the corridor, out of sight as he footsteps that echoed slowly faded away, leaving Shuichi standing there alone... hungry.. anxious.. and now terrified of dinner time. Because honestly, he was more worried he was going to end up being the main course for tonight's than anything else.

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now