𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗

670 45 22

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

Rantaro's fangs dripping in hot salvia got closer to Shuichi's neck, and the latter didn't - no , he couldn't do a thing. He was under some sort of spell and couldn't tear away from that magenta gaze.

"Haa...~" Rantaro breathed by Shuichi's ear, whom shuddered, tears in his eyes that he tightly shut close, bracing himself for the pain soon to come..

But out of nowhere, Shuichi felt the other pull away, and when he peeked his eyes open, he saw someone grabbed Rantaro from behind and had pulled him away from Shuichi.

"Now, now, my master. With a dangerous appetite like that, you'll kill your poor bride.." hummed a young man with black hair reaching his waist. He was easily holding Rantaro back who was struggling, hissing like some wild animal, and trying to reach and grab for Shuichi. The sight was terrifying, and Shuichi stumbled back, falling onto the floor. That polite act the vampire was putting on was just that: an act, wasn't it ? Shuichi couldn't believe he almost fell for it.

But the newest stranger easily kept a grip on the vampire, an arm around Rantaro's torso and a hand holding underneath his jaw.

"Shh..shh... entspann meinen meister.." the man with the long black hair sang under his breath into Rantaro's ear. Then his sharp yellow gaze locked onto Shuichi's shaking figure and he gestured for him to stay quiet.

Then he did something shocking to Shuichi, and, still with his tight hold on Rantaro, he turned him around, letting the vampire desperately stab his fangs into his neck.

The sight of a vampire drinking blood was both terrfying and fascinating; Shuichi's curiosity watched, but his fear made him think over and over that could've been him. But this man who was running his fingers through Rantaro's hair, singing lyrics that sounded German in the vampire's ear, he didn't look terrified as the vampire desperately clutched onto him, almost as if he would die without this feeding. But this stranger simply allowed the vampire to drink his blood as if he did this every day.

Finally, Rantaro seemed to have lost conscious and was about to collapse if the other male hadn't easily caught and scooped him up into his arms, holding him bridal style.

"He .. he's fine.. completely fine.." Shuichi thought. This man had probably lost a good amount of blood, enough he should be woozy and dizzy, but he was fine and even carrying the unconscious vampire. Finally his attention turned back to Shuichi who looked in need of an explanation.

"Forgive me," he bowed his head a bit to the bride. "I keep telling him to tell me when he's hungry, but he always refuses until it comes to this.." a small chuckle in his words before he began to introduce himself. "I'm Korekiyo Shinguji. Master Amami's human servant and caretaker, you could say.." he seemed.. polite enough. Normal? Shucihi wasn't sure. Korekiyo had long black hair, pale skin, and had strange white gauze wrapped around the lower half of his mouth and hands. He was wearing a black tailored suit, and his yellow eyes, almost like a cats watching prey the way they were intensely focused on the small male.

"I'm...." Shuichi felt his throat working again. He cleared his throat and slowly got back onto his feet, clutching his skirt as he spoke. "K-Kaede..'' he hesitantly said, but felt a little safer now with Rantaro not awake and knowing there was another fellow human here, which must've been the most reliving thing Shuichi found out all day.

"Anyway," Korekiyo spoke up, beginning to walk away, but stopped and looked over his shoulder for Shuichi to follow. "I'll show you to your room then take him to his quarters. So let us hurry before he wakes up. The master can be a bit... disoriented when he first wakes, you see."

And Shuichi didn't need to be told twice. He would gladly hurry. The last thing he wanted was for the vampire to wake up.


As Korekiyo led Shuichi throughout the castle, it was like traveling around a maze and Shuichi was sure if he didnt have a guide he would get lost, yet he tried his best to mentally keep note of the hallways and turns they were taking, and any noticable features like a row of suits of armor they passed by.

"I should warn you; those suits are haunted by the men who wore them. Touching one may allow the spirit access to your body.." Korekiyo causally mentioned to Shuichi who was about to touch one. Immediately the smaller male flinched back, then quickly hurried to catch up with Korekiyo.

The castle itself was large, confusing, but it was ancient and gave off the sense of it; painted pictures of people and places hung the tall cobblestone walls; gothic wallpaper decorated the rooms they passed by; statues and vases seeming worth more than Shuichi's life seemed to be everywhere, dusty old artifacts on shelves and or tables and chairs. Now that he looked around, the place was quite dusty and cobwebs hung in the high ceiling, taking over almost the entire ceiling itself like a silky white net above Shuichi's head.

"This will be your room." Korekiyo stopped at a large, dark oak door, which opened as soon as Shuichi approached it. He glanced back at the caretaker who seemed to be smiling underneath the white gauze he wore. Which Shuichi didn't know was worrying or assuaging.

"T-thanks.." Shuichi wasn't sure what else to say, but he really wanted to put some distance between him and the other two, so he quickly went into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him, finally.. Shuichi sighed, leaning against the door, and sliding down against it and curled into a ball, setting his forehead on his knees. He didn't even care if the room was dark, or that a monster could be hiding under his bed, or anything. He just.. wanted to process all this.

"Kaede...Uncle... what do I do...." Shuichi murmured to himself, biting his lip. He felt like he wanted to cry ever since he saw that sight of Rantaro... that vicious sight of him as he tried clawing through Korekiyo to get to him... and now that Shuichi felt alone without any monsters or suspicious servants around, he finally broke down into tears.

No, Shuichi didn't regret taking Kaede's place. But he was scared, alone, and homesick. He missed his family; his aunt and uncle who had raised him since he was a little kid. He missed his best friend Kaede who always managed to make his day brighter and make him smile; Shuichi missed his home, his real bedroom; his bed- even if it was just a few cotton cloths on the floor with a barely stuffed pillow. It was home. It was his. It wasn't this cold and lonesome castle with a bloodthirsty monster living inside it.

But Shuichi couldn't do a thing; he couldn't think about anything but think about how much he wished he were home. And the little bit of energy he had left went all to crying on the floor until he finally fell asleep, sniffing and whimpering now and again in his nightmarish slumber, resembling nothing but a weeping bride sleeping against the bedroom door that night.

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now