𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

463 33 24

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

But before Shuichi even had the chance to ask what was wrong, he lost any chance of speaking up when the guests started getting introduced before walking into the room.

"Kyosuke Munakata."

And that white-headed male from earlier swiftly walked past Rantaro and Amami, behind him, the taller much bigger and buffer man who seemed neve more than a few feet away from Kyosuke. Shuichi guessed that same man was also Kyosuke's plus one guest. Though he looked more like a body guard than anything. And if Shuichi wanted to ask Kyosuke anything about Rantaro, somehow that felt a lot more nerve-wracking with Kyosuke's acquaintance by his side.

"Rantaro Amami."

And with that, Rantaro took Shuichi's arm gracefully and sent him a small smile. "Don't worry. I'm right here. Let's try and have some fun tonight, okay?" He mentioned, still seeming slightly shakey. Even Shuichi could tell, and it wasn't very reassuring when the vampire he was with looked nervous.

So the two walked ahead and mixed into the ballroom full of dark palettes and sullen faces. It was a intimidating; Shuichi could definitely tell he was the only human here. Whenever a red gaze would pass by his figure or glance at him, Saihara froze on the spot or stiffened up he could've been mistaken as one of the gargoyles that guarded the entrance way. The situation felt much like a rabbit walking into the den of lions. And, well, you could guess who felt like the rabbit here.

"Sorry about this," Rantaro murmured softly, earning Shuichi's attention. "I just.. if he was here.. I just didn't want to be alone..." he mentioned quietly, a soft and saddened expression on his face.

"Who is he-"

But Shuichi got cut off when someone bumped into him.

"Oh my. I'm so sorry. I am such a useless, unnecessary, and horribly stupid klutz," tiredly sighed a man with fluffy white hair that resembled if someone poured whipped cream on his head. He was wearing an odd outfit: a pair of faded out and old blank trousers, a just as beat up red and black striped vest and a dirty and rugged white shirt underneath; he had beat up black shoes and for some reason was wearing one leather glove on his left hand, which he didn't move the entire time he spoke, but the sound of the chains that hung from around his neck down his torso did make a soft clanking and clinking sound. He honestly looked like he crawled himself out of some sort of prison than some guest to this party.

"It's okay. Really," Shuichi assured awkwardly, honestly totally fine. Everyone makes mistakes. Though something did catch his eye; it was the marking of a witches star and cross tattooed on the stranger's neck. Just like the one Korekiyo has.

"This man must be a thrall too." Shuichi realized.

"Ah, you're too kind to a simple servant like myself," the stranger continued to deny any sort of positivity coming his way like he was avoiding the Plague. "I am Nagito Komaeda: a thrall to one of the Vampire Lords: Izuru Kamukura," he introduced with a perfect bow in Shuichi's and Rantaro's direction.

"I know who you are. I'm surprised you still serve your master. He's pretty strict," Rantaro commented with a small chuckle.

"He is. But that's what makes serving him even more enjoyable.." Nagito replied, wiping away a bit of drool from the corner of his mouth.

Rantaro didn't take long to put a protective arm around Shuichi's shoulders and pull him close after that.

"That's nice. Say, do you know if everyone is here today?" Rantaro asked, trying to make it sound as causal as possible. He just wanted to know.. if one person was here or not, and he prayed to any God out there he wasn't.

Nagito hummed slightly as the question, putting on a thinking face as he held his chin in thought. "All the lords. But if you mean our dear king.. No. I doubt he put the time aside for us." Nagito answered with a carefree smile, and somehow Rantaro let out a breath he didn't even notice he was holding until now.

He.. He wasn't here...

Rantaro couldn't help but smile a bit thinking about that fact, and the tight feeling he was holding in his chest all day finally disappeared.

"Say, Lord Amami, did you get a new thrall." Nagito asked, glancing over at Shuichi who froze once the attention was put onto him.

"Oh, no, no. This is my bride Kaede Akamatsu," Rantaro explained and Nagito nodded, but Nagito didn't seemed that surprised honestly.

"I see.. Then Miss Akamatsu, would you like me to introduce you to my master ?" Nagito asked politely, seeming more than welcome to introduce anyone to his supposedly strict master.

Rantaro frowned a bit. He wasn't so sure about that. His bride couldn't defend herself against any of the vampires here. But.. considering that the King wasn't here, she should be fine.

"Go ahead. There was some boring stuff I wanted to talk about with someone anyway. Please help Kaede out, okay, Komaeda?" Rantaro said, leaning in and giving Nagito a cold stare. "If something happens to her, not even your master can protect you," he reminded quietly before leaning away. "I'll come get you in a minute. Don't stray away from Komaeda's side, alright?" Rantaro reminded with a small head pat to Shuichi's head and smile before turning away and eventually fell lost from sight into the crowd.

After Rantaro left, the fact Shuichi was now alone settled in. Being in such a new and scary environment felt a lot more scary without Rantaro around..

But still, this was the only chance Shuichi had to get any information about Rantaro without him around. So Shuichi needed to suck it up and deal with it; and he needed to find some way for Nagito to introduce him to Kyosuke.

"Anyway, shall we get going, Miss Akamatsu?" Nagito asked, waiting for Shuichi to follow and snapping Shuichi out of his thoughts. "Let me introduce you to my master, the Second Vampire Lord, Kamakura."

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now