𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

A few weeks passed and cool autumn turned to a crispy winter; by the time Shuichi noticed, he was already experiencing the effects of living up on the mountain in late November: which was shivers and lots of layers of clothes, coats and gloves, and anything else. Though he deeply appreciated Kirumi always being there to keep the fireplace in his room lit and warm, filling his quarters with warmth. And though every fireplace was lit, the large and cold corridors didn't do a good job keeping all the heat in, as there wasn't enough hot air to fill the entire castle 24/7.

Though he had yet to receive a reply from Kaede or his family, Shuichi was often trying to keep sending letters home; saying things such as he was okay and he hoped they were too. But eventually he didn't write as much. It wasn't like he had anything new to say. And he wasn't getting anything in reply to assure the worrying he had for those he cares for, what they were doing, and how they were.

"The gathering is tomorrow night. If you have any questions, I don't mind answering them," mentioned Rantaro one evening dinner. The dinner was a a lovely warm meal of hot beef stew, buttery fluffy rolls, cornbread, and hot chocolate and apple cider being served in milky white porcelain mugs. "After all," Ranraro continued, leaning his chin into the palm of his hand, his handsome looks seeming so innocently kind and patient with Shuichi, as if Rantaro didn't mind waiting until the other decided to open up. "You probably have some questions. That's pretty understandable."

Shuichi thought about. Rantaro mentioned this gathering before awhile back, though it hadn't been mentioned since. So it took a moment before Shuichi could come up with something.

"Well... what kind of vampires will be there ? Are they.... friendly..?" Shuichi cringed at that last word. Friendly? Really?

But Rantaro laughed a bit. "Oh no. Most are pretty much horrible. They're the real thing. Scary like in the stories."

Shuichi's jaw dropped. But before he could stammer out a question if it was even safe, Rantaro spoke up.

"But don't worry... I promised you that you'd be okay as long as you're with me." Rantaro assured, but Shuichi wasn't how relieved he was supposed to feel. But he had a feeling Rantaro wasn't a liar- he was still mysterious, and Shuichi wasn't sure where he stood yet when it came to him, but he knew Rantaro didn't seem like the lying type, so he would take his word on him being okay.

"I guess.. you could say it's us vampires way of checking up on each other.." Rantaro stated thoughtfully, lightly tapping his cheek, earning Shuichi's attention now. "A way of... seeing if any of us are becoming threats to each other. Vampires are pretty territorial."

"So then... you fight over food..?"

"Mhm. Exactly. If too many vampires inhabit the same area, food becomes scarce." Rantaro answered, but Shuichi was now confused.

"But can't you guys.. just live off your.." Shuichi stopped. He felt it sounded insulting to ask, but Rantaro smiled a bit as if he understood what the other was hinting at.

"You're wondering why we can't just live off our thralls, right ? Well..." Rantaro suddenly looked away, almostshamefully. "I guess you could say... we would suck them dry if we used them for food too much at once... so sometimes.. we have to have to.. drink from humans at least every now and again.."

"So that means..." Shuichi gulped. "Eventually he would need to.. drink my blood, too, right..?"

But before Shuichi had the chance of asking anything else, Korekiyo entered the room. With a bow, he explained to Rantaro that the preparations for the trip were ready.

"Already?" Shuichi wondered quietly to himself. That made him curious where they were even going, so when he asked Korekiyo, he was told they were going south, down to the populated city of London.

"A-all the way to London?" Shuichi nearly fell from his chair if it hadn't grabbed onto the arms of his chair in time. He had never been that far from home before. Especially to one of the big cities.

Either way, Rantaro waited until Shuichi was done eating before be got up. He hugged Shuichi before leaving.

"Goodnight. Sleep well," he wished him, giving Shuichi a pat on the head before Rantaro left, Korekiyo by his side.

Shuichi didn't leave the dining hall right away. He reached up, putting his hand on the top of his head where Rantaro patted him at. "He always said goodnight to me like that. Like I'm a kid or something."

After Shuichi went to bed that night, Rantaro meanwhile had things to do. Such as make sure there was defense around the castle while he was gone. Korekiyo would bring a spare coffin just in case, and Kirumi would be left in charge as Rantaro knew he could reply on her for such a responsible task.

"Master, are you sure about this trip? Miss Akamatsu seems to finally be settling down. Perhaps it be best for her to stay here," suggested Korekiyo as he followed alongside Rantaro. He pushed open two large doors that led into a dusty study, filled with stacks of books, papers, a globe taller than both males was standing tall in the center of the circular room; there was a dark oak desk with quills, paper and ink; two tall gargoyle statues stood behind either side of the desk, between them was a large pane window with glass doors leading to a balcony.

The study was a favorite room of Rantaro's. It was filled with artifacts and objects from all over the world that Korekiyo would bring to him
It wasn't like Rantaro could neccesarily travel around easily... at least, not anymore.

"I know. I'm really happy she's getting used to this place," Rantaro replied, sitting down on his leather chair at his desk, his hands instinctively reaching for a wooden kendama that had painted light blue birds on it eith a light blue ball piece attached by rope.

"But.. I guess I'm clingy. And don't want to go to London alone." Rantaro shamefully confused with a guilty smile as he played with the toy he was holding. It was another gift from Korekiyo. Apprently it was a popular toy back in Japan.

For a moment, a silence hovered over the room before Korekiyo broke it.

"Master, is perhaps the reason you don't want to be alone because he will be there?"

Rantaro faltered, the wooden toy he was fidgiting with fell out of his hands, falling onto the floor with a thud.

"....." Rantaro's eyes were wide, and he was trembling slightly for a moment before he felt Korekiyo's hands on his shoulders. The vampire jumped and glanced over his shoulder to see the other looking down at him.

"If I may say, I don't think my beautiful master is ready to confront him yet." The taller male hummed, leaning down and putting his slender bandaged fingers over Rantaro's eyes as the vampire leaned back into the other's hold. Korekiyo's other hand cupped one of Rantaro's cheeks, brushing his lip with Kiyo's thumb.

"I've known you since you were nothing but a child. And I know the pain of heart-wrenching separation between siblings, but be honest with me, Master," Korekiyo lifted his fingers and his golden eyes met Rantaro's magenta ones.

"Can you truly come face to face with the man who changed your fate ? The man who lied to your alluring heart ?"

'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now