𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 + 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

398 24 12

'•.¸¸.•´´¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯´´•.¸¸.•'

"Are you okay?"


Eyes suddenly fluttering open, Kokichi woke up to the constant questions being thrown at him. He hummed a half sleepy grumble, glancing up at the sky, and by the lighter colored grey clouded sky, he guessed it was half way through the afternoon.

"It's way too early for me to be dealing with this crap.. Can't he just leave me alone..??"

Though, still... the dream Kokichi was having was one he often dreamt. Back then, when he and Rantaro loved each other. And now, Rantaro didn't feel that way anymore. Kokichi couldn't understand why. What could be so important that Rantaro chose it over him? All Kokichi wanted was for them to be together forever. Was that so much to ask for ?

"He said he'd be my big brother.. But he left me.."

Those were Kokichi's thoughts as he was being carried piggyback styled up the mountain by the not-at-all-famous vampire hunter: Kaito Momota.

"Oh! My bad. Kinda thought you were dead there for a second. You look so creepy when you're sleeping." Kaito laughed, though paused awkwardly and sent a sheepish half grin over his shoulder. "Ah, I probably should be more polite. Apologies Miss Oma."

Kokichi glared and looked away, keeping his gaze on the scenery below as the other ventured up the scary and extremely steep mountside; which, along with the deep snow, and rocks and bumps, was quite dangerous. Occasionally they passed by what could be animal remains, or more likely, human ones buried in the white piles, but it wasn't like there was anything they could do. And so, they continued their way towards the top.

"I hate having to be carried up like this.. But thanks to that stupid thrall of Onii-chan's, my strength still hasn't returned..."  Kokichi thought bitterly, hugging onto the other's neck a bit too tighter. "And now.. I have to rely on his dumbass of a human to help me.." he squeezed Kaito's neck even tighter and Kokichi's eyes glowed with anger.

"I'm going to kill that thrall.. then.  I'll kill that man who took my brother away-"

"H-hey, M-miss O-Oma– *chokes* I-I can't breath...!" Kaito choked out, turning pale.


Kokichi loosened his grip.

"My bad.." he mumbled nonchalantly, his attention returning to the scenery, and somehow Kaito smiled.

"I didn't really want to bring an innocent young lady up such a dangerous mountain with me, but if I went back down to take her to the nearest village, I probably wouldn't make it back up to save Kaeda Akamatsu's friend. Plus.. Miss Oma insisted coming with me, saying she had to save her big brother from the castle. I guess that's why she was also trying to climb this mountain when I found her.." Kaito hummed mentally to himself, not at all bothered by carrying this young lady. She was light as a feather, and well, quite pretty at that. Her dress was a bit torn up, and she had no coat, so Kaito gave her his. It was daytime anyway, so the temperatures weren't that low right now. And besides..

There was nothing Kaito wouldn't do for someone in need. As his grandparents used to tell him "Do what you can for others. You don't always know their story."

And Kaito did try and live by those words. He already was an easy guy to get along with; very talkative, easy going, and enjoyed making friends. Might sound like odd traits for a notorious vampire hunter, but here he was.

"Don't worry, Miss Oma. I can promise you I'll get us safely up to the top of the mountain. And you're with one of the best vampire hunters around! I'll take care of that vampire and we'll save your big brother!"

Kaito promised with determination. Though then trailed back to his thoughts.

"I wonder if I save her big brother if he'll be impressed enough to let me ask Miss Oma for her hand in marriage.."

After all, it wasn't like that wasn't a possibility right?


Shuichi hadn't ended up leaving the side of Rantaro's once. He watched over him as the vampire rested, only wondering why on earth he wasn't still awake. Why?! All vampires were supposed to heal quickly, but Rantaro was different.

Perhaps Shuichi shouldn't be all too surprised. Rantaro had ended up being torn into pieces and then reattached like a toy. Shuichi could cut him some slack, but that didn't mean he didn't wish Rantaro couldn't wake up faster.

"You're not a pure blooded vampire... And that other vampire– Kokichi Oma was the one who bit you and turned you into one.." Shuichi thought, his eyes feeling heavy as his chin rested on his folded arms. He was kneeling beside the bed Rantaro was resting on for a couple days now. Only really leaving to use the bathroom or maybe walk anxious around the room, stretching his aching legs.

"Shinguji said I should ask you about yourself more when you wake up, but..."

Tears started to appear in his eyes, Shuichi buried his face into the covers.


More tesrs trickled down Shuichi's cheeks as he tried to hold back crying.

"But you won't wake up. I'm scared.. I'm so scared you might never wake up.."

All Shuichi could think of was Rantaro; how he had made sure Shuichi had everything he needed since coming here, how he protected him from Munakata at the gathering, how he threw his cloak over him when Shuichi's clothes were torn and he was a vulnerable, shaking mess; embarrassed, feeling pathetic and terrified. But Rantaro pulled him close that evening, and even as cold as vampires were, Shuichi felt warmth in the other's arms.

"He's my husband.."

That's what Rantaro referred to him as. Even though he was just as shocked to learn Shuichi's secret, Amami didn't miss a beat and referred to Shuichi as his husband..

"I'm.. "

Shuichi's eyes drifted shut, his hand slowly inching towards Rantaro's, and when their fingers grazed against each other, Shuichi lightly squeezed Rantaro's hand.

"..his husband.."

Shuichi bit his lip, feeling the idea of sleep overtake him. He had barely eaten these last days and was exhausted.

"Then.. like a good husband.. I'll wait right here until you wake up.. "

".. Rantaro.."

'•.¸¸.•´´¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯´´•.¸¸.•'

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now