𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 + 𝕾𝖎𝖝

423 25 22

'•.¸¸.•´´¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯´´•.¸¸.•'


Kokichi threw a handful of some strange ash-like substance over a small fire– causing it to glow a bright blue reflecting in his now pink and purple irises that stared intently into the sparks.

Beside him was a snoring Kaito Momota: self-proclaimed vampire hunter who was sleeping in the sleeping bag while Kokichi was busy.

Suddenly, in the blue flames a face appeared of a girl. She yawned, looking as if she, too, had been sleeping and was now interrupted. But either way, she mumbled a greeting between yawns, and looked uninterested with whatever Kokichi wanted from her.

"Nyeh.. what do you want this time? I was sleeping..." she mumbled, her voice soft as it translated through the magical fire; her eyes half-lidded as she tiredly rubbed them. "What does the great vampire king want now?"

Kokichi only laughed, sitting cross-legged as he leaned back and forth. "Aw, don't be that way. I know you love me. Because I love you too~" he teased, earning a groan from the girl.

"Stop teasing me.. Just tell me what you want."

"I was hoping you could help me~ Seeeee.. I kinda have a plan, but need my favorite witch–"

"Nyehh! I'm a mage!"

"Yeah, yeah.. whateverrr.. Anywho, I'm kinda in a fix for some magical voodoo, so can you hit me up with something?"

"It depends.. What do you need and why?"

Kokichi sighed at the question and looked uo at the caves' ceiling. His smile fell and he frowned instead, his eyes harshly focused on the rock surface above him. "Soon Onii-chan will marry that human. I know he will.. After all.." his eyes lowered and met to the girl's fiery ones.

"The curse I made you cast on him will only really break with true love. "

There was a moment of silence, then the girl scratched her head impatiently. "Ahhh! You keep making me get involved with all this troubling stuff I don't wanna do!" She whined and Kokichi snickered.

"Well, Yumeno-chan, you're the most capable witch around here. I would've thought this sort of thing was easy for you~"

Himiko Yumeno frowned more, looking, well, more like glaring at the vampire. "A curse like the one Amami has is really strong.. It's only as strong as the despair inside the victim.." Himiko mumbled, fiddling nervously with her hat. "I hate bothering myself with this stuff, but if you really are gonna keep pestering me.. I guess I'll help."

Kokichi threw his arms up with happiness. "Yay!~ I knew I could count on you!" He cheered. Then.. his expression turned sinister and he leaned in closer to the fire.

"Now.. the little thing I need from you is..."


Soft hums came as Korekiyo proceeded to tuck in both a sleeping Rantaro and Shuichi in bed. He turned off the oil lamp on the bedside and left Shuichi's bedroom (which had been now his and Rantaro's room as of late) and shut the door quietly behind him.

"It seems the master hasn't slept in coffin lately," commented another voice, catching Korekiyo's attention. And when he looked over his shoulder, there was Kirumi standing with perfect posture and her eyes on him. The male chuckled and tucked some of his long dark locks behind his ear.

"The master has never enjoyed sleeping in a coffin. Sleeping in a bed with the one he loves is quite good for him." His eyes glanced off to the side before locking onto the maid. "And may I say, I believe you always knew Master Saihara's secret, haven't you, Miss Tojo?"

Kirumi remained stoically calm, but closed her eyes and quietly coughed into her fist. "Not that it's important, but yes I did. I knew the first night I found sleeping on the floor instead of his bed. When I changed him into sleeping attire, I found out."

"I suppose that explains why I never heard you refer to him in the feminine manner."

"I found it rude as I knew his secret."

"How charming of you. And were you not suspicious?"

Kirumi sighed. "I wasn't susprised. I was more susprised past brides were replaced with friends or family. It was bound to happen eventually.." she finished, walking past Korekiyo, but sending him one last sharp glance.

"And no matter who Shuichi Saihara is; even if he was female, male, or neither at all, it is my duty to protect and serve who I am loyal under."

Suddenly Kirumi looked unsettling tense; her gaze grew cold, her words low as she stared at Korekiyo a moment more, in an almost accusing and suspicious manner; as if the sight of him alone made her blood boil.

"So.. if I find out someone– no matter who– has caused harm to either my masters– I will be forced to exterminate the problem without hesitation.."

They were both silent. Then Kirumi left, the sound of her heels clicking against the stone marble floors before she was out of sight, leaving the masked man alone in the quiet corridor.


Then Korekiyo threw back his head, running a gloved hand through his hair as his sharp yellow eyes scanned over the dead chandeliers handing up in the ceiling above; he smiled to himself, holding back a laugh.

"My dear.. who has ever looked at me as the bad guy..? After all that I have done for my Master Amami...? You're quiet foolish thinking otherwise.." Korekiyo asked himself, shaking his head and wrapping his arms around him.

"And after all.. it's not as if those who have caught me have ever lived to tell the tale.. Kirumi-san.."

'•.¸¸.•´´¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯´´•.¸¸.•'

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