𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞

472 28 21

'•.¸¸.•´´¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯´´•.¸¸.•'

"Master Amami will need to take time to recover. Since he isn't a pure blood vampire, it will take longer."

"How much longer until he wakes up?" Shuichi asked, almost afraid of the answer. And of course he was. Rantaro had been unconscious for two days now without any signs of waking up soon.

After the fight with Kokichi, Shuichi and Korekiyo had been assisted by Tojo ( who had been snuck up by Oma and was knocked out ) and the gardener Gonta: a very tall man with long tangly green hair and gigantic arms; both he and Tojo helped carried an injured Korekiyo and unconcious Rantaro back into the palace. Apparently Kokichi had thrown some sort of black power that spread throughout the castle and knocked out all the servants, leaving Kokichi free reign of the castle before Rantaro, Shuichi, and Korekiyo came back from the gathering. The powder Kokichi used to take down the staff ? By Kirumi's description of it, Korekiyo deduced Kokichi had gotten it from some sort of mage.

"Considering how powerful that spell was," Korekiyo folded his arms and pinched his chin in thought. "A few days at least. I can't be sure. Oma will take longer to heal from this since he was the most effective from spell, and his powers will be put on hold, so that will buy us some time to prepare before he comes back.."

Shuichi's eyes widened hearing that. "He'll come back ? What will we do then !?"

The taller male chuckled. "That, master Saihara.. I can't know for sure.." he looked back down at Rantaro's sleeping figure. The vampire was resting on Shuichi's bed, his hair scattered across the white fluffy pillows, his arms folded across his chest, fingers interlocked. He looked like a statue, but his face seemed exhausted.

"But we must think of something," continued Korekiyo, his gaze focused on the sleeping vampire. "Because Oma will not stop until he brings Master Amami back with him."

Both were silent for a second. Then Shuichi gripped his fists.

"Shinguji.. Oma said he came from Japan. Is Rantaro from Japan, too ?"

Korekiyo paused. Then nodded slowly. "Correct. I met Master Amami in Japan before coming here with him."

Shuichi began to get curious. "When was—" but he was cut off by Korekiyo pressing a finger against his lips.

"That is a story for later. For now, I'm going to ask Miss Tojo to get you something. You've barely eaten these last couple days as I can recall, and I don't blame you.." he retracted his hand, smiling at the other a bit before patting Shuichi's head lightly a few times. "And if I didn't take care of you, Master Amami would be most displeased when he wakes up."

And with that, Korekiyo left the room, letting Shuichi sigh quietly before looking back at Rantaro. Sadness glinted in Shuichi's eyes as he kneeled beside the bed.

"You.. saved my life, Rantaro.." Shuichi murmured softly, gaze averting to the bed covers. "And I couldn't do a thing... I feel so useless.." he ended with a scowl, biting his lip. Then, after a moment, Shuichi hesitantly reached over and put his hand on Rantaro's.

"Just.. get better soon."


A grey fuzzy sky was the first thing Kokichi noticed when he started to regain conscious. Soft white snowflakes gently fell on his face, the cold waking him up a bit more, but Kokichi could barely move. Much less, try and sit up to see where he was. But he was assuming he was somewhere on the mountainside after falling from the top.

"I can't believe Onii-chan did that to me.." 

Kokichi's eyes filled with tears, but he was too drained to even cry— he didn't even make an expression besides the tired emotionless one on Oma's face.

"He doesn't care about me anymore.."

Kokichi's eyes shut as he dwelled on that thought. His brother; his only family betrayed him; for humans, Ranraro put them first before Oma. The only family and friend Kokichi had, was gone.

Maybe this was Kokichi's fate: to die alone out here in the snowfall. Cold. Alone. Heartbroken.

"You said you'd protect me.. you promised.."

How Rantaro threw that promise he made so long ago away like trash. Just like how Kokichi felt; like trash tossed to the curb. He felt his fingers go numb from the cold, though frostbite wouldn't do much but be a nuisance right now. Maybe Kokichi would freeze up. It wasn't like he was wearing much besides the dress he took from Shuichi's closet. Maybe Kokichi could fall asleep forever in an icy chamber by himself; dreams to keep him company. It wasn't like he could die out here in the cold. Being an immortal being had its ups and downs that way.

"I'll just..."

Kokichi felt his body start to relax more, starting to just accept his fate of being stuck here.

".. be by myself..."

And he started to sink into darkness, falling asleep, but—

"Hey! Miss ! Are you okay?!"

"What the hell... Who's so loud ? Leave me alone.."

Kokichi thought about ignoring the sound, thinking he must've been hearing things. After all, who in the world would be stupid enough to climb such a steep and dangerous mountain? Nobody. Nobody should be up here.

But then, why did Kokichi suddenly feel such a warm touch to his cheek? His eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust to the semi-light that drifted through the snow and clouds, and behind it all was someone crouching down beside him. A man; he had spikey purple hair and was wearing a wooly brown cloak, and in his equally purple gaze, was the shine of concern directed for Kokichi.

"Oh thank god ! I thought you were dead.." the stranger undid his cloak and began to drape it over Kokichi's now even more frozen figure, a gentle pink ran through the vampire's cheeks, and a shimmer of light glimmered in Kokichi's eyes.

"Don't worry.. You're safe. You're not alone anymore.."

'•.¸¸.•´´¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯´´•.¸¸.•'

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now