Trying Times

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Theme Song: Rihanna - Consideration

Alicia's P.O.V.

I lay in bed with my laptop looking at wedding dresses when I look up and see Genevieve. "Hey bae!!!", I exclaim as she climbs in bed and hugs me.

"Hey boo, how are you?", she says, looking at the laptop screen. "I'm good. A little tired, but I'm good. I'm looking at a few wedding details while Jacob is working.", I reply.

She grabs a notepad and a pen and her phone. "Well, I'd be honored to help!!!! Let's channel this wedding!!!", she says smiling. I notice that she's happier since she's been with Larry. She laughs more and he just brings out this glow whenever he's near her.

" are you and Mr. Bourgeois doing?", I asked, smirking.

"I'm so happy when I'm with him. He's so sweet and he just makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the world. We're also getting to know each other on a deeper level. He makes me open up more.", she says, blushing at the thought of him.

"Really? Like what?", I asked her, suddenly curious. She turned towards me and placed her notepad down.

"One day, I was playing with the twins, cradling them to sleep, and Larry caught me and asked me my view on children and what I like to have some one day...", she started.

"Mmhmm. Continue.", I said smiling, facing her.

I could tell by the look on her face that this was gonna be a long talk. "He noticed my change of mood when he mentioned kids. At first, I was scared to tell him, but he held me close, letting me know that it was okay...that I could tell him anything. Basically, I told him the tragic story of how I lost my first child that was killed by her jackass of a father.", she said as tears filled her eyes.

My heart dropped and immediately I felt so sorry for her. I hugged her close as she sobbed. "Oh Gene, why didn't you tell me?", I said as tears filled my own eyes.

" and Jacob are so happy. I didn't wanna be the dark cloud with all of my problems. It's bad enough that Jacob knows and basically gave me the job I have now. He took care of me when all I wanted to do was destroy myself. I didn't want anyone to worry about me.", she said, wiping her face.

I hugged her tightly, letting her know that I was there for her. "What's it like, Alicia? Having kids and seeing their beautiful faces every day?", she asked.

I took a moment to ponder her question in my mind. "It's a beautiful experience. One that you'll get to have again, I promise. Larry loves kids and I know he'll never hurt you as that jackass did. He'll come up missing if he does.", I said as we laughed.

Suddenly, we heard the babies' small cries through the close-by monitor. "Wanna help me with the twinsies?", I asked, giving her a bright smile. A sparkle came through her eyes as a smile spread across her face. "Sure! I'd love to!", she said as we both hopped out of bed and went into the nursery.

Naomi's P.O.V.

Lately, Andre has been acting very distant. We haven't even been intimate lately. I pray it's not what I think it is. Every time I try to talk to him, we end up arguing and he ends up leaving for hours at a time. As I lay in bed, I hear the shower run, indicating that Andre is in there. Suddenly, I hear a text notification come through his phone. What I saw was enough to make me see red.

I have endured a lot in this marriage, but one thing I REFUSE to deal with is a bastard that cheats

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I have endured a lot in this marriage, but one thing I REFUSE to deal with is a bastard that cheats. But soon he will be taught a lesson he will NEVER forget. He thinks he knows me. He doesn't have a fucking clue of the danger he is in.

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