𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊

539 35 16

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The next morning, Shuichi followed Rantaro outside to the courtyard, Shuichi glanced around the vampire to see the carriage being packed with their luggage by Kiyo.

"Our first trip together. It's exciting. I like to travel when I can..." Rantaro hummed, looking up at the cloudy sky darkened by winter clouds. He hardly ever got to leave the castle. Unless it was late into the year like now when the sun was hardly ever out. But even so, he felt his body tire.. and it wanted to do nothing but shut down and sleep. Usually he would be in his coffin, which was hidden deep inside his castle and where Rantaro would spend his vulnerable moments like this.

"Have you traveled to London before?" Shuichi asked and the other tiredly nodded.

"A few times. Our gatherings change location every now and again.. But I haven't been to London in years. I wonder how much it changed.." he ended it, muttering to himself in thought. Then smiled back and offered Shuichi to get in the carriage first. Though it was a bit of a hassle with the dress Shuichi was wearing, thanks to a dark deep blue gown he was wearing with a black headpiece with flowers and boots. But apprently this was a fancy gathering and it was important to look good. According to Kirumi anyway. So she had spent hours perfecting the perfect choice of clothing for Shuichi to wear.

 So she had spent hours perfecting the perfect choice of clothing for Shuichi to wear

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And when everyone was aboard, the carriage took off into the foggy grey sky. Then after awhile, it landed back to the ground and began to travel at normal pace. But they had taken such a far headstart via sky that by the time they reached the ground, Shuichi couldn't recognize any of the scenery around them. They were definitely further than he had traveled outside the village he grew up in. The were probably hundreds of miles away from it by now.

To say the ride was comfortable - actually, it was. Shuichi thought it would be a bit uncomfortable being so close to Rantaro alone in a small space, but honestly the vampire just slept the entire time- while Shuichi sat next to him while reading a book he brought so he had something to do besides mindlessly stare out the tiny little window of the carriage for hours.

But during one part of the long journey to London, Rantaro's head fell against Shuichi's shoulder, earning a quiet yelp of surprise from the latter. He peeked up from his book to see the other's peaceful resting face- so close to Shuichi's, good to mention.

For a moment, Shuichi didn't notice himself staring at the handsome face next to his, but eventually he snapped out of it. Sheesh, what was wrong with him? Staring at the other like a creep? Shuichi had to admit.. Rantaro was perhaps oddly handsome now that he was this close to him. Which was shocking considering Shuichi growing up as a child always imagined vampires as ghoulish looking creatures like the stories he was always told. But he guessed you really can't judge someone off of stories. Someone being vampires. Shuichi only hoped the ones they weee going to meet tonight were all as mannered and kind as Rantaro was around him.

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 Where stories live. Discover now